With Bodkins amirite? Just give bows cut dmg alrdy..jeez lol.
What's the point going XBow when you got a weapon that gets most rape by rain and slow reloads and really mediocre dmg that Bows can do just as well or hell even better as they won't have to reload and get bonus from PD.
Just make em cut already T_T
Yep ofc bodkins...and gay horn bow, and on sumpter horse, with 4 HA skill...
It looks to me that everybody has different view of what arrow damage does.
All I knows is this: Even +3 tatars (i'm guessing they are +3) and probably +3 Rus(gay)bow, some my old friend called camels_something_ROBINHOOD (LOL LARPer) was able to do ridiculous damage to my tincan STF (11 IF, 36 STR, 70 body armor)...yet all these ranged my old friends and ranged sympathisers QQ about low damage...