Author Topic: 1 hand needs a fix.  (Read 11532 times)

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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #75 on: August 07, 2012, 02:07:12 pm »
The problem was they were trying to nerf 2h and polearm but instead nerfed 1h worse.

The fact they still have not reverted the over head change to 1h is beyond me.
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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #76 on: August 07, 2012, 03:03:49 pm »
I stopped reading here.
Renegat is right,they wanted to nerf 2h but then nerfed 1h. And 2h can still do spinning stuff,helicoptering if they are good enough.
With overhead there is 60% chance to miss target unless you are attacking while standing still or target is not moving.
Stab works realy rare,but you cant stab anyone from close range,but spears and pikes can.  :rolleyes:
when that happend i rage quit.

People are having trouble landing overheads 'cause they're still trying to do it the old way. By using a combination of movement keys and turning it's terribly easy to reliably land overheads. Overheads still aren't as good as left and right swings, but they never were. They're still a good way to get someone by surprise and land a hit that does extra damage.

The new stab is fantastic and people that are having trouble are still trying to stab like they used to. It's so easy to get a stab at close range now that I use it to double hit people all the time. I left swing while moving right and instantly go for the stab. Most people never even see it coming.

If you really want to get good at the new stab, go 15/24 1h no shield. Don't wear armor and get yourself a plain old Espada. A 30 pierce held attack + speed bonus straight to the face REALLY does some damage.

I also see a lot of people complaining about 2-handers. 2-handers are the EASIEST to beat as a shielder. Since I don't stack str, I'm faster than they are. They will also never break my shield with their sword, so I'm basically invulnerable from the front. If they go for kicks, I go for stabs. All of my attacks are also faster than theirs.

2-handers have good all-around animations, but nothing is really fantastic.

1-handers have the best attack animation in the game: the left swing. Add to that a right swing that always catches people by surprise and a really quick thrust that you can do from close range and you can tear up some 2-handers.
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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #77 on: August 07, 2012, 03:18:31 pm »
Yeah I disagree with you.  They really went over board on the overhead nerf.

It was a challenge to land it before.  Now it is even more of a challenge.
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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #78 on: August 07, 2012, 04:21:17 pm »
Yeah I disagree with you.  They really went over board on the overhead nerf.

It was a challenge to land it before.  Now it is even more of a challenge.

You also only have 5 athletics, so your acceleration and speed is pretty slow. The nerf was more of a nerf to people with lower athletics. It's pretty easy to position yourself well with higher athletics.
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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #79 on: August 07, 2012, 04:31:46 pm »
No matter your athletics, good players see you begin to execute an overhead, and they just jump to either side and attack. Because of the turn rate limit, you can't track them during the swing, so you will get hit.

This is less of an issue with 2h/pole, because at a greater distance, a slower turn rate is required to track your target. The devs were trying to curtail spin thrusts/overheads for 2h and pikes, but it hurts 1h more than anyone else.

It's one line of code to make the turn rate limit a function of the weapon's moment of inertia, and almost everyone would agree this would be both realistic and balanced.

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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #80 on: August 07, 2012, 04:37:16 pm »
No matter your athletics, good players see you begin to execute an overhead, and they just jump to either side and attack. Because of the turn rate limit, you can't track them during the swing, so you will get hit.

This is less of an issue with 2h/pole, because at a greater distance, a slower turn rate is required to track your target. The devs were trying to curtail spin thrusts/overheads for 2h and pikes, but it hurts 1h more than anyone else.

It's one line of code to make the turn rate limit a function of the weapon's moment of inertia, and almost everyone would agree this would be both realistic and balanced.

Devs have already said they aren't going to change it, so may as well adapt.

If you are moving while you are winding up your attack, people generally don't see it coming, especially if you are moving around their side. Also they can jump all they want, I can still get to where they will be before them and hit them anyway.

Personally, I like that it's more skill-based now instead of who can turn their mouse the fastest.
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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #81 on: August 07, 2012, 04:55:13 pm »
Well, I do like that overheads are so rare now that they surprise people. I was watching Onimaho play the other day, and I think he overheads with that Nordic War more now than ever, and he was wrecking everyone as usual.

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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #82 on: August 07, 2012, 04:57:34 pm »
1h overhead was a mediocre, situational attack, in no way overpowered. There was really no reason to make it slower (forcing you to lineup before swing) and even more situational.

It's not a huge nerf to 1h, cuz we can compensate by leaning more on other swings, but it's just annoying that the class was made less fun by removing diversity of attacks. You can't be as artistic, more limited in combos, instead being 1h is more plodding.

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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #83 on: August 07, 2012, 05:09:26 pm »
Meh, 1h is fine, Ive spent a couple gens as 1h and never had problems using 5 powerstrike with them. Its how you use it that matters. 5ps + speedbonus + headslash does devastating amounts of damage to anyone, regardless of head armour.

Only thing I dislike about 1h, is the shitty stab, it was bad before, but with the turnspeed nerf, its actually unusable. It also made me respecc from 1h, because spinstabbing was my favourite thing as a 1h, because noone expected it from you...  :cry:

Stop 1h from being affected by turnspeed limtations, is enough of a buff for me.
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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #84 on: August 07, 2012, 05:12:15 pm »
Meh, 1h is fine, Ive spent a couple gens as 1h and never had problems using 5 powerstrike with them. Its how you use it that matters. 5ps + speedbonus + headslash does devastating amounts of damage to anyone, regardless of head armour.

Only thing I dislike about 1h, is the shitty stab, it was bad before, but with the turnspeed nerf, its actually unusable. It also made me respecc from 1h, because spinstabbing was my favourite thing as a 1h, because noone expected it from you...  :cry:

Stop 1h from being affected by turnspeed limtations, is enough of a buff for me.

Just turn with the A and D keys instead of the mouse.

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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #85 on: August 07, 2012, 05:50:35 pm »
1 Hand needs a fix, with  6ps a 32 cut weapon i bounced off naked flesh, the dude was wearing no armour and I bounced right off.  1 Hand suffers from some really stupid bounces, not to meantion its underpowred and armour seems to be getting heavier and heaviers. Can we at least fix the bounces.

My guy has 8 power strike, 140 wpf in 1h, wears no armor and even if I manage to put all the speed into I can get with my 5 athletics, the stab with long espada eslavona is totally useless when the opponent wears 40 or more body armor, what practically every noobist (= 2h/ pole) does.

I understand that  there needs to be some easy-mode class for all the not so skilled players among crpg folks, but whats the point of a sword when all you can do is hope that your 2h/pole swinging opponent misses s-key and falls 5 times in a row for a feint and backhand-swing?
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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #86 on: August 07, 2012, 07:06:31 pm »
El_Infante guide to block onehanders.
First attack: Block left 100% success
Second attack: Block left 100% success
Third attack: Block overhead 100% success

It's retarded a class that only have 1 decent attack and another crappy one if things go bad. No. 1H is a overnerfed class. Low damage, low reach, low speed, skill points hungry. I played all of possible classes of cRPG and shielder is the most difficult to play with the less reward for mastering it.

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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #87 on: August 07, 2012, 07:22:29 pm »
El_Infante guide to block onehanders.
First attack: Block left 100% success
Second attack: Block left 100% success
Third attack: Block overhead 100% success

It's retarded a class that only have 1 decent attack and another crappy one if things go bad. No. 1H is a overnerfed class. Low damage, low reach, low speed, skill points hungry. I played all of possible classes of cRPG and shielder is the most difficult to play with the less reward for mastering it.

Haha, so true. I try to always open with a right or overhead before I start the left spam for this reason, since everyone assumes you will open with left swing.

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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #88 on: August 07, 2012, 07:50:10 pm »
El_Infante guide to block onehanders.
First attack: Block left 100% success
Second attack: Block left 100% success
Third attack: Block overhead 100% success

It's retarded a class that only have 1 decent attack and another crappy one if things go bad. No. 1H is a overnerfed class. Low damage, low reach, low speed, skill points hungry. I played all of possible classes of cRPG and shielder is the most difficult to play with the less reward for mastering it.

 :lol: True. No matter what you do every 2h will block your first hit,if you can't hit him after 3rd attack you better leave him alone.

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Re: 1 hand needs a fix.
« Reply #89 on: August 07, 2012, 08:17:01 pm »
:lol: True. No matter what you do every 2h will block your first hit,if you can't hit him after 3rd attack you better leave him alone.

Damn those Manuel blockers huh  :?:lol:
I've never played a server where people split up as much or as often as on EU1.  No wonder range is having a field day.