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Author Topic: The Greatest Unban Essay Ever Written (Expression, Freedom, Maturity, & Honesty)  (Read 20019 times)

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Offline Tears of Destiny

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"Please" works fine for me when I lead the pubbies.

Anywho, I'm mainly just posting here to say "Keep Spook banned" and to farm very easy +/- points since there are a few dedicated -1ers here who are more then happy to oblige me.
I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
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Offline oprah_winfrey

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As a full-blooded and extremely proud American, with relatives and ancestors who died spilling blood and having their blood spilled during wartime to protect the freedom and sovereignty of this country, I can tell you the most important thing American citizens have is our freedom of speech.

Do you actually believe that our ancestors died protecting our right to call people bundle of stickss on the internet?

The fact that Canary gave you essentially one guideline to follow for your essay and you couldn't even follow that shows a lot about your character.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2012, 12:34:27 am by oprah_winfrey »

Offline Lemmy_Winks

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Lemmywinks, I think you glazed over the validity of this rule rather quickly.  Again a major point here is that this rule is entirely subjective.  Is everyone who uses "racism, insulting, griefing" banned?  Of course not.  How is this decided?  Well it seems to be decided however the admins feel like deciding it.  This sort of broad ability to ban anyone who talks any sort of trash in game is really scary and a bad power to give the authority.  Either specify which language is appropriate or stop childishly banning for language that displeases you.

If spending year(s) verbally abusing/insulting people as spook has isn't reason to punish him under this rule, then i don't know what is. No they are not, a normal person who does this is warned and they stop 90% of the time, others may be banned. Spook has done this non stop and has ignored all warnings/orders to stop. He did this to himself. Any semi-reasonable person knows spook is in violation of this rule.

But more to the point. The rule, as are many other rules, is subjective. Its up to the admins to decide, and this is what they have decided, so that's the way it is. The devs have entrusted the admins with the ability to decide on subjective rules such as this. They trust their judgement and do not care if you have a problem with it, its not your decision its the admins decisions. And they are not going to go through the trouble of making  a list of words you cannot say. Not to mention you don't need bad words to insult people.

They expect the community to have some common sense, and if you lack the common sense to determine that two years of verbally berating people in the server with constant warnings given and no action by spook taken to improve on that is worthy of a ban, then there is no talking to you.

So ya, if you really think spook was treated unfairly, by all means go onto IRC and tell chadz why it was unfair to ban spook for calling people bundle of stickss and telling them to kill themselves for two years.
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Offline Bjord

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The fact that Canary gave you essentially one guideline to follow for your essay and you couldn't even follow that shows a lot about your character.

An idiot.
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Offline OssumPawesome

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Its up to the admins to decide, and this is what they have decided, so that's the way it is.

I don't think I've ever seen the crpg admin community more succinctly and accurately described.  This is depressing.

Offline Lemmy_Winks

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I don't think I've ever seen the crpg admin community more succinctly and accurately described.  This is depressing.

Thats the way it is, its the dev's servers and its their mod, they can make the rules and do whatever they want. They have chosen the admins to uphold their rules. If you dont want to follow the rules you can go play something else, or in spooks case play anyways until you get perma-banned.
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Offline Dexxtaa

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An idiot.

Are you talking about Egan or who he's referring to ?

All said, the essay itself is written with sufficient - if skewed (and biased) - evidence to support it. Spook, to me, you still have managed to insult certain groups of people despite the title you were assigned for your unban essay. Writing an excellent paper on bananas is pointless if you were assigned to write one about apples anyway.

OssumPossum, I don't think anyone is really paying attention to your posts at this point, since all you're really doing is defending SpookIsland mindlessly. There is not one shred of feedback that you've posted that can be viewed objectively and facilitate the unbanning of SpookIsland.

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« Last Edit: September 11, 2012, 11:19:23 pm by Dexxtaa »
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To answer a question with a question, do you remember that thread where he staged his own death in a pathetic attempt to seek attention?
Actually Allers made that thread, spook just played along.
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cannot believe i had to + Bjord...world comes to its end

still, all who defend him, get a grip

Offline OssumPawesome

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I posted in support of spook's point that the subjectivity of language moderation brings just about the whole community into a grey area.  Anyone in this area can be banned if the admins see fit to do so.  I think that banning for language in this specific case is wrong, and that banning for language is also wrong generally.  I think these points are far from mindless.  Admins aren't paying attention because:

Its up to the admins to decide, and this is what they have decided, so that's the way it is.

You don't want to make the rules better - you want to enforce them however you damn well please, and you'll probably continue to do so.

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You managed to come off as a bigger arrogant bastard than I could ever be, kudos to that, but stay banned.
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The Narwhals, dedicated swashbuckler part of FCC

Stabbing is my speciality and one hitting people, my art

Offline Sandersson Jankins

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"Please" works fine for me when I lead the pubbies.

One more post and then I'm out of this thread. Folks are going nuts over this shit. It's obvious that he isn't getting unbanned. Not one admin is in his defense...and I'd be willing to bet not more than two of them are even neutral. When it's that much of a majority, the case is closed. No hung juries here.

Anyway, just want to back Dexxtaa up. This guy is one of the only folks to try and call out commands to the team. They are always intelligent, and Dexx is a fantastic person and always cordial+polite. And sometimes, people even listen to him. Only other people that I see regularly attempt to lead teams are Robert Namo (who I think is playing GW2 or something, so he barely counts) and myself (who also barely counts, because in comparison to many players and indeed many people in this thread, I'm not only new but also quite bad at the game).

Closing statement. I urge, plead, kindly beg all of you to refuse to take a stance of "it is the admins decision, they are there for a reason, their word is law, etc" That's a fucking dangerous thing to say. That last sentence was dramatization and hyperbole, sure. But people, have your OWN opinions on things. State those opinions in a lucid, well thought-out manner. Do not be rude to others for their opinions. I have much more respect for those that stated something like "Spook is a fucking douche, he broke a bunch of rules, he scares away new players, he needs to stay banned" than those who stated "the admins make the calls, deal w/ it" Even if I strongly disagree with people stating that spook needs to stay banned and the community has no place for people that are rude, I commend them for coming out and saying it.

Oh, and by the way, if I had my way, there would be absolutely no disciplinary action taken for anything other than griefing, teamkilling, and cheating. This game has one of the most simple and intuitive mute functions I have ever seen. If this was Red Orchestra 2 or something, it would be different. People should be pro-active and take measures to protect their sentiments and feelings; not be protected by someone else.

Thank you for your time; you're all beautiful.
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

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yes you're right spook will go down as a martyr for pedophiles and racists everywhere because of your posting and henceforth crpg is now a fascist police state run by the adminarchy

kneel peasants
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God Wills this permaban!
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Offline Dexxtaa

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One more post and then I'm out of this thread. Folks are going nuts over this shit. It's obvious that he isn't getting unbanned. Not one admin is in his defense...and I'd be willing to bet not more than two of them are even neutral. When it's that much of a majority, the case is closed. No hung juries here.

Anyway, just want to back Dexxtaa up. This guy is one of the only folks to try and call out commands to the team. They are always intelligent, and Dexx is a fantastic person and always cordial+polite. And sometimes, people even listen to him. Only other people that I see regularly attempt to lead teams are Robert Namo (who I think is playing GW2 or something, so he barely counts) and myself (who also barely counts, because in comparison to many players and indeed many people in this thread, I'm not only new but also quite bad at the game).

Closing statement. I urge, plead, kindly beg all of you to refuse to take a stance of "it is the admins decision, they are there for a reason, their word is law, etc" That's a fucking dangerous thing to say. That last sentence was dramatization and hyperbole, sure. But people, have your OWN opinions on things. State those opinions in a lucid, well thought-out manner. Do not be rude to others for their opinions. I have much more respect for those that stated something like "Spook is a fucking douche, he broke a bunch of rules, he scares away new players, he needs to stay banned" than those who stated "the admins make the calls, deal w/ it" Even if I strongly disagree with people stating that spook needs to stay banned and the community has no place for people that are rude, I commend them for coming out and saying it.

Oh, and by the way, if I had my way, there would be absolutely no disciplinary action taken for anything other than griefing, teamkilling, and cheating. This game has one of the most simple and intuitive mute functions I have ever seen. If this was Red Orchestra 2 or something, it would be different. People should be pro-active and take measures to protect their sentiments and feelings; not be protected by someone else.

Thank you for your time; you're all beautiful.

+1 because you called me beautiful.
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