When I discovered you could accumulate crafting points by choosing your gear on the Crpg mode to enhence your armies in Strategus, I found it was the most awesome thing ever... it's gonna be removed. The level up with the heirloom system in a battlefield with many players where skill is much more important than level ups is great, and letting you that gear after in strat controlling your own army with players made it even better... That's, when you play, you have the buzz of getting this message anytime and get a lot more fun playing with expensive heirloomed items (like MW Heavy Gauntlets!) All that gave the strategus mode something awesome, and it seems we'll just be moving around for now and buying things in the village without being able to craft... Also players have grinded for months getting this message and building a Strat character with hard-earned crafting skills with their looms, why are people so excited about removing it?? I respect that, it's just kindof deceiving removing the fusion between the 2 mods of the mod, and had to say it.
Anyway would be great if we could keep the crafting mode with it in Strat 4 without removing the new things to add...