Author Topic: 1 hand needs a fix.  (Read 10671 times)

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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #45 on: August 07, 2012, 12:28:22 am »
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1h seems fine to me. Unless someone's going to say it doesn't count because I use a military cleaver.

Also to show off my e-peen.
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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #46 on: August 07, 2012, 01:04:55 am »
You guys think 1 hander sux and that's  because you have wrong expectations.
If you expect to be the best duelist or top scoreboard all the time you are wrong my friend.
2h is far more superior due to it's long range , über high damage and easy mode playing pace.
Polearm is far more superior due to it's insane damage , so-called "removed" polestagger and lightning speed facehugging stabs etc
Why the hell do you compete those guys in terms of damage ?
How do you think you can deal more damage than a guy with danish greatsword when you have a fucking scimitar ?

I played all possible classes in this game , i mean ALL classes .

If you expect correct things , all classes are fucking op.

As a shielder i think my duty is forming shieldwalls , charging in front , stalling enemy groups , "tanking" enemy "carries" and if my teammates fail to communicate with me during battle i should be able defend myself by killing enemies.
If you prioritize defending your "damage dealing teammates" , you are doing it right.
Why the fuck would you try to kill people while you have a teammate with great maul ? Just protect the guy and let him finish them off...

Just use your simple fucking logic and you'll enjoy every class you play because you'll feel that you are doing your job and contributing to your team and taking part of it's success.

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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #47 on: August 07, 2012, 01:11:45 am »
The stab is fucked up. Like all the other stabs, 1h can sometimes sort of insta hit on facehug range. Like hoplites do nowadays. But other times it just glances at close range even though you do exactly the same shit. It's really random. On long range however, the stab always glances nowadays. Which makes the 1h stab pretty damn useless, cause you can't count on it on short range and it doesn't work on long range.

Exactly how I feel, thrust is so unreliable, it might just glance and stun me and leave me wide open to die.

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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #48 on: August 07, 2012, 01:19:21 am »
one handed without shield is the worst to duel against in my opinion

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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #49 on: August 07, 2012, 01:29:41 am »
one handed without shield is the worst to duel against in my opinion

Not sure if that's because 1h's are awesome or because people that go 1h without shield are usually really good.
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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #50 on: August 07, 2012, 01:40:18 am »
All you need to do is attack a 1h without a shield. The weapon with less weight when blocking becomes slower on the attack as I recall, a sort of "stunning" mechanic?

I would like to see the 1h get a better thrust, that isn't so unreliable especially since that is kind of the point. (heh)

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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #51 on: August 07, 2012, 01:45:57 am »
So many bullshit in this topic and so many players giving their opinion on something they obviously don't know ...
1h+shield was op 2 years ago, before they implemented the upkeep system. After that, 1h was pretty balanced and nowadays it's just fucked up.

Reason? Thanks to devs who wanted to nerf 2h's stab, 1hs have been nerfed (you think what i'm saying isn't logic? Me too.)
The only viable attack remaining is the left swing. Stab have always been a pretty inefficient attack and have been nerfed more with this "2h nerf" (actually i don't see in what way 2h have been nerfed, but nvm).
Overhead was a good alternative to left swing (weaker ofc, but still viable) but have been nerfed with the same patch, and is now pretty difficult to use (apart if the opponant don't move at all).
Right swing is pretty slow and can easily be outspam by a greatsword/polearm user (very logical too when you compare 1h weapon speed and other class weapon's speed, but nvm).

What's the point in being a shielder now? We need at least 3 hits to kill a guy with a medium armor (i'm not even speaking about heraldic/plate users), we can only rely on our left swing, sword users often glance (yes we often glance, mr "i know everything better than you" gtx). The only viable thing to do now as a shielder is to use a steel/military pick or a military hammer and spam left swing. Great.

Result? Leave shielding alone and stop saying big fucking bullshit like "overhead and stab were op, now it's fine", so you won't appear like a foolish stupid idiot (yes, it makes me rage)

PS : 1 advice for those who want to have a non biaised opinion about shielding : Make a 1 hander+shield alt, then play it at least 2 weeks. Playing it just a few days is not enough. If you play it 2 weeks, you will have the great occasion to feel the frustration rising in you after having being teamhitted more in a few days as a shielder than in a few months as every other class, after having being killed several times by noobs (who can barely block a basic feint) just because they spam with their 2h sword while backpedaling (that's what we call "2h heroes"), and so on (i let some suspens for those who want to discover how op shielding is).

+1 to all renegat words. maybe people think im my old friend or noob, maybe some know that im xbow/shielder hybrid for very long time and that last 2-3 month i was pure shielder and maybe, some people would believe that i know something about shielders.
Btw right now i have 107 1h wpf 6 ps and +3 iron war axe(40 cut), and i try to trade it back on steel pick, just because i glance with it on sarranid guard armor yesterday(It was Dave, if he want he can confirm) and also i glance more then 1 time on rus scale armor( it was Diagonal, if he want he can confirm).
And with this weird glances i can say that 3 month ago, when i was with 100 1h wpf 5 ps and +3niuweidao, i have way less glances,but still need a lot of hits to kill. But this day i choose just between couple weapons because i plan 18/24 with 130 wpf in 1h and it is steel pick/military hammer/warhammer and it is all.
shooting at people from a reachable place as last man standing is not delaying. Even if you're on the other side of the map.

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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #52 on: August 07, 2012, 02:01:37 am »
Just use your simple f*cking logic and you'll enjoy every class you play because you'll feel that you are doing your job and contributing to your team and taking part of it's success.

I don't think anyone is asking for 1h to go around one-shotting everyone like the 2h heroes. Most people agree shielders should be tops in survivability, but it's hard to survive when 3 out of your 4 attack directions will generally get you killed.

The actual damage output of 1h is more or less balanced, it's just the playstyle has been reduced to left swinging with a pick/hammer. The game deserves more variety than that.

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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #53 on: August 07, 2012, 02:08:25 am »
Twohanders think that only them are the class that can top the scoreboard, and if someone post about a thing that is obvious (for example, that one-handers are crap nowadays) they will rage. "You are a support class". There are only few items that make onehanded a profitable class:
- Steel pick.
- Some hammers.

When I played onehanded class it was not for autoblock. It was for covering from ranged spam; pushing archers and other play style. It makes you slower, shields have ridiculous weights (heater shield with the same weight as a great maul), and you have to spend around 6 points on shield skill to have a decent skill with it. One handed class need some love.

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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #54 on: August 07, 2012, 02:10:14 am »
I'm probably in the minority, but overall 1h is fine.

1-handers have the potential to glance more because of their lower initial damage. That is also why 1-handers benefit the LEAST from PS. Since PS is percentage-based, 1-handers get the worst return on a PS investment.

You can't really increase 1-h damage, 'cause that would bring them too close to 2h and pole and would make 1h WAY the hell overpowered.

The thing with 1-handers is you need fantastic footwork to do well. Shielders live and die by their footwork, much more so than the other classes. Most shielders also stack str, which I think is the worst overall way to play a 1-hander. Either balanced builds 21/18, 18/18, 18/21 (my personal fav) or builds that more favor agility are the way to go. Shielders just don't get the return when stacking PS. Not to mention the fact that carrying a shield already makes you slow which is bad when you're fighting people with weapons way the hell longer than yours.

At 6PS, it is INCREDIBLY rare if I glance and when I do, it's entirely my fault. Hell, I have an alt with 12 PS that I rarely glance with. I have another 1-h no shield alt with 15 str that also rarely glances. It's all about footwork.

I do think it's easier to do well as a 2-hander or a pole user, but a REALLY good shielder (of which there are only a few) will tear the shit out of an enemy team like no other.

In my opinion, the only big problem with shielders is cut damage. Cut damage is way worse than every other damage type. It hits 1-handers even more so due to their lower initial damage. Still, my sword is my primary weapon and I regularly tear the hell out of str crutching plate users with it. If the devs changed damage types to be more effective vs different types of armors, it would help balance out the damage types a lot.

Also, another place where I'm in the minority, I think the new 1-h stab is FANTASTIC. WAY better than the old stab. You can get the stab off much quicker and can stab much more reliably now if you know what you're doing. It's way better than the old stab where people saw it coming from a mile away.
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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #55 on: August 07, 2012, 02:13:33 am »
I'm probably in the minority, but overall 1h is fine.

1-handers have the potential to glance more because of their lower initial damage. That is also why 1-handers benefit the LEAST from PS. Since PS is percentage-based, 1-handers get the worst return on a PS investment.

You can't really increase 1-h damage, 'cause that would bring them too close to 2h and pole and would make 1h WAY the hell overpowered.

The thing with 1-handers is you need fantastic footwork to do well. Shielders live and die by their footwork, much more so than the other classes. Most shielders also stack str, which I think is the worst overall way to play a 1-hander. Either balanced builds 21/18, 18/18, 18/21 (my personal fav) or builds that more favor agility are the way to go. Shielders just don't get the return when stacking PS. Not to mention the fact that carrying a shield already makes you slow which is bad when you're fighting people with weapons way the hell longer than yours.

At 6PS, it is INCREDIBLY rare if I glance and when I do, it's entirely my fault. Hell, I have an alt with 12 PS that I rarely glance with. I have another 1-h no shield alt with 15 str that also rarely glances. It's all about footwork.

I do think it's easier to do well as a 2-hander or a pole user, but a REALLY good shielder (of which there are only a few) will tear the shit out of an enemy team like no other.

In my opinion, the only big problem with shielders is cut damage. Cut damage is way worse than every other damage type. It hits 1-handers even more so due to their lower initial damage. Still, my sword is my primary weapon and I regularly tear the hell out of str crutching plate users with it. If the devs changed damage types to be more effective vs different types of armors, it would help balance out the damage types a lot.

Also, another place where I'm in the minority, I think the new 1-h stab is FANTASTIC. WAY better than the old stab. You can get the stab off much quicker and can stab much more reliably now if you know what you're doing. It's way better than the old stab where people saw it coming from a mile away.

Not sure I agree on the 1h stab but the rest of it I do. I am a str whore shielder though.
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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #56 on: August 07, 2012, 02:20:42 am »
It's all about footwork.

The problem is that for a 2h user, "footwork" is whatever they want it to be: backpeddling while cleaving nonstop, spinning around hiltslashing to great effect, 'lancing' with their 200 reach stab. So many options.

For 1h, "footwork" is keeping your enemy just off your left shoulder so you can execute your one decent attack.

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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #57 on: August 07, 2012, 02:22:56 am »
The problem is that for a 2h user, "footwork" is whatever they want it to be: backpeddling while cleaving nonstop, spinning around hiltslashing to great effect, 'lancing' with their 200 reach stab. So many options.

For 1h, "footwork" is keeping your enemy just off your left shoulder so you can execute your one decent attack.

Overheads are still effective just like right swings. Right swings are the slowest attacks though and only actually affect the other person halfway through the swing which is much slower than most other attacks on polearms/2h.

Overheads are still really effective though. Half my kills are overheads.
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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #58 on: August 07, 2012, 02:33:11 am »
Twohanders think that only them are the class that can top the scoreboard, and if someone post about a thing that is obvious (for example, that one-handers are crap nowadays) they will rage. "You are a support class". There are only few items that make onehanded a profitable class:
- Steel pick.
- Some hammers.

When I played onehanded class it was not for autoblock. It was for covering from ranged spam; pushing archers and other play style. It makes you slower, shields have ridiculous weights (heater shield with the same weight as a great maul), and you have to spend around 6 points on shield skill to have a decent skill with it. One handed class need some love.

i regularly top the scoreboard with a +3 scimitar, and i used to regularly top the scoreboard with a +0 simple sword (pre-nerf).

It's not impossible to do, but i'll admit the overhead turn nerf is a huge loss to 1h and shield. It hasn't at all boiled down to just left swing spamming however, that's rubbish, the other 3 directions are still useful, just not AS useful. 2h is OP definitely, but hell, this is CRPG, and CRPG is a 2h-centric mod :). There are still people that actually believe CRPG archers are overpowered for heaven's sake.
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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #59 on: August 07, 2012, 02:35:23 am »
On a similar note, how many "nerf 1h" threads come up weekly?
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