And I can finish a College Calculus class and get an A in it with only two hours or less of study per week, so am I to hold the entire world to this standard?
Some people gravitate to certain skills faster then others, as not only natural talent but also commitment are to be considered.
Now we're talking about different issues.
You should expect someone to be willing to get better, and trying their best. Just like you're talented at Math, it would most likely frustrate you to see people who aren't as good as you
not trying to improve, but instead taking the easy way out at every opportunity. I don't get ragey when people are bad, I get ragey when people play scared and don't ever risk anything to attempt to become better, they always try to take the most safe, boring way out and in the result never become any better because they aren't taking any risks/learning/growing as a player. Same thing can be said for anyone who's talented at something and gets frustrated when they see others attempting to get to the same level they're at by taking the easy way and defending their shortcomings with excuses like "ping, computers, you play all day etc etc" instead of putting the blame on themselves for not challenging themselves and taking the risks/chances necessary to
actually improve. I don't hold any hate for any "bad" player who honestly tries to improve and has the balls to actually try instead of just taking the easy way out at all points, in fact I try to help them as much as I can.
When someone
is top tier at something, it shouldn't be said "WELL IF I SPENT AS MUCH TIME AS YOU ID BE GOOD TOO", that's just pathetic attempts to bring those above you down to make up for your shortcomings.
Tyrian and Harmless are not "Would be" duelists, they
are duelists and extremely top tier ones at that. You can bitch about "feinting" but neither of them really feint that much, when, in reality they both just have extremely good timing and control. Haters never stop hating.