So I just started playing this again, I never really gave it much a shot in the past but holy hell am I confused.
I'm playing as Munster and got half of Ireland taken over without really knowing wtf I'm doing but I'm making progress. It's about 1130~ ish and I got like 7 provinces and then I come and look here and you guys got half the world taken over by the time I barely have half of Ireland taken.
Pls, halp.
It was hard for me to do that.
This was not long after the start. I actually lost the duchy of wessex, becoming the count of oxford, then NORWAY annexed them and my brother(the guy who WAS the duke) got removed and I was put in as the duke. Those were my lands not long after that.
Sometime later, after 2 Unsuccesful revolts, with Norway getting destroyed by the russians, the Isles went independent, sadly Skotland had taken control by then. Due to several Civil Wars, I holy warred and De Jured until I managed to take over what you can see in the below picture. The Ruler, Duke Stefan the Great(who somehow became German instead of Anglo-Saxon very sad about that) Became ruler at 15 or 16. Over the course of his life, Duke Stefan would go on to Create the Kingdom of England and reclaim English Birth Right before his untimely death due to stress from many campaigns against the heathenous Norse. Following his death The Kingdom went into revolt revolt and civil war, before the next King died 6 months into his reign.
Following the Civil war King Kuno the Cruel(and his heir also King Kuno...the Cruel) would go on to create the greater English relm and Annex and Usurp the Kingdom of Wales, England, and Scotland. Before King Kun II the Cruel could finish his work on Creating Greater Britannia, he died and with his death, the Kindgom nearly split into 2 from civil war.
Following A civil war, and multiple Irish revolts("staged by those Damn Gemanic British people!" so says the Irish) was close to being completed. But following the death of the Queen consort, much lands passed into the hands of the British Heir, who become King of Portugal, which soon lost it's last province to the Ummyyad Caliphate. Following the Death of his Father, Kaiser Wilhelm would Eventually answer the Call of the Great Crusade and lead several Armies into the lands of the Caliphate and thus, reclaim his Birthright.
Long Live Kaiser Wilhelm, Emporer of Britannia, King of England, Wales, Scotland, Portugal, Andalucia, and the titular king of Castile. Duke of Wessex and Hwice and count of Said provinces. My he long reign.
That...was kinda fun to write. Started as a look at where I started and turned into an AOR. Also, how the FUCK do I get rid of these stupid heretic strongholds. Every like 5 years i have to fight some kinda rebel army of some kind....