In any other serious game you cannot buy game accounts neither ingame stuff from other players. That would simply be an idiotic idea.
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loginI'd say it's probably working out for these guys.
If the crpg devs allowed that, I'd directly quit the game as I wouldn't want to be in touch with something like that.
Players using real life money to put into a game and gaining advantage over other people, is just a bad idea (it doesn't matter how much the difference is after all).
Players have been using real life money to gain advantage over other people since the dawn of time. Strategy guides, unlock-able content, monthly subscription fees, what are all these things if not areas for a player to spend money to gain an advantage?
I agree that I as a player don't enjoy these systems, but companies seem to enjoy it. And it's big business.
It is indeed forbidden to gain money with warband, crpg devs wouldnt do it but alone the fact to tolerate it, is a rule violation.
That is also why paying the servers is a donation and nothing else.
Indirectly, chadz & co could theoretically profit quite a bit from cRPG. Forum ads for starters to pay for the site, & then when you think about the new Project Asinus that chadz is making/the exposure the guys could be getting from displaying their good work etc...
I don't for a second think the cRPG mod was created for these purposes (nor is very profitable at all in it's current incarnation) but I don't think you're seeing the bigger picture.
I still don't think you've shown what is so horrible about players selling items to one another, even though you keep saying it is. Suppose that I decided to quit, and sold my items for $100. My items remain in the system (given to someone else), I stop playing, and they continue playing.
Who has been hurt?
Not taleworlds, I bought my game and the other dude bought theirs
Not cRPG, they don't sell items so nothing was gained/lost
Not me, I woulda quit for nothing, now I quit for $100
Not the buyer, they were willing to spend $100 for my items
For the record, I would never buy items with real money, nor am I a fan of people getting an in-game advantage because they have the cash to burn. But the system isn't a new one, and outside my personal preferences I don't see what the big fucking deal is.
I should also add I do NOT think that the devs should implement a system that would make it easier to buy & sell items for real money, but I don't think they need to actively try and police it either.