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Author Topic: The Greatest Unban Essay Ever Written (Expression, Freedom, Maturity, & Honesty)  (Read 20203 times)

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Offline Uumdi

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GG spookfans

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Ten shots of prayers, ten shots a day
A shot of thrill to hide the pain.
They can`t win, they just don`t cry,
The troopers know they live to die.

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1/5 for the long post with lots of words.

TL, DR (skimmed).

I'm in teamspeak when I play, but I still try to organize the pubbies as best I can.

I think we just need a more lenient team kill policy.  Make it like Russian WWII commander tactics.  Do this or I will kill you.  Stick with the team or I'm going to skewer you with my lance.
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 - Stolen from Macropussy

Offline Freakshow

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-5/5 for making me have to read all that self-absorbed garbage.


Offline Zlisch_The_Butcher

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Seriously though, unban him, if him calling you a bundle of sticks 100(0000) times is really that offensive to you then mute him...
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

Offline Matey

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maybe if they can make it so spook is muted by default, and then if you actually want to hear his shit you would have to unmute him, and a warning would pop up saying "are you SURE you want to be called a bundle of sticks repeatedly?" and then if you are sure you hit yes and then you can enjoy having spook call you a bundle of sticks. maybe have it auto mute him again after every map and so every map you have to decide if you want to subject yourself to his bullshit.

Offline Zlisch_The_Butcher

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The mod needs creative solutions like this to none issues like spook.
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

Offline Arathian

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....well, I guess you know my position on censoring speech when there is an ignore person on forum and mute in-game functionality, so I won't even comment on that.

I WILL however comment on this: how the hell do people manage to get offended in the game? The most time I have been butthurt in the game was roughly 10 seconds. Even with the worst person...you simply mute him. How hard can this concept be?

*sigh* why can't we have nice things?

edit: also, yeah, unban him. Maybe mute him in-game or something at worst if you are soooooooo offended by his "hate speech".
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Offline Greziz

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All I can say is I had hoped spooks replies to his haters would have been even vaguely as interesting as his original post but they are all the same legalese bullshit statement repeated over and over about him eating trolls shutting trolls and overall derailing arguments into more legalese bundle of sticks shit. Spook can't you even defend yourself in even a 10th of an entertaining way as your original post?

Offline MrShine

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Spook you say "let me boil things down" a lot.

Generally when you boil something down you simplify things, not make even longer globs of text.

Allow me to boil things down for you.

- A majority of replies in this thread have been negative towards you, as opposed to a handful of those in favor of you, most of whom seem to be doing it out of trolly principle.

- Every post you make about freedom and 'eating trolls' and insane babble only digs yourself deeper

- You still haven't been able to string together more than a sentence or two without being insulting or condescending or accusatory

- You seem to have ignored the recent post from Canary that utterly destroyed any semblance of defense you might have had.

Enjoy the cRPG afterlife
Holy crap I have a youtube gaming channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/MrShine12345

Offline OssumPawesome

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- A majority of replies in this thread have been negative towards you, as opposed to a handful of those in favor of you, most of whom seem to be doing it out of trolly principle.
I don't think this is true.  I, personally, just think spook is funny and cool to play with.  I also think his ban is based on rather weak grounds.  I'd say the majority of supporters believe one or both of these things.

- Every post you make about freedom and 'eating trolls' and insane babble only digs yourself deeper
This is unfortunately true - spook you made some good points in your op which focused on the nature of your ban and whether one is responsible for those they offend with in-game chat, but with every post you're seeming to move away from this reasonable ground into less feasible (although hilarious) arguments.

Trolling aside - I think if spook was let back in game 2 things will happen.
1. Yeah, he'll probably do some trolly shit again that makes some work for admins (I think this is the principle reason admins are fed up with him)
2. I guarantee at least another 2 incidents of note which will be at least a little funny, and will be enjoyable for the community to discuss.  Regardless of how you feel about spook, I think just about everyone in the community has had some discussion about him on the in-game chat or on external chat clients.  Almost always there is some enjoyment to be had here even if its along the lines of "oh that spook guy is fuckin crazy - Does he ever stop trolling? omglol"

Bring spook back, please.  For the lols, man.  For the lols.

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maybe if they can make it so spook is muted by default, and then if you actually want to hear his shit you would have to unmute him, and a warning would pop up saying "are you SURE you want to be called a bundle of sticks repeatedly?" and then if you are sure you hit yes and then you can enjoy having spook call you a bundle of sticks. maybe have it auto mute him again after every map and so every map you have to decide if you want to subject yourself to his bullshit.

We should definitely get this to chadz right away, this right hurr needs to be in suggestions corner
My horse is named pebbles and we like to try.

Offline Bjord

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When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back.

Offline Lemmy_Winks

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I don't think this is true.  I, personally, just think spook is funny and cool to play with.  I also think his ban is based on rather weak grounds.  I'd say the majority of supporters believe one or both of these things.

23/31 vote where thumbs down, 8/31 where thumbs up. Fractions. Spooks fans are just a loud vocal minority as 5/8 of you at least have commented in this thread while relatively few of the ones who thumbs downed him have. This aside from him probably having been vote kicked more than anyone in crpg history, i don't thin most players like him or his behavior, and the votes suggest his ban is justified in the eyes of the community.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 05:58:45 pm by Lemmy_Winks »
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Please Admins close this post, lock it and throw away the key.

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Doo, doot, doo, doot , doot, doo
"Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit . . . unnatural"
- Bill Hicks

Offline Blackzilla

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Where is the poll?
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