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Author Topic: The Greatest Unban Essay Ever Written (Expression, Freedom, Maturity, & Honesty)  (Read 20204 times)

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Offline OssumPawesome

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23/31 vote where thumbs down, 8/31 where thumbs up. Fractions. Spooks fans are just a loud vocal minority as 5/8 of you at least have commented in this thread while relatively few of the ones who thumbs downed him have. This aside from him probably having been vote kicked more than anyone in crpg history, i don't thin most players like him or his behavior, and the votes suggest his ban is justified in the eyes of the community.

Maybe you misread my post - but I was talking about spook supporters and how I don't believe they are doing it just to troll.  I never said spook had more supporters than critics.  However, I feel there are many crpg players who are disliked by many and liked by few.  Is this a reason to exile them from the game?  I don't think so.

And spook getting kicked all the time is just what I'm talking about - It's hilarious.  Can you honestly say that you didn't have at least a little enjoyment out of the process where spook joins, does some trolly shit, and the community lolkicks him?  Spook's great for laughs - its just his own kind of laughs.

Offline Lemmy_Winks

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Is this a reason to exile them from the game?  I don't think so.

And spook getting kicked all the time is just what I'm talking about - It's hilarious.  Can you honestly say that you didn't have at least a little enjoyment out of the process where spook joins, does some trolly shit, and the community lolkicks him?  Spook's great for laughs - its just his own kind of laughs.

Nope, but breaking the rules repeatably for years is, so it happened. Most people dont enjoy having someone in the server that is so annoying and breaks the rules so much that the people in the server actually have to take it upon themselves to kick them for it, not to mention he just comes back.
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Offline Sarpton

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Hey if you don't ban him at least allow us to kick him when ever he's being a dick.  Then he can still play and we the community can decide when enough is enough.
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"Depeche mode, Erasure, Queen, Soft cell"
Stay banned.
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Smegmar #1 NA HOC guy that actually doesn't suck dick at cRPG

Offline Amatsuka

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Hey if you don't ban him at least allow us to kick him when ever he's being a dick.  Then he can still play and we the community can decide when enough is enough.

Vote mute.  Vote kick and vote ban just gets abused to hell and back because of immature players.  See replies in this thread.  Essentially Spook was trying to have a good time and got carried away.  It's easy to do in such a hostile environment really.  Especially one where everyone thinks they're somehow better than you.

Clans are notoriously bad about this because one member will get into a disagreement with someone (right or wrong) and then the rest of them will pile on to show support.  If you don't have a handful of people to help rig the voting system or help keep your morale afloat, you need to toughen up.  Spook is tough because he has to be.  You're the bullies.

I  think that if people complained less and tried to have fun more, we'd all be enjoying ourselves.  Instead we're fussing over minor rule infractions like those jerks who hit 'm' every time they have the opportunity to.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2012, 08:49:22 pm by Amatsuka »

Offline MrShine

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Vote mute.  Vote kick and vote ban just gets abused to hell and back because of immature players.  See replies in this thread.  Essentially Spook was trying to have a good time and got carried away.  It's easy to do in such a hostile environment really.  Especially one where everyone thinks they're somehow better than you.

If someone does something once, yes, vote mute seems appropriate.
If someone does something twice, yes, vote mute seems appropriate.
If someone does something three times, yes, vote mute seems appropriate.
If someone does something four times, yes, vote mute seems appropriate.
If someone does something five times, yes, vote mute seems appropriate.

Spook pretty much deserved to be muted ever day he's ever played the game if you wanted to get technical about it.  There comes a point where vote mute just doesn't cut it, and IMO that was months ago.
Holy crap I have a youtube gaming channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/MrShine12345

Offline Amatsuka

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If someone does something once, yes, vote mute seems appropriate.
If someone does something twice, yes, vote mute seems appropriate.
If someone does something three times, yes, vote mute seems appropriate.
If someone does something four times, yes, vote mute seems appropriate.
If someone does something five times, yes, vote mute seems appropriate.

Spook pretty much deserved to be muted ever day he's ever played the game if you wanted to get technical about it.  There comes a point where vote mute just doesn't cut it, and IMO that was months ago.

What you're pursuing isn't a solution to a problem.  If the mute was sufficient once, it will always be sufficient.  You seek to punish the individual causing the problem in hopes that it will not continue to be a problem in the future.  That's the difference between our approaches.  I think mine is more direct and addresses the concern.  Yours requires oversight and tries to change behavior through shame and public humiliation.  Besides, how often has punishing an individual really resulted in a significant change in behavior?

Bans and kicks should be reserved for actual disruptions of play.  Mutes should address chat concerns since they don't actually hinder play beyond, perhaps, the ability to communicate with your team.  I've rarely, if ever, seen instances of people trying to coordinate a team in chat instead of TS and the few times I have, I've never seen chat abuse interfere with that.  So really, it's not an issue.

If language is an issue, a word filter ought to be devised.  If a wordfilter is technically implausible due to the game design, the mod creators ought to revise their stance on what language is appropriate as the original game developers did not feel it was necessary to include such provisions and the intended audience should be mature enough to deal with it.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2012, 10:48:41 pm by Amatsuka »

Offline Lemmy_Winks

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What you're pursuing isn't a solution to a problem.  If the mute was sufficient once, it will always be sufficient.  You seek to punish the individual causing the problem in hopes that it will not continue to be a problem in the future.  That's the difference between our approaches.  I think mine is more direct and addresses the concern.  Yours requires oversight and tries to change behavior through shame and public humiliation.  Besides, how often has punishing an individual really resulted in a significant change in behavior?

Bans and kicks should be reserved for actual disruptions of play.  Mutes should address chat concerns since they don't actually hinder play beyond, perhaps, the ability to communicate with your team.  I've rarely, if ever, seen instances of people trying to coordinate a team in chat instead of TS and the few times I have, I've never seen chat abuse interfere with that.  So really, it's not an issue.

If language is an issue, a word filter ought to be devised.  If a wordfilter is technically implausible due to the game design, the mod creators ought to revise their stance on what language is appropriate as the original game developers did not feel it was necessary to include such provisions and the intended audience should be mature enough to deal with it.

So your solution is to continue to do the same thing they have been doing for years that hasn't worked at all? (Amatsuka you should run for president.). If we ban him he will no longer be capable of breaking the rules, because he wont be around. Sounds like problem solved to me. He had the opportunity to change, either you do and you stay, or you don't and your gone, he chose the later.
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Offline Amatsuka

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So your solution is to continue to do the same thing they have been doing for years that hasn't worked at all? (Amatsuka you should run for president.). If we ban him he will no longer be capable of breaking the rules, because he wont be around. Sounds like problem solved to me. He had the opportunity to change, either you do and you stay, or you don't and your gone, he chose the later.

What I'm trying to explain and what should be evident, at least for the duration of the mute, is that the problem was solved.  It's just a reoccurring problem.  Spook is a good, team oriented player with few faults aside from his tendency to occasionally take it overboard.  Banning him for more than a day or two to cool down seems unjust and vengeful.

Chat has little, if any, bearing on the actual game.

Personally I've never been muted (except that one time everyone logged in was) and I'm not sure what it takes to be muted.  It seems to be very sporadic and subjective in general.

Offline MrShine

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What you're pursuing isn't a solution to a problem.  If the mute was sufficient once, it will always be sufficient.  You seek to punish the individual causing the problem in hopes that it will not continue to be a problem in the future.  That's the difference between our approaches. 
Well your approach seems to be contrary to what admins do in general.  People that get banned repeatedly for doing the same thing begin to face higher punishments, this is documented in countless ban threads.  If someone TKs once and gets caught they might face 24 hours or maybe just a warning.  If someone TKs again and again, their ban goes up (as it should).

I don't see why it should be any different for someone who is constantly and aggressively abusive in chat.  It should take longer to get to the stage we're in, but Spook has crossed that line.

Admins are given permission to use their common sense for extreme cases.  Spook is an extreme case.

* MrShine drops the mic and walks off the stage
Holy crap I have a youtube gaming channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/MrShine12345

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Let the poor sod keeping playing, just make sure he's muted by default

Offline sexthriller

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How can you unban that which is already dead?

Offline Miracle

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also free allers, permaban digglez imo
is there anyone (NH members excluded) that would have an issue with that? basically allers is big pun and digglez is fat joe, nobody would say no to that trade

Offline Tears of Destiny

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By an overwhelming majority the community seems to want to keep him banned, judging from the responses in this thread and the staggering amount of negative votes.
I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
Death is a fun way to pass the time though, several little bullets moving in staccato.
The terror of my reign will live on in infamy, singing when they die like a dead man's symphony.

Offline IR_Kuoin

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What have he done wrong?
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