What kind of a fucked up idea is this? Forcing your clanmates to share their gold, fucking commie, if I feel like giving 50k to SoA I give 50k to SoA, if I don't feel like giving 50k to SoA then I don't give 50k to SoA, and the same would go for all my clanmates, the second SoA would try to force me to donate gold to them is the second I'd leave, and your fucking argument for why it's a good idea to steal instead of let your members choose if they wish to support you is that they won't notice you're stealing from them...
What you suggest is just some fascist commie bullshit...
Calm down there internet tough guy. I know school is rough right now, but try to relax in these forums.
Obviously, the amount of tax would be decided by the clan. Most ticks in terms of gold go unnoticed, and I'm pretty sure 2-4% (you're talking 1 or 2 gold per 50 gold, I did the math because I know it's hard for you to comprehend) would hardly be noticeable for most players. This would be something all clan members are expected to pay. You pay sales tax right? It ranges anywhere from 7.8% to 8.5% and some states even higher. Do you bitch? No. Not sure if you're old enough to get a paycheck, but ever looked at it? Good portion is held for taxes.
Most clans and a lot of players would get behind an idea to have their clan members pay a small tax into the bank and it's done for them off of each tick. It's like they never even received the gold, but they still are contributing to the clan. It's up to the clan to decide whether or not they'd tax the players. SoA doesn't want to do it? Great, good for them! They don't have to, but it could be an easy to implement idea that would make the clan bank a more viable means for clans to gather and get money together to fund members who need it. I know for a fact I would not miss 1-5 gold each tick, not a big deal.
So like I said, calm down. This isn't about every clan and everyone submitting to it, it's a simple suggestion.