I've seen him crack down on shielders. He will even kill them at point blank. You act as if he doesn't get within melee range ever, he does. Especially vs shielders. All they have to do is swing and hope his arrow doesn't kill them. Yet instead, they keep their shield up for 30 seconds because they are afraid of getting shot. Why not kick/ban them for holding shields up instead of swinging? xD
The point is. He is just playing his class. It doesn't matter how many people are left. If I'm the last one, I fight to the end. I use stealth. Sometimes I pull it off, sometimes I don't. All players should do that. The players who should be kicked/banned are the ones who do not fight til the end. The ones that give up. Those players who drop their weapons and say "fuck my teams multiplier and all their effort" and just try fist fighting, which takes even longer than fighting would and always results in defeat.
If the community has such a problem with waiting an additional 30 to 60 seconds, then maybe we should make the flags spawn sooner. Looking for ammo and picking off as many as you can, should not be considered delaying.