We have nothing against the CFA as a whole, we are fighting purely Wolves clan (unless CFA is another name for Wolves clan)
I have nothing against the Knight who says Ni, i am very fond of Noblebeast, but can't stand Cum anymore, who is in my opinion a backstabbing deal changing lying scumback to make this now perfectly clear.
I answered your challange and upgraded it, you can take that or leave it, if you attack a CFA fief, which ever one that may be, you trigger the complete
alliance and their Defense Pacts, that is the way it works
EDIT: as long you don't attack CFA fiefs, this would purely be a Wolves vs Knight who says Ni battle for fun&honor. If you want to make more out of it ... bring it on.
on the 5.4.13, 1 month from now 1.6k army, outfitted in anyway every factions pleases. I expect waiting around Dirhirm for a battle worth all this shit, also as you threatened so many times with war and tried to get us backstabbed, i cancle our NAP and you are now seen as "unsure".
If we win this battle i expect you to stfu, if you win this battle, you can have another one, a month later in the same manner as the first. This shouldn't overstretch your ressources and we can continue as long as you are not satisfied.
These are the terms and they are final.