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A Polearm and Two-Handed Weapon/Weapon Type Comparison
« on: July 30, 2012, 04:36:19 am »
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This started out as a complaint about the lack of versatility within the Two-Handed weapon class and at least for the first part, it remains so. I realized while writing this and staring at the numbers though, that it wasn't fair to simply bring attention to only the one aspect of balance; rather than creating two separate threads, I have condensed it down into one subject.

It's obvious that certain weapons are more like some than others, and that certain groups of these weapons create a niche. Each of these niches or "subclasses" have unique play-styles and share advantages and/or disadvantages. This is where versatility comes into play. So why is versatility even important? Versatility plays a major role in balance, both of a class type and indeed with individual weapons. What are the alternatives that mounted cavalry can choose to take with them for when they're unhorsed, or if they want to use one weapon while both mounted and unmounted? What if a player wants to take a duel specific weapon and a team fight weapon?

It's clear that pikes shouldn't be able to be carried alongside a greatsword or a GLA, otherwise there would be no need for them to currently be 3 slots, or for us to even have a slot system at all. Should you not consider the advantages of taking a Swiss Halberd and a GLA at the same time, while remaining equally proficient in both without having to split your wpf? So what are these subclasses?

The Comparison

Polearms vary in length from 115 to 155, two-hand have the range variation at 90 to 116. While the majority of the polearms remain balanced, two-handers are forced to use unbalanced weapons if they want an axe or bonus against shield. You could throw the poleaxes in here as well, in which case not only do they serve the purpose of an axe, they also have good thrust damage (aside from one, which is still mediocre). Two-Handers have nothing like this.

Pierce damage, swing weapons
Polearms have the Bec and Long Spiked club. 2h gets the Morning Star, yet another unbalanced weapon. The Bec is balanced, has more range, 1 more speed, and a thrust. But wait, doesn't the morning star just serve the purpose of an axe more than a dueling, all-purpose weapon that the Bec can fill? It does, and with 38p, why would anyone even use any of the axes, they only gain 10-15 range. So much for any sort of versatility 2hers have in these two categories. Nearly all of the axes are inferior to the morning star, as 38 pierce does the same amount of damage to a mere 40 armored target that 44 cut would do.

Really long range spammy thingies like the Flamberge
 Two-handers have one, polearms have several. Hell, they have 9 weapons with 150 length + that also still have four attack directions. They range from the Scythe at 896 gold to the GLB at 13,700 gold. That’s huge versatility within the subclass for polearms.

Two-handers actually win here. They have both really slow and heavy weapons, and mildly faster + lighter weapons that sacrifice crushthrough frequency, for speed. The polearm version has uniqueness to it as well, as it isn't just a carbon copy of one of its 2h counterparts. It's much, much longer than any of the other crushthrough weapons.

Blunt type weapons
The Two-Handed balanced weapons are the goedendag and mace. Polearms have the War Spear, Red Tassel Spear, Iron Staff, and Quarter Staff. Of the Unbalanced ones, 2h have Bar Mace, Long Iron Mace, Studded War Club varying from 92 to 96 length and 92 to 95 speed. Polearms have Long Hafted Spiked Mace, Long Hafted Knobbed Mace varying from 133 to 138 length and 91 to 93 speed. Polearms are slightly more versatile here but pretty much equal balance throughout, now that pole-stagger isn't there to account for.

As much as a people would like to believe, a greatsword isn’t a pike. The longspear has an effective 260 length, the greatswords are around 190 length. The 70 length difference is quite huge in practice. Furthermore, pikes completely dominate horsemen, greatswords do not. “But I kill horsemen all the time on my 2her”. Sure, and I pull off 3v1s against bads every other round, doesn’t mean that if you were to take two equally skilled players, that the horseman would have any reason to lose. An effective 240 length reach from cavalry, completely shits on the best possible reach you can get with any 2her. Sure, you might hit his horse, but you will also get lanced without doing any damage to the rider. To go further still, even if you were to kill the horse, there is still a chance that you would run into the bug where you’d end up getting lanced/couched due to the rider not getting put into the proper knockdown animation on time.

Though most of their weapons were hit fairly hard by the loss of pole-stagger, for the sake of this comparison I’m going to pretend they are as balanced as they were when they had pole-stagger, as it’s clear they will be receiving a buff as compensation for their loss. For field battles, hoplites offer the most versatility, utility and survivability as they have a shield for protection, longer range than anyone except pikemen, and if they put away their shield, they have a completely different way of fighting. They have a minimum of 180 effective length (130 length spear) but most likely around 200 (war spear has 200 effective length in hoplite mode) and can even go up to an effective 250 length range with a bamboo spear. Two-Handers only have gimmicks as a comparison. You either use the weapon as a 1h when you use it with a shield, which nerfs the speed, damage and effective length or you use it with a shield in polearm mode, in which case your effective range is 150, easily inferior to even the shortest of polearm hoplite weapons as well as doing less damage.

Bi-directional weapons
These don’t even exist for Two-Handed type weapons. Why should this matter? The attack directions are part of a weapon’s stats, if a weapon only has two or three attack directions you have to take that into consideration when you’re balancing its length, speed and damage. This may not seem like a huge issue, but you have to remember, this is about versatility and these weapons have a unique fighting style.

Mounted Weapons
I don't think I really need to go into too much depth here. Only the Longsword and Morning Star are viable for 2h, meanwhile the usage statistics for polearms show something vastly different, even with 30%+ on the heavy lance. Not to say that makes for good balance within the lance class, because it doesn't, but I know the issue is trying to be addressed so you'll have to forgive me for not spending too much time on it. Regardless, people are still regularly using the Lance, Light lance, and the Great Lance. More importantly though, I know it's not necessary to point out which cavalry type, polearm or two-handed, is superior.

+70 Length Thrust Weapons
Any weapon with the unique two-handed thrust animation, which means polearms don’t have anything that fits this niche, but it doesn’t mean they don’t have weapons of comparable range (glaive, any 170~ range polearm). What this class might actually lack in range on swings, it quickly makes up for with its thrust. These weapons don’t have any fancy mechanics (aside from a single goedendag) and their only utility is indeed, in their range. On average, their damage isn’t enough (at least for me) to be considered hard hitters.

I just listed ten subclasses/fighting styles that are based on weapon stats. Six of them greatly favor polearms, two greatly favor two-handed weapons, and two are relatively equally balanced. We haven’t quite gone through all of the weapons and fighting styles, so here’s two more.

Tri/Quad Directional, universally well rounded, sharing the same general fighting-style, weapons. These could possibly double as "dueling" weapons. This section is more in depth as these weapons are the most popular (Not so much the faster weapons) as well as the most controversial.
The Fast Weapons

Weapons Chosen: Longsword, Katana, Bastard Sword, Two-Handed Sword, Miaodao

95 to 101 speed                          Mean: 97.6 Mode: 95 Median: 98
35 cut to 40 cut                           Mean: 37.5 c Mode: 36c Median: 37c
0/16 pierce to 23 pierce thrust    Mean: 16.4 p Mode: NA Median: 21p
95 to 115 length                          Mean: 106.6 Mode: NA Median: 106
Total 2h Count of this Category: 5
(click to show/hide)

Polearm (The weapons most greatly affected by the loss of pole-stagger, also the weapons which will receive the greatest reimbursement for their loss)

Weapons Chosen: Quarter Staff, Shortened Spear, Spear, Long Spiked Club, Red Tassel Spear, War Spear, Iron Staff

95 to 102 speed                          Mean: 97.4 Mode: 95 Median: 97
15 blunt to 25 pierce swing         Mean: 18.9 b Mode: 15b Median: 18b
17 blunt to 25 pierce thrust         Mean: 24.4 p Mode: 27p Median: 26p
120 to 150 length                        Mean: 135.3 Mode: 150 Median: 135
Total Polearm Count of this Category: 7 (Discarded the Staff and Practice Lance as they have no purpose for sustained usage.)

What does this mean, aside from polearms having 40% more weapons in this category than Two-Handers? To start, these weapons have equivalent speed. Polearms have both superior range on all attacks, as well as much higher thrust damage. While clearly, Two-Handers have superior swing damage. You have to remember on that last one though, that fast polearm's swings are most affected by the loss of pole-stagger and that these damages are based around the existence of pole-stagger. These weapons truly got shit on by the loss of pole-stagger and will thus (most likely) receive a large buff to their swing damage as compensation. On the other hand, the polearms clearly have superior thrust damage and weapon range for all but the thrust, which, even then, is fairly similar. Each of these polearms can also be used with a shield, so you should account for the added versatility here as well.

The Slow, Long or High Damage Weapons
Two-Handed (43.5% EU usage, 27.5% NA usage)
Weapons Chosen: Dadao, Heavy Great Sword, Great Sword, Highland Claymore, Sword of War, Nodachi, German Greatsword, Danish Greatsword

91 to 94 speed                              Mean: 92.2 Mode: 92 Median: 92
0/22 pierce to 26 pierce thrust      Mean: 17.9 Mode: 0, 22, 26 Median: 21.5
(click to show/hide)
37 cut to 43 cut                             Mean: 40.3 (Without the Nodachi or Dadao: 39.5) Mode: 40, 43 Median: 40
115 to 124 length                          Mean: 120.3
Total 2h Count of this Category: 8
Average gold cost: 12,487 with 1 weapon less than 11.7K gold (price of 2nd cheapest weapon)

Polearm (20.12% EU usage, 19.99% NA usage)
(click to show/hide)
Weapons Chosen: Hafted Blade, Long Bardiche, Long Hafted Blade, Long War Axe, Glaive, Bec de Corbin, Great Long Axe, Poleaxe, German Poleaxe, Elegant Poleaxe

89 to 94 speed                              Mean: 91.2 Mode: 92 Median: 92
16 blunt to 31 pierce                     Mean: 22.3 Mode: 16, 26 Median: 21
34 pierce to 45 cut                        Mean: 40.8 Mode: 45, 39 Median: 41
(click to show/hide)
120 to 160 length                          Mean: 135.7
Total Polearm Count of this Category: 10
Average gold cost: 11078 with 6 weapons less than 11.7K gold

To start, the cost of the weapons in this top tier category varies quite a bit between the two. I'm sure some people are wondering how I can call "cheap" weapons "top tier". Well, due to my wanting to keep the dadao as a top tier weapon, because of how slight the variance is from the Highland Claymore, and the fact that the Hafted blade fits all the technical requirements (94 speed, balanced, 4 directional attack), as well as both costing the same, I thought it appropriate to leave both, rather than take one out. Though, arguably, the Hafted blade is a fairly bad weapon. They fill the same purpose in each class as being the "low-end" top-tier weapons. LWA and GS were both kept because in both cases, they differ from only +1 speed and -1 cut from their legitimate, top-tier counterparts. In hind sight, I could have added the Long Axe to the polearm list, but I was trying to not have too many cheap weapons on the list. The Heavy Great Sword fills all of my technical requirements for the list, but arguably, it could be removed. This would only further stress the point of a lack of versatility for two-handers, especially had I added the Long Axe to the list, making it 7 weapons to 11, nearly 60% more weapons in the polearm category.

The speed is equivalent again, as are both damage types as well. Length on swings slightly favors Two-Handed weapons while the thrust length is greatly in favor of the Two-Handers. Six of the ten polearms have “bonus against shields”. I do not believe that most of the polarms in this section are disadvantaged by the loss of pole-stagger, as they simply aren’t fast enough weapons to utilize pole-stagger, for a second hit. I would still say that for the most part, these weapons are at a disadvantage over-all due to the difference in thrust length.

So why not just change to the polearm animation for thrusts? The thrust animation creates a fighting style that is unique. Why needlessly change fighting styles when you can do other things to implement balance? One of the staple advantages for Two-Handers is their thrust reach, one of them for polearms, is their number of balanced weapons with bonus against shields, or the ability to stop horses. Taking one of those away completely changes balance for the whole class. The same way taking pole-stagger away from polearms did.

“But pole-stagger was removed from polearms, so it’s only fair to remove something from Two-Handers”. No, it isn’t. Pole-stagger allowed you to consistently get two hits for your opponent only making one mistake. That holds a much greater affect over the outcome of a fight than 30-40 length on a single, low-medium damage attack direction.

Do you see this the same as I do? Am I missing something? Am I the only one who thinks that overall, these weapons seem mostly balanced (or were, before pole-stagger was removed)? Discuss.
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Re: A Polearm and Two-Handed Weapon/Weapon Type Comparison
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2012, 04:37:10 am »
Reserved, just in case.
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Re: A Polearm and Two-Handed Weapon/Weapon Type Comparison
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2012, 05:24:19 am »
I have some more questions for you when I actually have the time to sit down and compose a detailed reply, but for now:

>This started out as a complaint about the lack of versatility within the Two-Handed weapon class
2hs have the least number of overall weapon choices precisely because they are they are the most versatile weapons overall. The most powerful and most cost-effective 2hs have excellent attacks in all four directions with significantly better animations than either poles or 1h. The only reason 2hs have a shorter weapon list is because their weapon list is, for the most part, not artificially bloated by suboptimal tripe like the Shashka, Long Voulge, Liuyedao, or Military Fork, just to name a few.

>Though most of their weapons were hit fairly hard by the loss of pole-stagger, for the sake of this comparison I’m going to pretend they are as balanced as they were when they had pole-stagger, as it’s clear they will be receiving a buff as compensation for their loss
>as it’s clear they will be receiving a buff as compensation for their loss
Just like 1h received a buff in compensation back when the Side Sword, Steel Pick, Italian Sword, Grosse Messer, Langes Messer, Long Espada, and Military Pick had their damage or speed reduced and shields had a buff to compensate for the reduction in their forcefield radius, amirite?

Your entire argument here falls apart when you remember that a 2h player that is not confident in his ability to outthrust cav can always choose to bring a cheap bamboo spear together with his 2 slot Danish or German if he so chooses and suffer none of the disadvantages you are describing despite wielding it at 1wpf. Yes, he cannot sheathe the bamboo spear, but neither can a pole player.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2012, 05:34:17 am by Pentecost »

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Re: A Polearm and Two-Handed Weapon/Weapon Type Comparison
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2012, 10:10:45 am »
2handers have many unique features. They combine lance with 4directional weapon (2 handed swords). Also have very nasty animation because of it they could spam.
By spam I mean that 2handers very sporadically bounce of even on high angle hits and this is reason why many polearmers switch to 2handers not because polestagger removal but because turn rate nerf.
This nerf was aimed on lonspear and pike but nefred significantly almost every other weapon in polearm class. Actually pike and longspear users must had very good time watching devs to try nerf them with this overcomplicated feature and still fail miserably cause who was piker before is piker even now. Shorter polearm users become hoplites, they were hit by polestagger removal a lot but now they are even more annoying cause before there were few really good players using them without shield but now every hoplite has unbreakable shield. And last class of polearmers using slow but very strong 4 directional polearms can not add shield and turn rate nerf was disaster to us because even before you had to face enemy to land hits without bouncing.
On other hand polestagger removal has no effect on 2H and turn rate nerf affected much more 1h and pole calss then 2H.
2H swords had always been superior to many polearms but after many changes this superiority is even bigger so there is no surprise that other class want to nerf them by changing stab animation.
Even if 2h had polearm stab (Lobby will never allow this to many abusers  :mrgreen:)  they still will have superior (more forgiving) side swing which keeps their spammy attitude.

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Re: A Polearm and Two-Handed Weapon/Weapon Type Comparison
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2012, 10:20:16 am »
2hs have the least number of overall weapon choices precisely because they are they are the most versatile weapons overall. The most powerful and most cost-effective 2hs have excellent attacks in all four directions with significantly better animations than either poles or 1h. The only reason 2hs have a shorter weapon list is because their weapon list is, for the most part, not artificially bloated by suboptimal tripe like the Shashka, Long Voulge, Liuyedao, or Military Fork, just to name a few.
I think many people would argue with you about what you call "suboptimal" I for one, would argue that the Liuyedao is a legitimate weapon in that it gains +1 speed for the Niuweidao's +1 cut damage. This is generally quite a good trade off. More importantly though, I would say that, while 1h may have the most of these duplicate weapons, 2h have a fair amount of them as well. GS to GGS, HGS to DG/SoW, HBS to Longsword, half of the axes could be thrown out, as their only purpose is for the first week or two of strategus, and more. To add to the list of bad weapons though, exactly 1/2 of the Two-Handed weapon class consists of Unbalanced weapons.

This means, for many people, you have to cut the total number of options for them to choose from, completely in half. I simply do not use unbalanced weapons, unless they are crushthrough. My fighting style involves pretty much every tool that warband has to offer, fast/slow feints, chambers, kicks, hilt slashes, holds, and I'm generally a very offensive fighter as well. This fighting style puts me at a disadvantage to more defensive players(not much point to chambers as they're risky compared to how easy they are to block), but it's how I enjoy the game the most. I simply cannot use an unbalanced weapon without completely changing the way I fight, which I won't do. It's not a matter of adaptation, it's a matter of knowing what I find fun and what I don't, those weapons are simply not a fun way of fighting for me.

I put the mean, median and mode values up there for a reason. You can say they have all of these things, but when you take everything into consideration, polearms are really only lacking from thrust range. I do not believe that the range on one attack makes them vastly more superior in the realm of versatility than other weapons, like Hoplite weapons or poleaxes. Though I would say that these polearms are in need of a stat buff, I wouldn't say their versatility was lacking in comparison.

Just like 1h received a buff in compensation back when the Side Sword, Steel Pick, Italian Sword, Grosse Messer, Langes Messer, Long Espada, and Military Pick had their damage or speed reduced and shields had a buff to compensate for the reduction in their forcefield radius, amirite?
I try to give the unbalance team the benefit of the doubt and assume that, while they may not get it right the first time, they know weapon balance is an ongoing process that will never be "perfect". But having talked to the devs, I believe the (initial, at least) buffs are in the realm of speed and damage, though I can't say for sure about how large or small they will be.

Your entire argument here falls apart when you remember that a 2h player that is not confident in his ability to outthrust cav can always choose to bring a cheap bamboo spear together with his 2 slot Danish or German if he so chooses and suffer none of the disadvantages you are describing despite wielding it at 1wpf. Yes, he cannot sheathe the bamboo spear, but neither can a pole player.
I have two items that are consistent through all of my melee builds, Gilded Hourglass Gauntlets, and the Bamboo Spear. It is indeed a very underestimated weapon that can be used with basically any build. Having used it with so many different builds though, I can tell you as a matter of fact that two-handers use it the least effectively. One handers get to use it in 1h mode, which means they get +30 range on the thrust. This range advantage is just enough to keep you from getting lanced even though you stop the rider's horse. Often times when you use it in pole mode, because the rider is (most likely) using a heavy lance, he will have an effective 240 reach while you only have 220. The wpf is important in pole mode because when you have a 20 length disadvantage, that means you have to have all the better timing. Faster thrusting weapons leave less of a window of opportunity for the opponent to affect when and where the optimal time will be for you to release your thrust.
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Re: A Polearm and Two-Handed Weapon/Weapon Type Comparison
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2012, 10:35:59 am »
I hate to sound dense but I just don't see what exactly your getting at?  Pole has in my mind always been about a more versatile weapon list and 2h has been about a more versatile weapon.  As in with pole I have a lot of options for specialized  weapons, but with 2h I get more "bang for my buck" out of each weapon.   With pole i find myself cursing the lack of range with my 4 way pole then I switch to my longer bi directional weapon then I curse the fact I'm more limited in duels,   With a 2h I never have that issue. 

So I guess maybe your asking for more diversity 2h?  Or more specialization in 2h? 
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Re: A Polearm and Two-Handed Weapon/Weapon Type Comparison
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2012, 12:33:48 pm »
Polearms were OP  before the turnrate and polestagger nerfs, my guess are they are about balanced with 2h now. Except for the relatively short stabbers, like the ashwood and awlpike, they are quite bad now. And the sideswing spears, the sideswings mainly purpose was creating polestagger so one could get a stab in. A sideswing damage buff is in order.

Apart from that nerf the great maul, on a greatmaul and plate alt I got a k/d that was 1.5 higher than I got on my main within the first hours. That shit is OP. Also, the greatmaul/long maul balance is retarded. Even when I was a polearmer I used the great maul, it is so much better.

Polearm has always had versatility, unlike 2h. This does not necessarily mean that 2h should have versatility as well, 2h can also get a different advantage. Versatiliy is just another balance argument like, nice animations. I mean to say that versatility is not required in both classes, if they have different strength to make up for it.

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Re: A Polearm and Two-Handed Weapon/Weapon Type Comparison
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2012, 12:37:41 pm »
2H axes will be buffed.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2012, 04:10:53 pm by Leshma »

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Re: A Polearm and Two-Handed Weapon/Weapon Type Comparison
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2012, 02:47:42 pm »
I hate to sound dense but I just don't see what exactly your getting at?  Pole has in my mind always been about a more versatile weapon list and 2h has been about a more versatile weapon.  As in with pole I have a lot of options for specialized  weapons, but with 2h I get more "bang for my buck" out of each weapon.   With pole i find myself cursing the lack of range with my 4 way pole then I switch to my longer bi directional weapon then I curse the fact I'm more limited in duels,   With a 2h I never have that issue. 

So I guess maybe your asking for more diversity 2h?  Or more specialization in 2h?
Why is it that EU is 20% danish greatswords? Because it's hard to argue against using a Danish/German/some other type of Greatsword. This is because, as you mentioned, 2h is (mostly)about a more versatile weapon. I say mostly, because most of what is being used would fall into that definition, but the vast majority of Two-Handed weapons, do not. The majority of the two-handed class need brought up to where the greatswords are in balance, and weapon stats need spread out more to add variance, HBS and Longsword should not have the same stats. Two-Handed weapons need to lose a lot of the unbalanced property stuff that it has. Remember, as it stands, exactly 1/2 of the weapons have the unbalanced tag. I wonder what portion of the community actually uses an unbalanced weapon, especially one that doesn't have crushthrough?

I showed in my last comparison that the speed and damage is rather comparable, but 2h arguably has more utility in its thrust reach than what the polearms gain in bonus against shield. I don't think the danish or the german or any of these 2h weapons should have their stats touched at all. I think that the weapons having comparable stats, is in itself an issue.

Versatiliy is just another balance argument like, nice animations. I mean to say that versatility is not required in both classes, if they have different strength to make up for it.
I'm not really sure versatility is taken into account by many people and I don't think it's used in balance outside of the slot system.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2012, 02:51:19 pm by Tydeus »
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Re: A Polearm and Two-Handed Weapon/Weapon Type Comparison
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2012, 03:13:33 pm »
There is one axe that is balanced that you can use with 2h wpf, the fighting axe. That being said, I would like to see the unbalanced tags come off atleast the great axe.

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Re: A Polearm and Two-Handed Weapon/Weapon Type Comparison
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2012, 03:31:46 pm »
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Totally agree..

I basically think most or all weapons should be more equal in battlefield power. Adjust prices as necessary.
In an optimal balance, every weapon should be made to be unique, with no weapon being jacks of all trades, simply better than everything else. (Like the biggest axes and GS's)

The questions balancers should ask themselves are:

1. Is it balanced?
2. How can we make it as unique as possible without it being OP?

Make an assessment of battlefield power for the top tier weapons.
Buff all other weapons to that level or at least very, very close. Adjust prices.
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Re: A Polearm and Two-Handed Weapon/Weapon Type Comparison
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2012, 10:26:52 pm »
How much room would there be to have some sort of balance based on item pricing? There are many weapons that aren't quite top tier in their effective battlefield power, but are quite effective for their prices.

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Re: A Polearm and Two-Handed Weapon/Weapon Type Comparison
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2012, 03:34:30 am »
How much room would there be to have some sort of balance based on item pricing? There are many weapons that aren't quite top tier in their effective battlefield power, but are quite effective for their prices.
The issue with this, is that you would first have to make the item prices matter. This in itself pretty much makes balance by gold cost pointless. There are only a few situations where the gold cost is significant enough to make any difference. Furthermore, when the ultimate goal is to win, why would you use a lesser item? This, paired with everyone having easy access to gold, makes it hard to balance anything through gold cost.

Strategus though, is a different story. If strat gets sped up like I hear it will, so that everyone there will also have easy access to gold and troops, you won't be able to balance by gold cost in strat either.
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Re: A Polearm and Two-Handed Weapon/Weapon Type Comparison
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2012, 05:35:56 pm »
I think it can all come down to the fact that 2h animations are clearly superior to polearm animations.  So when you compare weapon lengths, you have to include the animation lengths in them as well to come up with the true length of the weapons, do that for everything you're comparing and tell me that polearms are still more versatile than 2h (which they should be, but they are not when animations are taken into consideration).

Either way, these arguments are pointless, they are slowly going to be re-tweaking each weapon.
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Re: A Polearm and Two-Handed Weapon/Weapon Type Comparison
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2012, 06:16:19 pm »
Maybe devs should take the weakest melee class and scale the other classes around.

Just a different way of thinking how to balance. Setting themselves a baseline, kinda like what they tried to do with char attributes, using 18-18 and scaling everything around that baseline build.