there is ... but not in english
just search for Prinz Eugen. but hey, ive found the translation
1. Prince Eugene, the Noble Knight, in order to reconquer to the Emperor the City and the Fortress of Belgrade, order to build a bridge to enter in te City with the army .
2. When the Bridge was over, to cross over with carriage and guns, near Semlin they found the turkish camp and all they soldier that had to be shoot, they derided and mocked us.
3. The 21 August, in the Strom and in the rain, a spy came he swore to the Prince the Turks were ling up, as he could understand three times one hundred thousand men.
4. Prince Eugene, after these words, met his Staff together his General and his Feldmarschall. He told them to move their soldiers and to attack the enemy.
5. He ordered to count the twelve tolls of the Midnight; then all had to mount their horses to fight against the enemy if they had so numerous.
6. Immediately they were on their horses, with their swods in the hand, silent, silent ountside the entrenchment, fusiliers an cavalrymen all fought brave: this was reall a great nice dance
7. You, artillerymen, from the trench accompany this dance with a Music of great and little cartridges over the Turks, against that pagans, to clear the way.
8. Prince Eugene was right, he fought like a Lion, like the General and the Feldmarschall. Prince Ludwig, riding up and down: "Hold, brave, you, german brothers, attack the enemy with courage!"
9. Prince Ludwig, destined to give back his soul and his young life, was hit by lead. Prince Eugen was greately sorry,since he loved him. He let to brought him in Peterwardein..