lmao, a CitizenCon? should rename it Citizens Conned
watching ppl try to defend their own weak-minded gullibility over star conflict was hilarious at first, but is becoming increasingly pathetic and embarrassing.
are you even able to get your money back for these fake ships? or did you agree to some ALL "DONATIONS" ARE FINAL clause when you bought the deed to some luxury space sedan that you'll be able to pilot with your internet buddies just any day now..
"No crowdfunding monies are used for any private purposes - these allegations are completely false and defamatory," Roberts stated. "This is pure innuendo for nefarious purposes and I guarantee that anyone making this claim will be unable to show any proof of it as it simply hasn't happened. Ever since Wing Commander came out I've been lucky enough to be financially independent, driven nice cars and lived in nice houses. That's due to money earned through royalties, the sale of Origin to Electronic Arts, Digital Anvil to Microsoft and prudent investing. So why are people making a deal about me having these things now? I also find the continued attack on Sandi fairly alarming. Why is she being singled out? Because she's my wife? A woman? Yes, she's also an actress and there's nothing wrong with her also engaging in one of her passions after hours or outside of work. We let employees play games of D&D in our conference room in the evenings or weekends."
lmao, his wife is spending all your money