Interesting analysis. I think it's partially true. But changing maps won't work. Except if you completly remove cavalry. Maps such as Nord Town are usually not so bad for cav players, because horses used currently have a shitload of maneuvrability. We should change the way horses have to be used in a more risky one for cav players, not allowing them to make a u-turn at full speed. This is the reason we don't see any more 1h cav but only lancers. It's so easy to avoid every attack you don't really need armored horses, just fast and agile ones. This leads to clans like GK dominating many maps, with their correct use of the extreme maneuver of champion sarranid horses.
Prepatch we had way more 1h cav because heavy horses were usable (not doomed by horrible upkeep prices). Now I'd say 65% of horses seen are sarranids, 10% steppe and 25% of others. Read : disbalance among horses. To fix that, I'd suggest we buff charge damage, armor and health points and nerf maneuvrability A LOT (maybe speed too, but not so much), so "charge" horses are used again, and horses users aren't allowed to evade everything by making a u-turn at the last moment.
Furthermore, this would probably lead to more organised cavalry forces, and better chances of opposing cavalry armies avoiding each other (attacking the enemy cav group should'nt be the good tactical move), so less chaos of cav vs cav "battles" where agile horses dominate even more.
The reason no one uses armoured horses is because no one can afford them unless you use banner 'balance'. And what's with this hate for even weak horses? Sarranids are not fast, but if someone puts 10-12 riding, why shouldn't he go fast? Maybe we should take away some damage done from your power strike or power throw because it is too much damage? You put 11 Pt and you one hit me with a masterwork throwing lance, maybe that is OP? Same logic. Of course throwing should be powerful with 11 PT, just like horses should be fast and turn on a dime with 11 riding.
The reason for roof camping is because while many players have the twitch skills, they lack the situational awareness to avoid being eaten alive. Time after time I have seen a lone lancer creep behind out lines and couch someone at game start. After 3 times, does anyone bother to spin around a bit or use tilda? No, they keep pressing w. If you play badly, it is just your poor performance, not the OP of other people's equipment to blame.
People roof camp because they lack the skill to deal with cav, or to work together with the team to eliminate situations with cav. This is why gaining cav superiority is the priority on normal semi plausible maps (maps that are not roof camp fests). If you can't eliminate enemy cav, at least keep your cav players in being (cav in being principle), so you will not get slow speed circle stabbed by heavy lances. Cav usually only slow down to circle stab if the opposing team cav has all died. else they look like delicious couch or lance fodder to passing enemy cav.
Roof campers just lack the software to handle cavs and also refuse to deal with it by taking the easy way out. Bad map designers worsen this problem with the random buildings out of nowhere for people to camp. Some people won't be satisfied with cav until all cav cant bump, die to a single hit of anything, and move as slow as sumpters. Even if that happens, I can guarantee some people will still die to cav, since situational awareness is non existent. Even clannies need ghosting to help them in that area, so how much awareness can you expect from public players?
One anecdote to illustrate this was in pre patch was on a mountain map, where a heavy cav was trying to kill a tin can but the tin can was alert and on rocky terrain so it was too difficult. The heavy cav then moved towards a nearby friendly archer, stood behind him, whistled twice, then reared his horse to warn the archer to stop tunnel visioning, but did the archer even bother to turn around? I think even a tiny love tap was involved as the situation got critical. Tin can got the archer in the end. I messaged the heavy cav to praise him for his efforts, but as he said, "Archers, what can we do with them...". Pretty much beyond salvation when you can ignore 2 whistles and a horse rear coming RIGHT BEHIND YOU. Most likely a roof camper caught without roofs who never bothered to improve situational awareness.
Lastly cav do not have twice the HP unless lag or other factors prevent you from aiming properly. If we don't take into account the free hits on the cav man as he is dismounted, those people who you complain are turning on a dime have very low HPs. To get 10-12 ride to ride on a paper horse that dies when anyone looks at it funny, I will only have enough HP to die when anyone sneezes on me. Contrast with the new easy mode, strength stack black armour crushthrough or 2 hand lolstab or throwing, these guy's effective HP is around thrice an unarmoured peasant, and they get it for cheaper than a decent horse.