Author Topic: A good weapon to Loom.. a good build for practice?  (Read 3057 times)

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A good weapon to Loom.. a good build for practice?
« on: October 20, 2012, 03:53:34 pm »
Hello there, so I am starting up again after 6 months hiaitus, and I have gone for a 1h shield build from the 'solid builds' sticky.

I was thinking about going back into my 2h phase when I retire for the 1st loom point, and was thinking if the Highland Claymore is worth the loom point. I like its speed and swing damage, however, I'd need practice, this seems the best sword which is higher up to do so when I hit 16 strength.

Please, any tips,  pointers or thoughts, criticism will be taken well, I just need to get back into this game, unfortunately, I am not very good :)

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Re: A good weapon to Loom.. a good build for practice?
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2012, 04:08:57 pm »
Lots of cavalry and ranged these days. I would choose 1h with build
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Re: A good weapon to Loom.. a good build for practice?
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2012, 04:10:45 pm »
Lots of cavalry and ranged these days. I would choose 1h with build
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as it is fun on any kind of map or any kind of classes around of you.

I was thinking of using this one! Thank you!

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Re: A good weapon to Loom.. a good build for practice?
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2012, 12:31:36 am »
I think the one hander is good except maybe instead of riding use throwing, 4 throwing, 100 wpf in throwing and the rest in one hand. That way if people and archers run you toss a heavy throwing axe into their back. Or if a horse charges you throw one at their face to flip the rider off.

For a two hander I am not sure there are so many builds maybe 24 str with 18 ath. Good ps and if without being too slow.

For the loom I hear quite a few people swear by the longsword. Good damage and loomed it is even stronger and really fast too.
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Re: A good weapon to Loom.. a good build for practice?
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2012, 09:59:42 am »
Dont loom yet. Either sell your loom point now or save it and try to trade two loom points and some gold (very little) for a tree times hierloomed item.

Also you can always borrow some weapons from our armoury. Riddaren has his Masterwork Knightly Aimingsword there right now.

(Mirdan: you are a a templar, right?)

EDIT: I lend you Riddaren's MW KAS. Return it if you aren't going to use it. It is the next best 1h sword in my opinion :D

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Re: A good weapon to Loom.. a good build for practice?
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2012, 07:24:04 pm »
Dont loom yet. Either sell your loom point now or save it and try to trade two loom points and some gold (very little) for a tree times hierloomed item.

Also you can always borrow some weapons from our armoury. Riddaren has his Masterwork Knightly Aimingsword there right now.

(Mirdan: you are a a templar, right?)

EDIT: I lend you Riddaren's MW KAS. Return it if you aren't going to use it. It is the next best 1h sword in my opinion :D

Cheers Byrdi! Just getting back to grips with the game, yes, I am one of the Templars too! :)

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Re: A good weapon to Loom.. a good build for practice?
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2012, 01:23:55 am »
two handed sword is best 2h
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Re: A good weapon to Loom.. a good build for practice?
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2012, 05:41:38 am »
I like to play xbow 2h now and I wish I would have started it earlier.
As others have said, save loom points, it's much more economical for you later on and gives you more time to grasp what direction you're going to want to take your play style.
If you are short on cash and wish you had more money, sell your first loom and make a decent chunk and gear up.
Good luck in game and see you on the battlefield.

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Re: A good weapon to Loom.. a good build for practice?
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2012, 11:47:57 am »
24/15 and 18/21 will always be solid 2H builds.

24/15: 8 IF   -   8 PS   -   5 athletics   -   2 Shield(?)

18/21: 3 IF   -   6 PS   -   7 athletics   -   7 Weaponmaster

18/21: 6 IF   -   6 PS   -   7 athletics   -   4 Shield(?)

Weapon master is best at 0 or at max, since it scales up at higher ranks.  The higher agi build gets more use out of it, but you can just as well put ironflesh to 6 and have 4 points to put into shield or whatever else you desire.  You can still use a shield with a 2H, just for gaining ground against archers, but there are always the 1 1/2 swords like the Two Handed / Bastard / Heavy Bastard / Longsword, which will act as a 1h in a pinch. 

Genric mentioned throwing, which is absolutely viable.  Just cut your ironflesh, or convert less.  A completely balanced build, i.e. 18/18 is very powerful, as skills are more powerful than stats.  Stats just allow you to raise skills to a greater extreme.  You'll hit hard enough, you'll move fast enough, and you'll have 4 skills maxed at 6, and another at 5.  5 IF, 6 PS, 6 athletics, 6 Shield or Throwing, 6 Weaponmaster.  You'll have 135ish 2H, and still have 100 wpf for throwing.

Stick to your gut feeling though, the claymore is awesome.  The shield is just nice to have as an option.  24/15 Claymore warrior, you'll have a great time.  If you realize you want the option to use ranged, crossbow demands 0 sacrifice towards your build - just gold and optional wpf (which I'd also recommend 100)
« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 11:58:02 am by Uumdi »
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Re: A good weapon to Loom.. a good build for practice?
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2012, 03:06:18 pm »
As other people have mentioned: Don't use your first loompoint yourself. Selling it and buying a loom you want will also get you some gold. Just check the marketplace if there's anyone selling something you would be interested in.

On to looming yourself:
The best thing to start with would be your weapon. But what if you end up not liking the weapon, changing class or anything like that? Unless you are absolutely sure you're gonna stick with that weapon (and 1 generation is not enough for that) or that you can easily trade the weapon, then you are usually better off looming some armour. Armour is the same regardless of weapon class. Personally, I would loom some hand armour. You get the same armour bonus on hand armour as you get on body armour, except that you don't get the bonus to leg armour.

Leg armour being really cheap (and also only important for cavalry), means that you can switch body armour as often as you like. Not sure if you want some heavy armour, medium armour or light armour? Doesn't matter, you can always use the gloves. My suggestion would be the mail mittens or the mail gloves as they are the best for their price.

When you got your hand armour to +3 you will probably know what weapons you like. Just remember to try out what you think you will like. Also picking up weapons on the ground is a great way to find new and interesting items. That's how I first tried the Halberd and it was love at first sight. Just feel free to experiment.

I will also suggest making an STF character that's 18/18 6 PS, Athl, WM, Riding and 5 Shield. 100 wpf in 1h, 2h and polearm.
I call it "The Looter".
Spawn with some medium/light armour and a cheap weapon, then pick new weapons up after you or your allies kill enemies. Great way to test out new weapons. You also never know what class you will end up as that round. Maybe you find a mace and shield. Maybe a pike, maybe a bill, "What's that? A riderless horse? Time to go riding!" This is probably the most fun char I've ever had and I suggest you try it yourself. Great fun and you learn a lot about the different weapons.
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Offline Mirdan

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Re: A good weapon to Loom.. a good build for practice?
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2012, 04:32:49 pm »
I will also suggest making an STF character that's 18/18 6 PS, Athl, WM, Riding and 5 Shield. 100 wpf in 1h, 2h and polearm.
I call it "The Looter".
Spawn with some medium/light armour and a cheap weapon, then pick new weapons up after you or your allies kill enemies. Great way to test out new weapons. You also never know what class you will end up as that round. Maybe you find a mace and shield. Maybe a pike, maybe a bill, "What's that? A riderless horse? Time to go riding!" This is probably the most fun char I've ever had and I suggest you try it yourself. Great fun and you learn a lot about the different weapons.
This all sounds incredibly enticing.

Thank you all for your suggestions on this post! Especially the 2H stuff, I think for now I will stick with my 1h shield build until I retire for the first time, just to get used to the block and hack technique.
I will be going 2h, but I shall save my loom point, seems a smart move.