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Re: Knockdown
« Reply #45 on: September 14, 2012, 01:34:34 am »
I feel awful when I charge a crossbow man and get two hits in and before I can finish him he pulls his mace/morningstar/device to make me weight 2 tons and hits me once throwing me immediately to the ground where I stay for the remainder of the time he wails on me till I eventually cave into the earth itself and die in the center. I feel unlucky in that every fight with a weapon with knockdown it does knock me down, twice.
Why don't you just..... block it?

I know that's a really douchy thing to say, but you already got 2 hits on him, he shouldn't have much health left, so why can't you finish him off in melee?
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Re: Knockdown
« Reply #46 on: September 14, 2012, 02:01:31 am »
This is what I got with a 3 weight item when doing 1-50 raw damage:

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The chance seems to cap at 40 raw damage. Isn't that a bit low, or is raw damage harder to achieve?

for higher weight values, the chance capped at 0.3.

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Re: Knockdown
« Reply #47 on: September 14, 2012, 02:53:44 am »
Why don't you just..... block it?

I know that's a really douchy thing to say, but you already got 2 hits on him, he shouldn't have much health left, so why can't you finish him off in melee?
Because I'm not perfect. I didn't say every crossbowman kills me it's just if he does get his left slash off faster then me then I'm on the ground. Thats why it's so upsetting is when he is in my grasp and I make the small mistake to let the hit in and I lose instantly because of it.
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Re: Knockdown
« Reply #48 on: September 14, 2012, 02:58:55 am »
The main issue I see with it is that there's almost no reason not to use a weapon with knockdown.
Blunt goes through armor better, has the same speed as any other weapon of it's class only there's a large percent chance that you'll gain the opportunity to free hit someone.
That being said, I don't believe that it's OP but there's no incentive to not use it or any disadvantages to using it.
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Re: Knockdown
« Reply #49 on: September 14, 2012, 04:55:48 am »
The main issue I see with it is that there's almost no reason not to use a weapon with knockdown.
Blunt goes through armor better, has the same speed as any other weapon of it's class only there's a large percent chance that you'll gain the opportunity to free hit someone.
That being said, I don't believe that it's OP but there's no incentive to not use it or any disadvantages to using it.

A good thought. It really sucks when it's unviable to use anything but a certain classification of weapon in any game.

Also; it is important to remember the following: You are always going to remember the events that made you frustrated, upset, or angry more than the events that simply contented you. You do not experience elation or joy at a single kill that you got on a crossbowmen. You are going to remember the time that you ran in and jacked 6 ranged up in a row, and you're going to remember the time that a lone crossbowmen pulled his eggbeater out after being slashed twice, proceeding to knock you down and kill you. The only way to avoid this is to use the empirical method of gathering data. You've got to get a pad of paper, make two columns entitled "Times I killed a hybrid ranged using a knockdown weapon" and "Times I've been knocked down by a range hybrid using a knockdown weapon"

And who the FUCK wants to do that?
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Re: Knockdown
« Reply #50 on: September 14, 2012, 05:30:02 am »
Knockdown is crazy. I personally think swords look cooler, so I use those, but if I wanted to be as effective as possible one of the things I'd carry around is a +3 Bar Mace. As soon as you get a knockdown on some dude you can smack him while he's on the ground, kick him as he gets up, smack him a third time, and if he's lucky enough to survive but unlucky enough to get knocked down again, you get two more free hits. It's insane. Saw a Fallen clan archer do it once. Five hits for one.

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Re: Knockdown
« Reply #51 on: September 14, 2012, 05:51:50 am »
Whatever the knockdown rate/formula/magic is, if i get hit by a maul, the first hit is ALWAYS a knockdown.
Hooray for customization and hybridization!
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Re: Knockdown
« Reply #52 on: September 14, 2012, 06:25:50 am »
Whatever the knockdown rate/formula/magic is, if i get hit by a maul, the first hit is ALWAYS a knockdown.

I'd say that is because if someone is using a maul, they are likely built specifically for that task. That means they have strength+PS out the asshole. I don't know what Empauller's build is, for example, but I'd imagine it's something like 30-6 or 33-3. Unless he's above 30, in which case it just gets more strengthy. The basic laymen's formula is "More damage and weight=more knockdown". God forbid you get a +3 knockdown weapon, then you have both insane amounts of PS, and insane amounts of weight and weapon damage.
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Re: Knockdown
« Reply #53 on: September 14, 2012, 09:47:29 am »
knockdown the new thing?

noticed an increase of usage, primarily greys over the last week, who when came in as group had at a time like
3-4 Great Mauls, and 2-3 shielders with either knobbed/iron mace or warhammer.
I found myself more on the ground dying with the second hit then up on my feet.
The team effect is devastating and i wonder why noone had done it like that before constantly.
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Re: Knockdown
« Reply #54 on: September 14, 2012, 01:30:43 pm »
Siege has been overrun with lolhammers lately after the new valour system; spamming overheads is now any bad to mediocre player's hopeful shortcut to continuous x5.

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Re: Knockdown
« Reply #55 on: September 14, 2012, 08:07:20 pm »
I'm not going off the times I kill a guy, get killed, or had a good fight. I am going off the times people randomly pick up a blunt weapon off the ground and proceed to level me with it. If I face a person, archer or fighter, that has a one handed knockdown I WILL be knocked down. I am more careful fighting archers then I am fighting plate armored great sword knights. the reason is that they will knock me to the ground and kill me without a doubt if I let them get a single hit in. So I have a play like they can one shot me which is with extreme caution and is extremely slow.
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Re: Knockdown
« Reply #56 on: September 14, 2012, 09:00:47 pm »
I'm not going off the times I kill a guy, get killed, or had a good fight. I am going off the times people randomly pick up a blunt weapon off the ground and proceed to level me with it. If I face a person, archer or fighter, that has a one handed knockdown I WILL be knocked down. I am more careful fighting archers then I am fighting plate armored great sword knights. the reason is that they will knock me to the ground and kill me without a doubt if I let them get a single hit in. So I have a play like they can one shot me which is with extreme caution and is extremely slow.
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To me anyways, it seems as if when I try to be extra cautious when fighting knockdown players, I just get so caught up in it that I start to actually play like shit instead of accomplishing my goal of raping a poor defenseless archer. I tend to play as if knockdown weapons don't exist.
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Re: Knockdown
« Reply #57 on: September 23, 2012, 09:17:01 pm »
100 % effective on the first hit, when enemy on the ground almost double damage, and it can even make 3 knockdowns in a row..

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Re: Knockdown
« Reply #58 on: September 23, 2012, 09:21:53 pm »
First world problems with my build.
Got 13 ps and when i used mighty g maul I always one hitted so never got the feeling of a knockdown :(
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Re: Knockdown
« Reply #59 on: September 24, 2012, 08:55:17 am »
primarily greys over the last week, who when came in as group had at a time like
3-4 Great Mauls
yeah trillions, you can't be serious... I never saw above two in our group since I play
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