I'll make it quick. Take a look at Nebun, he got performance 7 (1 more than Genzel) and managed to get the awesome amount of 1 kill
. Genzel is a friend of a Merc, he is helping us in strategus, but he isn't even in our Crpg ladder. Since he is helping us only on the strat map and moreover is no Mercenary, he is free to do whatever he wants, including fighting for any side he gets hired by. And if you think that he must be awesome because he is in the Merc Strat faction, well, I'm glad to see it since this is what we want to be and i would be very disappointed seeing a Merc member doing a K/D like this, but he is no Merc. And man, why do you hire someone from the faction you attack? KMC is applying for our rosters all the time and the only reason for me to accept him would be to kick him out of the roster 1 minute before the battle starts.
http://c-rpg.net/index.php?page=battlesparticipated#!?page=battleroster&id=211Chase made 1:4 although he got 7 performance, i think he is trying so sabotage you
Ps: you managed to kill 27 of us while hiring 26 people, there's no communism here, kills aren't spread equally!