A quick thought.
Might it be possible to give kicks a 100% knockdown chance in rageball ?
Im thinking of a way here to escape TDMers, especially shielders in mapspots where a fight is totally pointless, without the need to kill the attacker. This way you dont have to kill everyone trying to backstab you, instead just a kick that gives you enough time to build up some distance. Only those who are looking for a fight in the first place are those who can be kicked with ease anyway.
Speaking of kicks, if I remember this correctly they dont cause the carrier to drop the ball if no damage is done right ? In this case I suggest every kick that connects causes the ball to drop.
And a quick "bugreport" if not noticed already: If you kill the last person who was touching the ball, even if it was 10 seconds ago, you still get the "+3 points for killing ball carrier".