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Author Topic: The Greatest Unban Essay Ever Written (Expression, Freedom, Maturity, & Honesty)  (Read 18239 times)

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  • such OP. so bundle of sticks. wow.
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I do, my question was rhetorical.

Offline Bjord

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I hoped so. :wink:
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dafuq i just read?

bla bla bla USA USA bla bla bla

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asks ppl not to judge

judges ppl


it equals

F, which is what your transcript will read

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I actually read through this wall of text and the lines I'm still missing are

"I'm sorry for talking shit to everyone at the server all the time. I'm not gonna do it again"

Offline Vibe

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What's funny is the point of this essay was to see if he can write something without being offensive.

Quote from: Canary
If you would like to continue playing, you must complete an unban essay consisting of "500 words that aren't offensive." We're not convinced you can do that without being sarcastic or accusatory.

gg spook new warband key that way ->

try not to make it obvious that you have issues next time

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No idea who this guy is or why he's banned. I read a few snippets and he sure seems to think highly of himself.

Offline Lemmy_Winks

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No abuse of in-game chat (racism, insulting, griefing...)

I believe this is the rule you've been accused of breaking. In what i read of your essay it seems you are just making excuses as to why it was ok for you to break this rule, because you are leading pubs. It is not your job to lead pubs, and technically you can do whatever you want so long as you do not break the rules doing it. However you are indeed breaking the rules, you are no different than any other player, you have to follow the rules regardless of how you see yourself.

That being the case it would seem most of what you talked about is to a large extent irrelevant and the points made invalid. You broke this rule, there is no arguing that. Your only logical options are to argue the validity of the rule (seems like a good rule to me that exists in basically every game out there) or to realize you made a mistake and apologize. You cannot argue that you did not break the rule, or that you were only doing it to help others, or that you didn't really mean anything you said. Your intentions are irrelevant, the only thing that actually matters are your actions.

But you do have a point, how could some random casual player (the average siege player) who you tell to "Close the gate you worthless bundle of sticks" possibly not see your good hearted intentions behind that comment. Your only trying to help him, and you don't actually mean it at all, which is exactly why you said it to him in the first place, i mean nobody ever says what they mean right? But again intentions dont matter, you did it, and its against the rules, so you were punished for it.

You obviously think you are more intelligent and better than everyone here, but that being the case think about this. Even if you are in the right (and you do believe you are) it really does not matter. This official servers are owned by the devs as is this mod, they can make the rules, they can do whatever they want. They could ban you because you broke the rules, or because they don't like you as a person, or because you do not like the color red or for literally any and all reasons, or even no reason at all. They can do whatever they want, its not about what is right, or what is right to you.

If you think the admins are not enforcing the dev's rules in such a way that the devs would be happy with, take up your case with them, i highly doubt any of them will agree with you. And what they think is all that really matters.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2012, 05:19:14 pm by Lemmy_Winks »
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Good post by LemmyWinks.  No one really cares about you being a pubstar and trying to get teams to win, or bragging about being good or owning people.  Personally I don't care about you insulting me as an admin either because everyone does it enough as it is.

People simply want you to get the message to not be such a dick all the time and openly hostile to people, which creates a disruptive unfriendly atmosphere on the very few servers we have.  As much as there is people who find you funny, me included actually, there's just as much if not many more who don't want you bringing your typical attitude to the game and making it unenjoyable for them.  Even if they don't post here.

Most importantly, the rules are written there plain as day.  Chat abuse, specifically being insulting.  The typical measured response is of course in game mutes when admins are on, but we do not have the power to permamute you when there are numerous, neverending complaints about your rampant and misanthropic behaviour.

The essay is articulate and amusing, if often intellectually repugnant and self-serving.  All I ask of you, Spook, is to address the real issue at hand.  Will you stop being such a dick to people unless they are your friends, and tone down the liberal use of vulgarities?  Good day.
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To be honest, I cannot believe that I'm the ONLY person that +1'd his essay. It was well-written, lucid, eloquent, and brought up many good fucking points. I'm not trying to suck the man's willy here. I don't even particularly LIKE him. In real life, I can't stand rude people. There's absolutely no reason to be verbally hostile to another human being. I mean sure, if someone COMES AT YOU BRO, you have full right to kick the shit out of him. I digress.

Now, I've got this opinion and I've had it for a while. I'm not going to get many people to agree with me on it, but here it is.

It is a person's CHOICE to get offended.

There, I said it. Now, please notice I did not use the phrase "conscious choice" I would love to use it, but I am afraid I am unable to in good faith. This is because people simply do not think about things as much as would benefit them. However, back to the point. If you are offended by a word, you are LETTING that word have CONTROL over you. You are a PRISONER to that word. You have CHOSEN to fill your mind, conscience, your soul with bad emotions. Bad vibes.

Why is the blame ALWAYS, and I can say this in good faith, ALWAYS lain upon the one who uttered the word that offended someone? This fucking BAFFLES me. Would it not help a person grow mentally and spiritually if the responsibility for their emotions were put upon themselves? A person that chooses to NOT be offended is, in my sight, a much more mature person than one who is offended by anything. In fact, many of the people that have a big problem with spook ACTIVELY SEEK to be offended. If someone says the word "friend" in chat, you will be met with 20 cries of "BAN HE!" Why is this? Are these people of African descent? Demographics would say no, but perhaps they are. That word has been used in the past, and the present, and will be used in the future to demean people with dark skin. However, the problem is not with the letters n, i, a couple g's, e, and r put together. The fuck is that anyway? It's a collection of non-tangible concepts arranged in a certain way. It is fucking OBVIOUS most of the time when someone is being openly hostile to another person. I could say "You are a disgusting dark sub-human piece of garbage that deserves nothing more than to be wiped off the face of the earth." I could also say "Wow, you're being a friend bro." I would be banned for both extremely quickly. What is fundamentally different from the first and the second statements is that the first is charged with hostile energy. It is obvious from the context of the sentence that I am stating my wish for the eradication of a human being simply for the colour of his skin. That's fucked up. The second is not obviously charged with hostile energy and intent. It is POSSIBLE that I meant it to insult and evoke negative emotions in another person. It is also very possible that I meant it in a joking manner, in fact, with the intent to evoke POSITIVE emotions. It was intended for GOOD, not EVIL.

Here is what I am getting at. I do disagree with spook quite heavily on one point. I do think that there is negligible difference in results when you speak to people as he does when attempting to organize them. I do not think it is considerably more effective to be abrasive as he thinks. However, it is obvious to me that he intends his statements to create a POSITIVE outcome. He intends for his team to be more effective. To win. To get more gold and xp. To evoke positive emotions in his teammates because they just bent the other team over and fucked them with a cactus. It feels good to own and win, and it feels bad to suck and lose.

Now, finally, I must say that I cannot defend spook in his actions when they are something like "lol bundle of sticks get owned". That is intended to evoke negative emotions in the other party. I have seen him do this many times. However, it is worth noting that he almost ALWAYS says this in retaliation. He's not the kind of person to take shit without giving it back. I've only been around this mod for less than a year. I don't know how he started out. Maybe he started out being a scumbag and people are simply retaliating for the initial spookish insult. I don't know that shit, and frankly, I wouldn't trust many folks around here to give an objective view on how it all started. Opinions are absolutely SET one way or another. I see very little chance for anyone's mind to change. And that's a damn shame is what it is.

As a footnote, I have to say something to spook. Please do consider the point of view of a pedophile. I don't know what you personally believe about sexuality, but I'm of the opinion that much of it is not choice. I had a buddy that really liked feet in a sexual manner. Great, normal guy. He didn't know why he felt that way about feet, but he sure as hell did. Now, that is not a very controversial fetish. However, consider the position of an actual pedophile. He has inside of him a sexual desire for children. It's obvious that society does NOT accept the action of him having any sort of sexual relations with a child. I mean, that's a good thing too. I don't want folks being able to fuck toddlers and get away with it. I am not attempting to defend a predator in any way. But please, consider your words more carefully on the subject, spook. A pedophile is NOT an inherently evil or depraved person. There are many outlets for  pedophilic sexuality that do NOT harm children. Lolicon and animated child-sex and shit. Nobody's getting hurt there. In fact, this is preventing children from coming to physical and emotional harm. I bet life has a tendency to fucking SUCK for pedophiles. I don't have much of a sex drive myself, I don't really enjoy it that much. But for someone with a high sex drive that happens to unfortunately be a pedophile, how do you think that must feel? That person has children on his mind in a sexual manner for much of the day, but he or she can do NOTHING about it lest they commit a frankly heinous act that likely conflicts with their own personal morals as well as the laws of his or her nation. That has to fucking blow. Poor fucking bastards. So please, have some sympathy on these things.

Alright, so there's another wall of text regarding spook. And a moderate sized piece on why we shouldn't hate pedophiles. Didn't see that coming.
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

Offline Bjord

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I don't think I ever saw so many advocates of the devil in one thread before.

It's fucking simple, old player calling new players "bundle of sticks", "retard" and "sperg" will most likely lead to him not coming back. I can't blame them either, who wants to be in a community with self-obsessed megalomaniacs?
Such people need to be removed, just like you remove the cancerous part before it spreads to the rest of the body. Bad atmosphere is what kills games and communities, not shitty patches.

Furthermore, is there anyone who wants to go to a place they've never been to before and without warning be greeted by a barrage of insults, offensive language and complete disrespect?
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Offline Sandersson Jankins

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I don't think I ever saw so many advocates of the devil in one thread before.

It's fucking simple, old player calling new players "bundle of sticks", "retard" and "sperg" will most likely lead to him not coming back. I can't blame them either, who wants to be in a community with self-obsessed megalomaniacs?
Such people need to be removed, just like you remove the cancerous part before it spreads to the rest of the body. Bad atmosphere is what kills games and communities, not shitty patches.

Furthermore, is there anyone who wants to go to a place they've never been to before and without warning be greeted by a barrage of insults, offensive language and complete disrespect?

Don't make the mistake of assuming too much. I am not playing "devil's advocate" I do not enjoy debate, and I do not garner enjoyment out of making people upset or disagree with me. I firmly believe everything that I posted.

Also; I have not once seen spook specifically call out a new player. He's not fucking retarded. He calls out long-time players that he feels should be performing better or doing something different, sure. In a fucking rude way, absolutely. I do not think that he has "scared off" many people. I think that you blow text on an online vidja game out of proportion. Many, many times I have attempted to give new players advice, ask them questions, all sorts of things. These people often times, very close to the majority of times, do not respond. They do not pay attention to chat, or they do not care. If they ignore or do not notice DIRECT comments that are obviously attempting to be helpful, do you truly think that they will focus upon generalized rude statements oftentimes accompanied by useful commands?
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

Offline OssumPawesome

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As a full-blooded and extremely proud American, with relatives and ancestors who died spilling blood and having their blood spilled during wartime to protect the freedom and sovereignty of this country, I can tell you the most important thing American citizens have is our freedom of speech.  It’s arguably the biggest reason we’re easily the greatest country on the planet.  However, over the years I’ve seen a new beast rear its ugly head operating under the guise of social justice and threatening the fabric of this most precious right.  The beast itself is called political correctness.  Based off a noble principle, it serves as an indirect and invisible blanket of intimidation meant to stifle and suppress any though that is not aligned within what is deemed socially acceptable by mainstream society.  It’s the most insidious form of widespread censorship and social engineering in post-modern society, and its impact is sadly felt on a daily basis.

This. A thousand times this.  This political correctness stance the admins are taking against spook is truly unreasonable and sad.

Do you shout profanities at people in real life because you're frustrated with them as well? Does that get you any where in life, in general? I seriously doubt it does. An online gaming community is no different.

Bjord, you are so wrong it hurts.  An online gaming community is MUCH different.  I think we all know that profanity and inane insults are farrrr more common in online gaming communities - and this isn't a bad thing!  It's a part of competitive online gaming, and, frankly, if you can't handle it - maybe you should go elsewhere.

he is playing on a private server with a specific code of conduct he is violating

smoothrich, this was a major point in the unban essay which I agree with - the code of conduct IS ANYTHING BUT SPECIFIC.  People call eachother bundle of stickss all day, but when this is or is not bannable is entirely subjective.

You broke this rule, there is no arguing that. Your only logical options are to argue the validity of the rule (seems like a good rule to me that exists in basically every game out there) or to realize you made a mistake and apologize.

Lemmywinks, I think you glazed over the validity of this rule rather quickly.  Again a major point here is that this rule is entirely subjective.  Is everyone who uses "racism, insulting, griefing" banned?  Of course not.  How is this decided?  Well it seems to be decided however the admins feel like deciding it.  This sort of broad ability to ban anyone who talks any sort of trash in game is really scary and a bad power to give the authority.  Either specify which language is appropriate or stop childishly banning for language that displeases you.

old player calling new players "bundle of sticks", "retard" and "sperg" will most likely lead to him not coming back.

Bjord - better line me up for the next ban.  Better line up half the crpg community while you're at it.

Let Spook back in.  He was banned for nonsense and the admins know it.  I think he's a hilarious addition to the community and generally fun to play with - those who don't agree can mute, or maybe try getting past being offended by text on a screen.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2012, 10:14:53 pm by OssumPawesome »

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"Please" works fine for me when I lead the pubbies.
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