
Should mercs get paid if their team won?

Yes. A contract is a contract
18 (48.6%)
No. I like to evaluate their performance, and by that I mean I'm greedy
18 (48.6%)
Other, I'll explain below
1 (2.7%)

Total Members Voted: 37

Author Topic: Sellswords in Strat  (Read 2037 times)

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Offline KC_ascanet

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Sellswords in Strat
« on: September 24, 2012, 10:09:49 pm »
So yesterday I fought in a battle asking for 1k gold (I didn't realize it was strat gold at the time, oops).

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After we won the fight, I noticed they weren't required to pay me. So what gives?

Either clarify you're entering into an agreement that you probably won't make money on (and also clarify it's strat gold), or just do away with it altogether.

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« Last Edit: September 24, 2012, 11:22:33 pm by KC_ascanet »

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Re: Sellswords in Strat
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2012, 10:24:04 pm »
In 99% of all cases you won't get gold. After all you are joining a battle for fun and experience. The battle leader might decide to give people some gold, but he is of course not forced to do so.

This doesn't have to be removed or changed.
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Re: Sellswords in Strat
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2012, 10:25:39 pm »
shouldnt be able to hire them if you dont have gold to pay.  This is also why money needs to be a little looser in Strat 4, so mercenaries are a real occurrence.

Do you buy or upgrade your gear, get more horses or hire GOOD mercs?

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Re: Sellswords in Strat
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2012, 10:26:08 pm »
Well I think it is probably good the way it is. I mean it suck they didn't pay you but at the same time it does allow for a bit of realism I suppose. If someone backs out on your contracted rate, you let everyone know and other mercs/sellswords won't be willing to work for them. At the same time, the people who day pay you appropriately, you would work for again most likely.
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Offline KC_ascanet

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Re: Sellswords in Strat
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2012, 10:29:14 pm »
In 99% of all cases you won't get gold. After all you are joining a battle for fun and experience. The battle leader might decide to give people some gold, but he is of course not forced to do so.

This doesn't have to be removed or changed.

You are stating the facts.

Fact 1: In 99% of all cases you won't get gold.
Fact 2: The battle leader might decide to give people some gold, but he is of course not forced to do so.

Am I joining the battle for fun and experience? I don't believe anyone can decide if it's fun and rewarding for me except myself.

I would like to see the facts change so that we can increase the number of sellswords applying to fight in battles. I think in order for true mercs to take this mod seriously they first need a guarantee from their client

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Re: Sellswords in Strat
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2012, 10:34:57 pm »
Well I think it is probably good the way it is. I mean it suck they didn't pay you but at the same time it does allow for a bit of realism I suppose. If someone backs out on your contracted rate, you let everyone know and other mercs/sellswords won't be willing to work for them. At the same time, the people who day pay you appropriately, you would work for again most likely.

I was just testing the system really. I can't say I agree with your assessment of the realism because currently the client can back out of the agreement before the fight by retracting the application. The merc can choose to reapply without pay if they really want to fight.

Currently, there is little incentive to follow through on the deal
« Last Edit: September 24, 2012, 10:39:16 pm by KC_ascanet »

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Re: Sellswords in Strat
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2012, 10:39:09 pm »
You need to negotiate merc rates beforehand if you want to get paid. Some clans do need dedicated and exclusive mercs, and would be willing to work out a contract.

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Re: Sellswords in Strat
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2012, 10:40:53 pm »
I was just testing the system, which is more time than most people would invest trying to figure strat battles out.

I don't really agree with your assessment of the realism because currently the client can back out of the agreement before the fight by retracting the application. The merc can choose to reapply without pay if they really want to fight.

Currently, there is little incentive to follow through on the deal

This system has been in place since Strategus 1, and I really don't see a problem with it. Most merc agreements are organized on a clan level, and only the best independent players would ever hope to make any money for a strat battle, and becoming enemies with good players by not paying them is never a good idea.

That being said, with this new banking system you might see people refuse to merc without at least some sort of payment, but it would take a lot of people since there are a lot of people willing to fight for free just for the experience.
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Offline KC_ascanet

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Re: Sellswords in Strat
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2012, 10:47:41 pm »
You need to negotiate merc rates beforehand if you want to get paid. Some clans do need dedicated and exclusive mercs, and would be willing to work out a contract.

But why can't that feature be built into the system?

You are saying I need to get in the hot tub with the leaders of the real shit, show them they need my help, and negotiate pay for every battle? That's a lot to ask. What about just submitting a contract request with a negotiable pay rate from cRPG website

This system has been in place since Strategus 1, and I really don't see a problem with it. Most merc agreements are organized on a clan level, and only the best independent players would ever hope to make any money for a strat battle, and becoming enemies with good players by not paying them is never a good idea.

That being said, with this new banking system you might see people refuse to merc without at least some sort of payment, but it would take a lot of people since there are a lot of people willing to fight for free just for the experience.

So many changes have been made both to the UI and gameplay since Strategus 1, why can't the pay request feature be improved upon like the rest? I am sorry I am not making things clearer for you, but the system gives little incentive to join a fight as a free company

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Re: Sellswords in Strat
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2012, 10:56:41 pm »
But why can't that feature be built into the system?

You are saying I need to get in the hot tub with the leaders of the real shit, show them they need my help, and negotiate pay for every battle? That's a lot to ask. What about just submitting a contract request with a negotiable pay rate from cRPG website

So many changes have been made both to the UI and gameplay since Strategus 1, why can't the pay request feature be improved upon like the rest? I am sorry I am not making things clearer for you, but the system gives little incentive to join a fight as a free company

There is a whole forum dedicated to negotiating pay for individual battles: http://forum.meleegaming.com/mercenary-recruitment/ you can also send people private messages on the forum and the cRPG page itself if you just click on the guy commanding the battle. Sure you can just show up to a battle and say "give me money" but they probably won't pay, and trying to revamp the system wouldn't change anything, except bonus pay.

The biggest benefit this has over a fixed contract is performance based pay. If I say the players with the top 5 KDRs get 500, and everyone with a positive KDR gets 100, and everyone below 1:1: gets 50. Or if I wanted to pay everyone a base price of 100g and then multiply that by their KDR then dole out additional funds to people who guarded the spawn flags and maybe not get as many kills. I can do that without having people try and guess how well they are going to do.

The system gives great incentive to join the fight as a free company, experience points for your cRPG character. If you are good enough and request money you will probably get it.

Enforcing a contract would mean that some merc could show up for 1000 gold and then if he doesn't do anything or starts teamkilling and gets himself banned I would then have to pay him that 1,000.
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Re: Sellswords in Strat
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2012, 11:14:08 pm »
If I hire people for pay, I pay it.  Win or lose. So normally I don't hire for pay.  However if I ask for pay, and don't get it, I consider that casus belli.  I would expect most to.  But apparently most don't care.

Enforce, but do so with retaliation.  The option to be a cheating stiff should exist.

Offline KC_ascanet

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Re: Sellswords in Strat
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2012, 11:19:56 pm »
There is a whole forum dedicated to negotiating pay for individual battles: http://forum.meleegaming.com/mercenary-recruitment/ you can also send people private messages on the forum and the cRPG page itself if you just click on the guy commanding the battle. Sure you can just show up to a battle and say "give me money" but they probably won't pay, and trying to revamp the system wouldn't change anything, except bonus pay.

The biggest benefit this has over a fixed contract is performance based pay. If I say the players with the top 5 KDRs get 500, and everyone with a positive KDR gets 100, and everyone below 1:1: gets 50. Or if I wanted to pay everyone a base price of 100g and then multiply that by their KDR then dole out additional funds to people who guarded the spawn flags and maybe not get as many kills. I can do that without having people try and guess how well they are going to do.

The system gives great incentive to join the fight as a free company, experience points for your cRPG character. If you are good enough and request money you will probably get it.

Enforcing a contract would mean that some merc could show up for 1000 gold and then if he doesn't do anything or starts teamkilling and gets himself banned I would then have to pay him that 1,000.

Revamping the system would create a streamlined process for everyone to follow. If done right it would revolutionize the merc trade. I think you're not giving the idea as much credit as you could

Well experience points, woohoo. I have been playing this game for almost two years. I would rather receive monetary compensation for my time.

Your last scenario entices me. Yes that could happen, so what? That person just screwed themselves from ever participating in battles again

I think the current system gives the person hosting the fight too much control, and that power will always go unchecked.

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Re: Sellswords in Strat
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2012, 01:38:17 am »
This system has been in place since Strategus 1, and I really don't see a problem with it. Most merc agreements are organized on a clan level, and only the best independent players would ever hope to make any money for a strat battle, and becoming enemies with good players by not paying them is never a good idea.

That being said, with this new banking system you might see people refuse to merc without at least some sort of payment, but it would take a lot of people since there are a lot of people willing to fight for free just for the experience.

Plus, did you even bother to contact the FCC (or whoever it was you fought for) prior to the battle? Half of the people who put a number on the payment bar are joking anyways.

I highly encourage you to contact clans and arrange fees for fighting, as that's the only way to get things done. Just don't expect them to be terribly interested- most independent players fight for free XP and fun, and most clans make inter-clan agreements to fight in each others battles at little to no cost. Why is this the status quo? It benefits both of them, either by getting more players or by earning free XP in fun battles. Plus the secondary benefit of building coalitions to get bigger goals accomplished.

My advice to you is either (a) start an NA merc faction (I don't know of any right now) and make agreements with other factions or (b) just join a clan. There are lots of great clans and they're all rather unique in style, quality, etc.
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Re: Sellswords in Strat
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2012, 04:44:27 pm »
Plus, did you even bother to contact the FCC (or whoever it was you fought for) prior to the battle? Half of the people who put a number on the payment bar are joking anyways.

THIS.  A bunch of people put joking numbers like 5000 or 65000 or 1000 gold, which is more than we spent on the equipment for the entire army and no merc in the world would ever be worth that.  In Strat 1 where money was easier to make and you got paid in cRPG gold the best mercs would make 1000 gold.  Since then Strat 3 and 4 vastly decreased gold production and when you pay mercs they get Strat gold, which for the first 3 strats most people who liked to merc didn't care about strategus gold.  Strat 4 bank might have slightly changed this, but not by much.

Also, rule of thumb for strategus fights and mercing for money - put in the comment section "pay 50 gold or don't hire" or "flat fee 200 gold" (both fees in line with current gold production).  The most common way was to put 1 gold as your fee and then in comment section post "payment based upon performance"  - I remember paying those people the best repeatedly after important battles.  But you actually need to post some realistic fee or 1 gold pay on performance and let the clan know you are legitimately mercing from what you post in your comment section in your application, otherwise most clans will not even take notice of the random unrealistic number you put in.
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Re: Sellswords in Strat
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2012, 05:47:22 pm »
Agreed with most of the veteran's comments here.

Putting something in the description is always something I'd suggest, even if you're not mercing. 
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