Author Topic: Star Citizen  (Read 159070 times)

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #645 on: February 14, 2015, 04:59:11 pm »
This game isn't about being skillful as much as its about saying things in general chat that enrage people who then go to murder you but in their rage they make dumb mistakes which gets them killed.
In memory of Jarlek_zeh_Blue, ruler of Ilvia

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #646 on: February 14, 2015, 09:25:30 pm »
They finally confirmed that Star Citizen will indeed be light P2W game, where you'll be able to earn gear by playing but only for limited time.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #647 on: February 14, 2015, 09:46:56 pm »
They finally confirmed that Star Citizen will indeed be light P2W game, where you'll be able to earn gear by playing but only for limited time.

So all non real cash gear is time limited?

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #648 on: February 14, 2015, 09:54:33 pm »
Seems so. This should be testing bed for "real" game but they got a taste of money and can't let it go. Therefore, I'm certain this will be the first truly popular game where, despite protests from loud minority, people will embrace the idea of P2W as something perfectly "normal" and desirable. They have the critical mass of die hard fanboys to pull that off, Just look what happened to Apple with iPhone, CIG is missing quality product but if they deliver no one will ask question why game is designed to be a chore unless you pop up real cash.

cRPG has some aspects of this system but they don't have shortcuts unlocked with real cash (unless we count black market as such).

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #649 on: February 14, 2015, 10:00:03 pm »
Yeah that's not light pay2win, that's just absurd. I remember the shittiest P2W F2P games from Asia doing that and I seriously despised it.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #650 on: February 14, 2015, 10:37:17 pm »
It is light P2W, because full retard P2W is when you have no other way to obtain certain items (that have effect on gameplay)  without paying with real money.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #651 on: February 14, 2015, 11:27:50 pm »
They finally confirmed that Star Citizen will indeed be light P2W game, where you'll be able to earn gear by playing but only for limited time.

I'm sorry, where did they confirm this?

Or are we just making assumptions?

I've noticed an increasing trend of tin foil hattery in this subforum, its truly disappointing.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2015, 11:36:06 pm by Voso »
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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #652 on: February 15, 2015, 12:41:16 am »
Averaged at 1800 REC per hour. Please note that this currently represents ‘back of the envelope’ thinking; actual balance will likely alter significantly after the system launches and we determine how players use the system. But the goal remains to create a system that makes renting additional equipment a fun challenge rather than an impossible chore.

    Ship Cost: at 10% UEC, F7C rents for 14,000 REC. (7.7hr)
    Weapon Cost: at 10% UEC, M4A rents for 800 REC. (26.6min)
    Renewal Discount: at 20%, F7C renews for 11200 REC. (6.2hr)
    Real Time Rented: 1 week.
    Payout Pot (Per Game Mode): 10k for full Squad Battle, split 70-30.


Game Modes that Yield REC
    Squadron Battle
    Battle Royale
    New Horizons Raceway
    Capture the Core


Examples: (20% reduction in price if you are renewing)
    9-series Longsword: 4,000 UEC; 400 REC. (320 REC renewal)
    M4A Laser Cannon: 8,000 UEC; 800 REC. (640 REC renewal)
    Hornet F7C: 140,000 UEC; 14,000 REC. (11,200 REC renewal)
    Redeemer: 250,000 UEC; 25,000 REC. (20,000 REC renewal)

Seems reasonable to me, 2-3 days of light gaming to unlock a hornet, you then have it for a week, 2 days to renew it for another week.
(assumed 2-3 hours of gaming a day)

Also the timer only goes down with playtime. (Not sure they'll count the hours, but if you logged in on a particular day)
« Last Edit: February 15, 2015, 12:44:55 am by Senni__Ti »

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #653 on: February 15, 2015, 12:56:17 am »
They finally confirmed that Star Citizen will indeed be light P2W game, where you'll be able to earn gear by playing but only for limited time.
No, they didn't, you retard. They've "confirmed" no such thing. Letting people have ships and guns for free in an alpha dogfighting module based on the time they play isn't "p2w" in any conceivable way.
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Offline Leshma

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #654 on: February 15, 2015, 12:58:48 am »
I'm sorry, where did they confirm this?

Or are we just making assumptions?

I've noticed an increasing trend of tin foil hattery in this subforum, its truly disappointing.

As someone who's been following Star Citizen since Roberts shown demo reel at GDC 2012 and later during Kickstarter campaign and their crowdfunding campaign that is still going on, must say I am displeased with the way they are acting. Simply put, money corrupted them and they can't see past it. Sole reason why they did this and are trying to back it up is fear money will stop coming as fast as it is. This leads me to believe they will not be able to change that when game release, because money will come in even bigger quantities. They will not be able to say, ok we stop with ship pledging and credits you can buy with real cash will be limited. They'll break that promise.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #655 on: February 15, 2015, 01:01:55 am »
No, they didn't, you retard. They've "confirmed" no such thing. Letting people have ships and guns for free in an alpha dogfighting module based on the time they play isn't "p2w" in any conceivable way.

Xant, you've been following this game for less than a year when you've seen hype train around it. You literally know nothing about this game development. I'm following it on daily basis for two years and a half, I'm qualified enough to notice certain behavior they are showing and it is going to only get worse.

This will be the first highly praised P2W game, just because there is crazy high amount of people like you, blind sheep who eat everything Roberts and his marketing teams serve them.

Also this part:
No, they didn't, you retard. They've "confirmed" no such thing. Letting people have ships and guns for free in an alpha dogfighting module based on the time they play isn't "p2w" in any conceivable way.
means you are either trolling me (high chances for that) or your mind has been clouded. This game was supposed to be buy to play like Guild Wars. Everything is supposed to be for free in it. Ship pledging is there to help the development but I guess somewhere between 10 and 72 million it lost original purpose and became something "normal". People who expect to be able to buy things for ingame credits are obviously poor, jobless, ungrateful cunts.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2015, 01:06:30 am by Leshma »

Offline Xant

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #656 on: February 15, 2015, 01:02:55 am »
As someone who's been following Star Citizen since Roberts shown demo reel at GDC 2012 and later during Kickstarter campaign and their crowdfunding campaign that is still going on, must say I am displeased with the way they are acting. Simply put, money corrupted them and they can't see past it. Sole reason why they did this and are trying to back it up is fear money will stop coming as fast as it is. This leads me to believe they will not be able to change that when game release, because money will come in even bigger quantities. They will not be able to say, ok we stop with ship pledging and credits you can buy with real cash will be limited. They'll break that promise.
You're literally spewing bullshit out of your ass. Your posts make as much sense as saying "chris roberts like puppies game is p2w"

Xant, you've been following this game for less than a year when you've seen hype train around it. You literally know nothing about this game development. I'm following it on daily basis for two years and a half, I'm qualified enough to notice certain behavior they are showing and it is going to only get worse.

This will be the first highly praised P2W game, just because there is crazy high amount of people like you, blind sheep who eat everything Roberts and his marketing teams serve them.
It hardly matters how long you've been following something Leshma, you'd still know nothing about it. You're literally not qualified to notice anything.

For example, all you keep saying is OMG P2W I NOTICE THE TREND!!!!!

So what exactly is P2W about it? That's what you've somehow failed to mention.
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in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

Offline Xant

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #657 on: February 15, 2015, 01:07:38 am »
This game was supposed to be buy to play like Guild Wars. Everything is supposed to be for free in it. Ship pledging is there to help the development but I guess somewhere between 10 and 72 million it lost original purpose and became something "normal". People who expect to be able to buy things for ingame credits are obviously poor, jobless, ungrateful cunts.
So much for you "following game development." What a surprise that you turned out to be wrong. Everything in the game WILL be free.
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in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

Offline Leshma

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #658 on: February 15, 2015, 01:08:18 am »
You know Xant, because of people who think the way you are trying to make us think you actually do, I really want to see this project bomb even though I'm waiting for similar game for decades and invested myself. You deserve Roberts to run with his money and never go past drone sim stage.

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Re: Star Citizen
« Reply #659 on: February 15, 2015, 01:10:44 am »
You know Xant, because of people who think the way you are trying to make us think you actually do, I really want to see this project bomb even though I'm waiting for similar game for decades and invested myself. You deserve Roberts to run with his money and never go past drone sim stage.
You still haven't said how the game is p2w or how Roberts has went back on his word. #shocked

Vibe: gear in the real game won't be time-limited, gear in Arena Commander during alpha/beta will be time-limited. They never said you'd get to fly ships you didn't pledge for during AC alpha. They've only made things better by letting people get stuff for free.
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.