Author Topic: CHAOS at war!  (Read 6372 times)

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Re: CHAOS at war!
« Reply #30 on: November 06, 2012, 03:58:46 am »
  “Get the skull, Mortemer!”  The small, white and brown Corgi rushed off and grabbed a hollowed out skull from a nearby crate, returning and dropping it at his master’s feet.  “Good boy, Mortemer!”  He crooned.  “Now, get my rum!”  Mortemer soon returned, dragging a nearly full bottle of fine rum.   Boss Awesome snatched up the rum and filled the skull to the brim.  “Good boy!”  He said, after taking a long swig.


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Re: CHAOS at war!
« Reply #31 on: November 12, 2012, 04:27:12 am »
So, this war thing is now really moving.

We give our lives to fight for our faction. We give our lives to our faction. We have no lives left to fight.

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Re: CHAOS at war!
« Reply #32 on: November 12, 2012, 04:36:58 am »
But heresy grows from idleness! D:

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Re: CHAOS at war!
« Reply #33 on: November 12, 2012, 01:54:32 pm »
Nerf fog.

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Re: CHAOS at war!
« Reply #34 on: November 12, 2012, 01:57:26 pm »
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Re: CHAOS at war!
« Reply #35 on: November 13, 2012, 01:48:08 am »

Soundtrack for the next three posts, listen as you read.

Most people think the siege of New Tibault Castle began when the forces of Chaos first crashed against its walls, but these things always start small.


Dach raised his hand up abruptly, signaling his scouting party to stop.  They dropped to a knee in unison, taking cover in the forest's dense undergrowth.  Sporadic sun rays cut through the dew covered trees, lighting the area in a warm glow.  There was no sound and that wasn't right.  Dach faithfully hunted in the forests near New Tibault Castle and such a beautiful morning should be alive with sound.  But there was no sound.  He raised his crossbow, and picked out a shadow amidst the greenery.   He fired with a crack that sliced through the silence like a siege engine.  For a few seconds there was nothing.  Then, an overwhelming tide of similar cracks followed in a staccato rhythm. 

“Back!”  Dach yelled, moving away from the missile fire in a low running crouch.  His men moved with him, using the terrain as armor against the whistling crossbow bolts.  In one fluid motion, Dach drew his glaive from its back harness and swung it upward, gutting a white-lamellar armored soldier from groin to jaw.  He braced his foot against the spasming corpse and wrenched his glaive free.  A green heraldic badge was pinned to the enemy soldier's shoulder.  “Chaos.”  Dach muttered. 

The metallic clanging of blades echoed all around him, but it was hard to tell just what was going on in between the vines, bushes, and trees of the thick forest.  Dach crashed through the undergrowth and beheaded another one the Chaos soldiers.  They were surrounded.  He could tell by listening to the sounds of the fighting.  And the sound was already beginning to die down.


New Tibault Castle sat proudly on top of New Tibault Mountain, adorned in the orange scorpion banners of the Fallen Brigade.  Boss Awesome stared at it longingly, from in between the trees on the edge of the nearby forest.  Only 10 miles away, it seemed like a million.  He could make out the Chaos encampment another few miles past the mountain.  It was now or never.  Boss Awesome had an unobstructed route to the castle that desperately needed his resupply caravan.   The enemy was close.  He had heard the sounds of fighting in the forest, to the north of his position. 

“Good luck, Dach.”  Boss Awesome said, with quiet reverence.  “Your sacrifice will be remembered.”  He stepped out of the forest into the rolling, green meadow beyond.  “Company!”  Boss Awesome yelled, raising his scorpion standard.  “Quick march!” 


Dach ran at full speed, occasionally leaping at an angle to dodge trees that seemed to jump into his path.  Crossbow bolts thudded against the trees around him and whistled past his head.  The fight was lost.  His soldiers were all dead.  Or at least they would be, he thought.  Dach was an officer in the Fallen Brigade.  His life mattered.  Dach's men knew this, and would fight to the last to buy him time to escape.  He smiled, as signs of pursuit faded.  Dach was a fast runner.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 02:05:53 am by Boss_Awesome »

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Re: CHAOS at war!
« Reply #36 on: November 13, 2012, 01:51:10 am »

Half way there.  Boss Awesome, smiled, wiping the sweat from his brow as he jogged alongside a column of pack animals, porters, and brigade soldiers.  They were making good time. 

“Mortemer!”  He called out to the Fallen Brigade's brown and white battle corgi, running at his side.  “Speed em up!”  Mortemer began racing around biting at the heals of the porters and horses.  “Show them that you mean it!”  Mortemer lept into the air, tearing apart the throat of one unfortunately slow equipment porter.  The rest of the column significantly increased their speed.


“Someone's heading toward the castle!”  A lookout yelled, from the New Tadsamesh watch tower.  Shik shot to her feet, running through the muddy streets to the edge of the village.  A caravan was heading toward the besieged castle.  The Chaos troops were oblivious to it, so intent on their building their siege engines and preparing for the coming attack.  They were foolish.  New Tibault Castle was a mountain fortress, perhaps the strongest fortification ever built.  This wouldn't be a standard waving glory siege.  Trumpeters wouldn't play for this fight.  It was a fight that would have to be won over time.  But that wouldn't work if they simply let the enemy resupply. 

“Hero Party soldiers!”  Shik yelled, raising her bow above her head.  “Get your shit and lets get moving.  We are gonna catch those fucks!”


Boss Awesome felt fear.  He also felt exhaustion, and pain, and a lot of other things.  But fear foremost.  A large force of heavily armed Hero Party soldiers had charged out of New Tadsamesh and were moving to intercept.  He noticed looks of despair on the men and women around him.

“We can make still make it!”  Boss Awesome yelled, pushing his body to the limit.  “Fifteen minutes to arrow cover!”  He watched the enemy formation to his left with dread.  They were coming in at an angle to cut him off from the castle.  Boss Awesome identified the features of Shik running at the front of pursuing army.  She looked fucking insane, screaming her head off.  It was going to be close.


Rage.  Shik felt rage.  It encompassed every fiber of her being, except her judgment.  She knew what she had to do.  “Halt!”  Shik screamed, her command echoed by the army's drums and bugles.  The army drew to a halt with expert discipline. 

“What is it, mi'lady?” A nearby lieutenant questioned.  “We do we stop?  We almost had them.”  Shik raised her hand to silence him and stood still, waiting.  A massive cloud of arrows peppered the ground, thirty feet in front of Shik, with the sound of a thousand snare drummers going mad on deep forest mushrooms. 

“Maximum arrow range in thirty feet.”  Shik replied.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 03:42:02 am by Boss_Awesome »

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Re: CHAOS at war!
« Reply #37 on: November 13, 2012, 01:51:52 am »

Waiting was hell.  The last ten hours had been hell.  Boss Awesome stood on the ramparts of New Tibault Castle with his bow at the ready, along thousands of other archers.  Shik's force had fallen back and an army of Chaos troops was forming up outside of arrow range.  They had been waiting for nightfall, and the darkness had descended.  He assumed it was an attempt to nullify the defender's range advantage but as he pondered that an intense white fog bank began to roll in.  “Fuck.”  He said to no one in particular. 

“They're moving!”  The lookout above the gatehouse shouted.  “Here they come!”  Boss Awesome peered into the dense fog.  He thought he could make out the glimpse of a shadow, for the briefest moment.  Boss Awesome calculated the vector of the shadow and launched an arrow, the first arrow of the battle.  A form emerged from the fog to be struck straight in the head.  The figured fell over backwards, flailing about in a mass of long dark hair.  “Shik!”  He exclaimed with excited disbelief.  “That's gonna leave a scar.” 


Ramses surveyed the battlefield from atop the gatehouse.  A cluster of messengers crowded around him, carrying his orders to the castle defenders. 

“Get more men to the east flank!”  He yelled, motioning to a runner.  “We need to keep those ladders down.”  The runner took off at a sprint.  “You!”  He shouted to another messenger.  “We need more archers covering the breach in the west wall.  That's the weak point!”  So much carnage.  Ramses ducked out of the way as a crossbow bolt whistled past his head, striking one of his messengers in the eye.  The man slumped to the ground, killed instantly.  Ramses smiled, close one, he thought.

 The Chaos army had hit the walls an hour ago and his men had rained bloody fucking death on them with arrows.  They had hit the walls at every possible angle with ladders, but the Coalition men were ready.  They dropped ladders almost as fast as the Chaos army could put them up, sometimes making the ultimate sacrifice in order to do so.  Many Chaos troops fell to their death at New Tibault Castle.  Chaos forces had made to the walls many times during the siege but never in great number.  The biggest danger was the breach.  A Chaos catapult had smashed the west wall reducing it to a massive pile of rubble and their troops had begun scaling the damaged wall section.  They never had a chance.  Massed archers picked them off with hail after hail of arrows.  It was a fucking duck hunt, or turkey shoot, or whatever other funny name you could apply to a massacre. 


Trumpets and drums signaled the retreat.  The Chaos army fell back from New Tibault Castle and down New Tibault Mountain.  The survivors were covered with arrows and everyone was wounded, without exception.  Shik stared at the castle with undisguised hatred, a bandage wrapped around her head where an arrow had taken out a piece of her scalp. 

“You guys can have the fucking castle!”  She screamed.  “I'm going to attack Chaos!”  Did she mean it?  Well, only Shik knows that. 
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 03:46:06 am by Boss_Awesome »

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Re: CHAOS at war!
« Reply #38 on: November 13, 2012, 02:34:44 am »
bloody fucking death on new tilbaut m8s.  inc diplodongapus story of my own when i feel the creative juices flowing
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Ten shots of prayers, ten shots a day
A shot of thrill to hide the pain.
They can`t win, they just don`t cry,
The troopers know they live to die.

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Re: CHAOS at war!
« Reply #39 on: November 13, 2012, 03:10:30 am »

Beeper gets shot in the face.


Beeper gets shot in the face.


Beeper falls to her death.


Beeper gets shot in the face.


Beeper gets lost in the fog, shot in the face.


Beeper falls to her death


Beeper falls to her death.


Beeper gets shot in the face.


Chaos retreats and makes POTAT O SALAD!!!!

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Re: CHAOS at war!
« Reply #40 on: November 13, 2012, 03:03:10 pm »
Sounds like this was quite the battle, sad I missed it. Can anyone post the results?
For while the fire in the heart of a single Remnant still burns... can Stratia truly have fallen?

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Re: CHAOS at war!
« Reply #41 on: November 13, 2012, 04:27:45 pm »

When: 11/12 06:21 AM until 07:28 AM

Server: NA_cRPG_3


253 survivors

948 of 1201 killed

commanded by


The Coalition

5262 survivors

524 of 5786 killed


New Tilbaut Castle

« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 04:31:11 pm by Keshian »  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

"[Strat 5]... war game my ass, tis more like a popularity contest"  Plumbo

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Re: CHAOS at war!
« Reply #42 on: November 13, 2012, 05:54:48 pm »
Muchas gracias! I did not participate so I could not find the link.
For while the fire in the heart of a single Remnant still burns... can Stratia truly have fallen?

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Re: CHAOS at war!
« Reply #43 on: November 13, 2012, 11:14:11 pm »
You can always sign up for the next one Dynamike, we'd appreciate it ^^!?page=battleroster&id=1388

With no fog this time, things should be much better for our poor archers and men on the walls.
I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
Death is a fun way to pass the time though, several little bullets moving in staccato.
The terror of my reign will live on in infamy, singing when they die like a dead man's symphony.

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Re: CHAOS at war!
« Reply #44 on: November 14, 2012, 01:11:09 am »
With no fog this time
With no fog this time
With no fog this time

YOU'VE JINXED US ALL! Just watch, fog out of nowhere!