A better solution for kiting would be to lessen the huge close range damage. (Without killing their effectiveness farther away.)
This way running after archers wouldn't be a one or two shot death, and the pursuers would get a lot more chances at catching the running archer.
And if you just can't catch the runner, why are you going after him in the first place? Leave it to someone else.
But asking someone to be useless in battle is equally ridiculous. Archers/xbows on roofs will never abandon their camping spot. The only thing that can make them move are the MOTF flags. Horsemen roaming near a map corner doing nothing can't do anything against archers in plains either. Cav is only useful when there is a soaking force attracting the attention of the enemy. That doesn't happen anymore after a few minutes of battle
You aren't asking someone to be useless. You should force the campers to be useless or abandon their advantage. They sure won't do it voluntarily.
And the MOTF indeed is a blessing when dealing with hung up situations like that.
Ranged camping spots create a critical gameplay problem. The team having these actually forces the other team to fight in the arrow rain, because they also have brains and will stay close to their gatlings. The objective of battle mode is killing the enemy and to do that you are indeed forced into the arrowstorm.
So, there's a situation where you desperately want to push inside enemy lines and out of the arrow rain. And the camping enemy wants to keep that from happening. If you want to win, solve the tactical problem. Or just camp yourself, some patience can bring victory as well.
Maybe a few ladders on your side might help this situation too, for some flanking goodness.
What you would get if both teams were comprised of 100% serious play to win people is two camps far away from each other until the flags spawn. What actually happened was the team with the inferior spawn rushing to death to skip the map as fast as possible.
So, people quit rather than play the game and deal with the problem.
Why are tactics dead in cRPG?
Is it because we pander to these people who won't even try?