Author Topic: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - NA  (Read 66930 times)

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Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - Open to Applicants
« Reply #330 on: November 02, 2012, 06:18:07 am »
Congratz all around guys! And especially to our other new member!

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Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - Open to Applicants
« Reply #331 on: November 02, 2012, 10:08:23 pm »
Welcome, son of Oda to the Holy Guard....I bought and bled beside your father proudly...and will be proud to do the same with you.

Make yourself at home, visit our armory, and join us on the field!

You bought his father? YOU RACIST BASTARD!
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Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - Open to Applicants
« Reply #332 on: November 02, 2012, 10:30:55 pm »
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« Last Edit: April 11, 2014, 11:07:13 pm by Sauce »

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Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - Open to Applicants
« Reply #333 on: November 03, 2012, 01:50:59 am »
  Tojo awoke to the first rays of dawn shining over the mountain peaks. He rose out of bed feeling more refreshed then ever and dressed himself in the new monk's robe his fellow members had laid out for him. After wondering through the Monastery admiring the beauty of the snow sparkling in the suns light, he found his new companions breakfasting and starting the day's chores. They greeted him heartily and he sat and ate his fill while drinking the Monastery's special brew of ale. After he was finished eating he began to tell his story as he had promised the other night and began from where he could first remember...

  Tojo was found in a shipment of metal ingots by a highly regarded blacksmith on the island of Kyushu. The blacksmith and his wife viewed the orphan child as a gift from the Heavens as the were not able to conceive their own child. Tojo grew up learning the family trade while practicing the local style of martial arts in the towns dojo. He grew up healthy and strong and soon began to master the craft of swordsmithing. Pleased with his son's work his adoptive father offered to hand over the family business so he can retire. However fate had other plans... In the middle of the night, a clan of ninjas acted out an order to assassinate all of the towns leaders. After successfully killing most of their targets a ninja was discovered and the alarm sounded. Chaos broke out as the town samurai clashed in combat with the ninjas. It only became worse when in the midst of the melee someone started a fire which spread quickly incinerating everything and anyone it touched. Tojo was awoken by the yelling and the heat of the flames, only to discover his father and mother both dead in front of him each with a sword his father had crafted in their hand. In front of his parent lay two of the would be assassins, both of which were missing limbs. Unable to think with sadness and fear he ran from the village and did not stop until sometime the next day.

  He made it to the islands main city after two days travel where he found a group of veteran warriors called Red Lotus. Fueled by revenge he quickly joined their ranks hoping to find a new way of life. The Red Lotus clan protected the people of Kyushu from attackers and with Tojo's help kept the civilians safe from would be aggressors for many years. Eventually, peace came to the land and without need for fighting the leader of Red Lotus retired his position to grow old peacefully. Leadership was handed over, but Tojo was not interested, instead he still yearned in his heart for some wholeness he was not feeling. An emptiness inside his heart, which he meditated on from time to time... One day while meditating silently he saw a blinding vision before him of a strange looking man nailed to two posts with arms spread across across. With this great vision came a booming voice which said "This is my son, serve him with an open heart to him and it shall be fulfilled..." as the blinding light was fating he glimpsed in his minds eye another vision of a Snow covered castle high atop a mountain. Tojo knew immediately what his purpose was and began making preparation for his epic journey...
« Last Edit: November 03, 2012, 01:54:59 am by ChingChong_the_Ronin »

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Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - Open to Applicants
« Reply #334 on: November 03, 2012, 02:19:30 am »
Looking forward to playing with the new clan members!

Also, the old ones.  But they're starting to smell a little now... maybe we should kick a couple to the curb.   :mrgreen:
Quote from: Smoothrich
Racism against our chinese gold grinding brothers.

Offline genric

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Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - Open to Applicants
« Reply #335 on: November 03, 2012, 06:49:48 pm »
Artanis was speaking to other members of the order when Tojo came up with his food and sat

     "welcome tojo, eat up and get your strength. I pray you slept well" Artanis smiled as he ate his warm porridge slowly and swallowed it down with a glass of chilled milk. He was about to speak up when Tojo began his tale of how he came to be here so he remained silent and listened intently. Nodding periodically he listened to the story understanding who Tojo was and how he came to be who he is.

     "We are glad you made it to us brother, but I am sad for the turmoil you have suffered. It is like that for many of us who came here after suffering great loss" He stood up as he spoke and leaned forward over the table to pat Tojo on the shoulder "Thank you for sharing with us I must make my rounds now but we may speak again soon, please make yourself at home and familiarize yourself with the place" Smiling he step away, wrapping his cloak around him and stepped outside.
I am the shadow that lingers in your wake. I am four steps behind and two before you. You are trapped. Always.
I checked, the only Vagabond I found was Wolves_Vagabond_TheCruel, that guy is now unbanned. Ban reason was: "calling Zotte a cockswoggler".

Offline SteelFalcon

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Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - Open to Applicants
« Reply #336 on: November 03, 2012, 07:12:27 pm »
   The Himmelsberg Monastery, home to the noble Holy Guards, stood on a steep-faced mountain, overlooking the countryside with a watchful yet calming air. This legendary monastery was unconquered and defended by the most noble and holy men that could be found, a band of brothers united by sacred trust and an iron resolve to protect those weaker than themselves. The monastery was obviously built to last, and glistened as a beacon of safety and indomitable security to weary travelers and holy knights alike who traveled in the icy and dangerous land it watched over.  The massive wooden gates, with their overarching parapet and the intricate etchings of illuminated and holy scenes graven into the wood yet surrounded by scuffs, dents, and scratches of a gate that had obviously withstood the turmoils of war, were awe-inspiring and magnificent in the early morning light. The Guardsmen watching over the gate were relaxed yet still poised with a deadly efficiency and grace on the parapet above the gate and bridge across the chasm that separated the Monastery from the surrounding mountains.  Their crossbows, master-crafted and lethal yet still elegant and beautiful, were strung and ready at their waists as they cautiously watched the man they saw coming towards their gates. As he drew nearer, their hails and calls for him to halt died on their lips, they found their mouths had a will of their own, dropping slightly open, and their eyes widened as they were drawn to a certain deadly adornment attached to the waist of the traveler.
   The morning sun shone brightly over the gloriously shining snowy hills as a weary and sad-faced traveler approached the Himmelsberg gates. He was young, perhaps not yet seeing his twenty-fifth winter, but his eyes had the depth of a much older man. His travel-stained cloak swirled in the wind that drew up eddies of snow from the mountainside as he strode onward. There was a natural grace to his movements and yet a tension similar to a coiled spring. His armor was battered but still shone in the sun, his face was haggard with the growth of a beard several weeks in the making but still maintained an air of dignity, his equipment jingled as he walked but somehow he seemed as silent as a shadow thrown across a sunny floor.  Strapped across his back was a monstrous sword, obviously well-made and in good condition, he wore it well and looked as if he knew how to use it. This was, however, not what drew the attention and surprise of the guards. Hanging from the young man's waist, though seeming more like an extension of his heart and soul rather than a tool, was a magnificent blade that glistened and shone with a light of its own as he drew it from its heavy, lacquered, and engraved sheath. The etchings gleamed with an inner fire as he gracefully twirled it out into a flawless salute to where it sang and hummed in the air before him.
   “I am Guiscard, son of Oda Nobunaga, warrior of the far Eastern shores.” His voice resounded in the hills, harmonizing with the deep and resonant ring of his elegant blade. He continued, “My father has fallen to the wiles and machinations of the Shinobu sent west to hunt him down by the treacherous dogs responsible for the collapse of our land. He lives yet as a prisoner to those distant adversaries. He spoke well of the Holy Guard to me throughout our time together, and he was a man to whom compliments did not come easily.” The young man's face seems to darken slightly and take on a bitter aspect for just a moment as he finishes, his voice faltering ever so slightly, almost as if reliving a sharp pain or a grim memory. The look passes in a flash fast enough that anyone watching would have had a hard time believing that it had ever been there. Stoic and dignified posture resumed, he raised his voice in a tone designed to carry his voice to any ears within the Monastery, once again perfectly accompanying the persistent and melodic ring of his Katana, “I am here to pledge my allegiance to your cause, and by so doing remind you of the brotherhood you and my father once shared. To request, nay demand, that you follow your honor to come to his aide in his time of troubles.” As the ringing of the sword reluctantly  drew to an end, he twirled it once more and slammed it into the icy ground at his feet and knelt, both hands on the hilt, peering up into the parapet now full of onlookers. The Archon stepped forward from the crowd and looked down upon him. The silence was broken as the young man spoke quietly, just loud enough to be heard from the ramparts but increasing slowly in volume with each word, “I pledge myself to your cause. Let your enemies be my enemies, let your friends be my allies, let you be my brothers whom I would die to protect,” his voice rose to a crescendo, “Let us serve God together, Let us combat the enemies of peace, justice, and freedom, Let us present to them a united front, Let us fight, let us live, let us protect the weak and uphold right!” In the ensuing silence his voice spoke, barely more than a whisper but audible to all, “With this oath, I pledge my sword, my father's sword, to God and His servants the Holy Guard. We will serve you until the end, with every drop of blood.”
   The figure rose, the wind's woeful moaning began in earnest, sending the snow and ice encrusted on his knees swirling off into the distance. He sheathed his sword. Guiscard, son of Oda Nobunaga, servant of God, trained by his father in the ways of nobility and swordcraft, stood and walked into the now open gates of Himmelsberg Monastery. He felt a sensation that was new, something that he had never felt in his long years of travel both alone and with his father. He felt peace. He felt comfort. He was home.
“You seem to be under the misconception that if you perform one brave deed, that alone makes you a samurai. Well it doesn't! You let that one act of loyalty convince you of your righteousness. The more convinced you became, the more harm you caused yourself and everyone else.”
~Miyamoto Musashi
"Duty is heavier than a mountain; death is lighter than a feather."
~Robert Jordan

Offline Roland Vant

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Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - Open to Applicants
« Reply #337 on: November 04, 2012, 08:19:22 pm »
Welcome Tojo! Looks like we need to duel to get this tournament going, finally. XD
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Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - Open to Applicants
« Reply #338 on: November 06, 2012, 09:46:40 pm »
After word that another man had come Himmelsberg  from the East, Tojo went to introduce himself. Upon seeing the new recruit for the first time Tojo recognized his face, it was the face of man with whom he had battled alongside many years before. However, the man standing in-front of Tojo was younger and carried himself in a different manner than the long gone companion he once knew. Tojo bowed and introduced himself, and the new recruit did the same introducing himself as "Guicard Nobunaga". "Ahh", said Tojo " I recognized your fathers face, welcome to the Monastery It is an honor to fight alongside Oda's son. Your Father's skill with a katana was legendary and could often be seen on the battlefield taking on three or more enemies at once as if he was playing with them." but before Guicard could respond the bell to rally the forces rang, and they had to depart to prepare for battle. As they were rushing off in opposite directions to suit up, Tojo called out, "May God grant you protection and a swift death to your enemies!"

Offline Dalfador

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Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - Open to Applicants
« Reply #339 on: November 07, 2012, 03:38:31 am »
Dalfador's RP story

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Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - Open to Applicants
« Reply #340 on: November 07, 2012, 09:08:08 pm »
Sign up for the battles tonight!
Elindor, Archon of the Holy Guard
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Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - Open to Applicants
« Reply #341 on: November 09, 2012, 05:56:29 pm »
Couple announcements.

:arrow: Make sure everyone reads the HG STRAT ORDERS link in TS (if you don't know where that is, ask)

Also, some promotions:

:arrow: Roland_Vant promoted to GUARD
:arrow: Tojo promoted to SENTRY
:arrow: Guiscard Oda Son promoted to SENTRY

Congratulations soldiers!

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« Last Edit: November 09, 2012, 06:01:05 pm by Elindor »
Elindor, Archon of the Holy Guard
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Offline genric

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Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - Open to Applicants
« Reply #342 on: November 09, 2012, 08:02:06 pm »
Congrats to our warriors for they dedication and prowess in combat. Hurrah!
I am the shadow that lingers in your wake. I am four steps behind and two before you. You are trapped. Always.
I checked, the only Vagabond I found was Wolves_Vagabond_TheCruel, that guy is now unbanned. Ban reason was: "calling Zotte a cockswoggler".

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Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - Open to Applicants
« Reply #343 on: November 09, 2012, 10:11:40 pm »
Where the fuck u getting these members?  You mofos are hurricane sandy got or all you hog scum would be dead. Except claire. I will always love him/her
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Re: [HG] Order of the Holy Guard - Open to Applicants
« Reply #344 on: November 09, 2012, 10:16:42 pm »
Where the fuck u getting these members?  You mofos are hurricane sandy got or all you hog scum would be dead. Except claire. I will always love him/her

I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
Death is a fun way to pass the time though, several little bullets moving in staccato.
The terror of my reign will live on in infamy, singing when they die like a dead man's symphony.