Has anyone tried Divide et Impera? How is it like?
my opinion is that its really badly done balance wise, but great concept just poorly executed. I like the difficulty, but thats about it.
I've tried really hard to like it, but its just terrible gameplay compared to native. It took 5 minutes for my pikemen to move from 1 gate to next nearest city game on x4 speed (so 20 minutes), that was my last rage quit.
lastest patches has already slowed down native combat considerably, then this mod has slowed down to point where x1 speed is basically slow motion, and x4 isn't fast enough since every siege will last full duration (default 40 minute snoozefest).
there is just alot of really bad balancing. troops move slower, tire ridiculously quickly and are even less effective when tired. so basically your men don't run they light jog, and can only do so for 100 metres before they are 50% effective in combat. the troop balance is literally terrible.
And its impossible to give feedback because every unit is renamed to unpronouncible/unrememberable things. And half the new units are duplicate stat units with different costs, even unlocked at the same point so entirely pointless and adds to the confusion. that is no exaggeration I had the same thing on every faction I tried. for instance greek choppers are really strong starting hellenic unit, if you upgrade building you lose acess to it completely and get more expensive, weaker units.
also quite buggy at times, missile units not firing on walls - the collision of units is really bad they blob and stuff much worse than they currently do in native.
well anyway corsair wanted to play this mod for multiplayer, and I was excited about it but its just massively disappointing to me. so if hes reading, sorry but I just cannot. I get that people have different tastes but I really think alot people don't realise how much native has improved now, since they only play with radious, DeI or 15 other mods.