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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #60 on: July 04, 2012, 09:13:05 pm »
I don't know about the rest of the community, but I engage cavalry first. If I survive, I engage infantry next. Also, I don't like couching my lance because it takes away a lot of maneuverability. Cavalry is easy to play, yes, if you know how to play in general. It is a very user-friendly, balanced class.

Cavalry players bumping, wounding and killing teamates are most often bad or less good players and they annoy people a lot.
Taken that into account I wouldn't call cavalry user friendly. But yes, you can get alot of kills.

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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #61 on: July 05, 2012, 01:20:36 am »
very good post.  It's pretty spot-on.

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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #62 on: July 05, 2012, 01:28:21 am »
Good read and advice
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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #63 on: July 05, 2012, 01:31:33 am »
lancer is a fucking noob class.  is easy to kill ppl  running around fast and having a long weapon

look tommyyyy, best cavalry  guy in game imho,  with a horse he is  GIANT PAIN IN THE ASS even switch the balance of a 20 vs 20 game

on foot? a very good player but i  can defeat him 1 on 1.

that tells you exactly  how the lancer+horse     give a huge boost,  expecial if you are not a total scrub,     the horse enhance a player like tommy from very good (on ground) to  formidable  , that means a bad player turn into average, and average into good , just for the setup itself

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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #64 on: July 05, 2012, 11:20:17 am »
on foot? a very good player but i  can defeat him 1 on 1.


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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #65 on: July 05, 2012, 12:18:56 pm »
I'd say cavalry is easy to learn, hard to master.
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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #66 on: July 05, 2012, 03:08:41 pm »
Excellent post, you earned your renown, +1.

Killing horse lancer: I can say obvious thing here. It’s risky! In my opinion too risky to do it after game starts. Hits are based by what server sees, not what you sees, so because of closing horses speed, sometimes I see I did everything perfectly, but server says that enemy just killed me, which is a bit depressing. I can still kill more lancers than I dies this way, but even with 60:40 ratio, it’s just too risky for me. So I’m trying to avoid other lancers, especially at the beginning of the round. I have plenty easier targets on the ground to take care of in this time.
My advice: Avoid if you can!

I do feel the need to comment this one, i wonder why?  :mrgreen:

Yes its risky and what the server sees, decide's who hits first aka you lag you die.
But there are few tricks you can do to tip the odd's on your favour.
The obvious: timing, the length of your lance and turning your horse.
(The last is no longer so obvious after the lance angle nerf, which i hate. I get the need to balance inf vs cav. But it removed one skill to master that separated "good lancers from bad".)

But there is still few more "tricks" the "good lancers" use.
One of em i learned from Oberyn and no he did not tell it to me, had to die like "billion" times to figure it out myself. (So quess, am i gonno say it out loud?)
There is one more i know, but i like to stay at the top of the food chain.  :twisted:
But 'they' are there, ever so subtle, working for us..

Sincerely, top of the food chain.

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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #67 on: July 05, 2012, 04:28:04 pm »
lancer is a fucking noob class.  is easy to kill ppl  running around fast and having a long weapon

look tommyyyy, best cavalry  guy in game imho,  with a horse he is  GIANT PAIN IN THE ASS even switch the balance of a 20 vs 20 game

on foot? a very good player but i  can defeat him 1 on 1.,1.0.html
that tells you exactly  how the lancer+horse     give a huge boost,  expecial if you are not a total scrub,     the horse enhance a player like tommy from very good (on ground) to  formidable  , that means a bad player turn into average, and average into good , just for the setup itself
Hey, you're sort of a retard, you know? Being good at aiming as an archer has nothing to do with your melee skills, and being a good lancer also doesn't require you to be a decent infantry... TomMyyY isn't a good cav due to being a decent infantry, these things ain't really connected 100%, and you're pretty fucking stupid if you believe it, also, seeing as the horse makes TomMyyY better and you're better than TomMyyY why don't you buy a horse and try to outskill TomMyyY as cavalry?
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #68 on: July 05, 2012, 04:29:58 pm »
seeing as the horse makes TomMyyY better and you're better than TomMyyY why don't you buy a horse and try to outskill TomMyyY as cavalry?

+1 :lol:
I voted Gurnisson cause of his fucking bendy pike, I swear noone can roflcopter stab like he can.

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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #69 on: July 05, 2012, 04:54:17 pm »
Fact: Shitty cav aim for other players horses. (Not talking about a guy who is turtled up or downblock heroing to get to the afks on the otherside, but one that is  engaging you head on)

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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #70 on: July 05, 2012, 04:59:59 pm »
Fact: Shitty cav aim for other players horses. (Not talking about a guy who is turtled up or downblock heroing to get to the afks on the otherside, but one that is  engaging you head on)
True that, after owning Torben last night the my old friend aimed for my horse next round... Torben is shitty!
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #71 on: July 05, 2012, 06:37:40 pm »

One of em i learned from Oberyn and no he did not tell it to me, had to die like "billion" times to figure it out myself. (So quess, am i gonno say it out loud?)
There is one more i know, but i like to stay at the top of the food chain.  :twisted:
But 'they' are there, ever so subtle, working for us..

Sincerely, top of the food chain.

Try to do an angle on other cav where you "cross their t" so they can't hit your horse's head so easily but you can lance them.  Harder with angle nerf, but doable.  Also slow your horse down to a crawl when right about to engage so they release lance too early.  If horses ram into each other aim lance up and drag down to not glance. There the secrets are out of the bag, make sure you aim for horse's head only to grief cav because it's an OP scrub "class" (its true)

Double cost of riding (6 points again so people can't hybrid melee cav so easily) lower charge damage, reduce all lance and xbow stats by 25 percent while mounted, tia
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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #72 on: July 05, 2012, 07:08:04 pm »
Double cost of riding (6 points again so people can't hybrid melee cav so easily)
Fuck you
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #73 on: July 05, 2012, 07:08:56 pm »
- You can 1 shot almost everything with couching. And no couching is not as risky as you describe it, why? As a 1 hander, my only option against lancers is to sidewalk on the right and do a left swing. How to counter that as a couchwhore lancer? Go a bit on your left before the impact. Many cav do that everytime, so it's impossible to kill them for a 1h. And please don't say me that i just have to sidewalk on the other side, even if i do it while the lancer is going on the left, his lance would hit my right arm.
You can sidewalk, jump, make left or right swing or thrust. But yeah, I agree shielder is one of easiest target for lancer to kill from all aware opponents (I wrote that before in this topic). Still, I believe you have easiest class to play, your swings are very fast, left swing by default aims enemy’s head and make just massive damage, you can just press right mouse button to block all attacks (it’s so much better than auto block, and same time you don’t cheat at all), you can block all arrows, throwing stuff and almost all bolts. And you still want to be able to kill lancer easily with your short sword? It’s so simple thinking, you want to have everything, you don’t want any disadvantages and any counters.
If you want to be safe from cav, you can always use 2 slots spear, like Dalhi does. Then you will be almost unbeatable on the battlefield, something you want to force as “balanced” state. Really, shielder should be the last class to whine about other classes imbalance.

Couching isn’t that easy as you think, you should really try lancer someday. It isn’t just like regular attack, you are mistaken here. Firstly, couching makes your horse much less maneuverable, which makes it predictable target. You also won’t be able to “hide” your horse’s head in last moment while using couch. Couching target which stands in front of your horse is impossible, since couched lance has different animation of holding it (regular attack is from far right side, which lets you hit targets standing in front of the horse, couching just drops lance down, you have no angle to attack targets in front, horse’s head won’t let you do that). More than that, couched lance moves much slower, it don’t react to your mouse moves instantly. If you want to move couched lance from right to left side of the horse (or the other way), lance needs to “go round” horse’s head, and it takes ages to do that, too long to do anything if target change direction of his movement just before you reach him. And still, couched lance is much shorter attack than regular lance stab, that means your horse’s head is even more expose to enemy stabs. Trying to couch good player will be equivalent to suicide charge most of the time.

- You 1 or 2 shot everything at high speed (i've 6 if, +3 katafraktoi armor, 57 head armor, and i often get one shot by lancers).
Maybe I have too low PS (just 6), but sometimes with high speed of horse I don’t one-hit-kill even archers. And with latest horses maneuver nerf I can’t just turn quickly and attack again, at least with my Destrier (I guess it is still possible with Arabian Warhorse, since this horse has ridiculous maneuver and acceleration/stopping abilities). But yeah, it’s true, with completely flat terrain, target which don’t move away from you (standing still for example), at full speed and with head hit (so in perfect conditions), you will be able to kill many players just from one hit.
You can call this high risk, high reward, because just one mistake or bad luck, and your horse’s speed will work as your disadvantage. Even with Coat of Plates +3, at full speed, I’m almost always dying from just 1 body hit of any weapon. Sometimes I can survive with like 5-10% hp left, but it don’t happen often (not at full horse speed). So speed helps lancer, but same time can be deadly for him as well. Every attack can be your last one, no matter who you fight with.

- Even after having losing your horse, you can fight in melee with decent weapons and no lack of wpf (unlike archers and crossbowmen who can only fight with shit weap but mace and have rarely more than 80 wpf in 2h)
I guess you are talking about pure polearm build cav, which I use currently? Before that build I played as polearm/1h hybrid, so I had to split proficiencies. Yeah, playing full polearm cav has its advantages. Big disadvantage is I can’t use shield on horseback (not enough weapon slots), so I can’t benefit from shield forcefield (which is ridiculous, but shielders don’t talk about that of course).

I remember times when you had to choose to protect head OR legs with your shield. Two cooperating archers could kill every shielder with small shield (especially rounded one) back then. I don’t really understand forcefield existence in cRPG, since you can just buy any shield you want here, so if you want to have both head and legs protected from ranged, you can always take huge shield like Heavy Board Shield. That’s why in cRPG shielders don’t need forcefield, they can choose big shield (better against ranged) or small shield (better in melee). It would give more options and will freshen up gameplay a bit. But that would be a nerf to infantry of course, so it has no chance to be implemented. You want to be able to block all arrows with Buckler, and kill all horses with your little sword, typical thinking.

Anyway, back to the topic. I had to sacrifice skill points to get riding. For high level char maybe it isn’t big problem. For me it is, because I’m running with 0 ATH. I don’t know if you tried to melee with 0 ATH, but it’s just terrible. People are running around me, and I’m basically standing target. I’m not saying I can’t kill anyone on foot, but it’s huge disadvantage to be slow. So you have to sacrifice something, at least if you are below 34-35.

- Again about fighting a shielder, you can bump/lance them easily, something you forgot to mention.
It’s not that easy, but yeah it happens from time to time. This game has plenty of illogical possibilities, but of course you are focusing on bump lance, which isn’t even close as bad as sidewalking, shield forcefield, lack of fatigue or many, many more things. And no, I don’t want sidewalking to be changed, since that would completely change melee, make it slower and much more predictable, like in real life where you have to use your muscles before you do any action. Realism isn’t always the way to go and I understand that. But somehow everyone is talking about realism only when they want to nerf archers or cav.
- You compared inf (who backstab and gang alot in your opinion) with cav who are actually doing the same. Fallacious argument again, how dare you putting cav and infantry on the same line when you know that cav can come from every sides and that you can hardly see them coming  when you're fighting due to their speed.
I never really had problems with spotting cav, maybe because I was paying more attention to it? I think bigger problem is silent infantry, which makes almost no sound at all, even with heavy armor. You can easily hear most horses, and with 4 speakers (or more), you know from which side they comes. I remember as infantry I didn’t like only Courser, because of its speed – you could hear it in last moment, just before attack, which was a bit problematic if I didn’t use tilde to spot it earlier for some reason. But it’s good thing imo to have this kind of horse, it gives more alternatives to cav class. But no, I never had problems with hearing other, slower horses than Courser. Also, you can use Lauder Horses cheat to get even bigger advantage over cav.

- You are complaining because your horse can "only" handle 4 or 5 shot into body by full loomed archer's gears? Why didn't you give us stats with non loomed archer/crossbowmen gears instead? It would be much more relevant since the majority of ranged do not have full loomed weapons ;) bad faith again, at least try to be more objective next time you write such a long text.
I’m sure most of people has at least loomed weapon, especially ranged gear isn’t that expensive, 2 loompoints are enough to buy ranged weapon +3 (you can get 2 loompoints after just few weeks of playing). Crossbowman (arbalester) does high damage to horse, no matter is his arbalest at +0 or +3. And as for new archer, he has hard life here in crpg, no matter if we are talking about damage against horses or damage against players – archer without loomed bow is pretty useless here. Well, yeah he can use Longbow +0, it has nice damage (like Rus Bow +3), but not many people does that, maybe because Long Bow often has pause before it shoots (before it releases the arrow). I completely agree, damage of low level archer, with unloomed bow (like Horn Bow) is a joke, but it’s overall problem. At the moment it’s too big difference between lvl 2x archer with bow +0 and lvl 35 archer with bow +3. The first ones can barely make even K:D ratio if they are lucky, and the other ones does pretty well indeed.

Anyway, horse is very predictable target, it can't sidewalk or change direction of movement quickly. It's possible to take down horses even from 200 meters for ranged. And it's definitely not pleasant to be hit in horse’s head by an archer from such a long range. Aware ranged is biggest treat to horses, especially if many ranged are in game same time (horse always has same HP, no matter if there are 10, 20 or 30 ranged in game). So no, I don’t think mixed 1 bolt and 2 arrows into horse body during 7 minutes of Battle is too much to kill it, especially I’m using Destrier +3, which is much tougher horse than Courser or Arabian (they can be killed from 2-3 body hits from archers). With rate of fire and range archer has, with horses path predictability, it’s not really that hard to kill horse even from bigger range.
- You take a lot of risks each time you try to kill someone who's not a peasant? Isn't that the case for every class? If you wanted to do a comparison between inf and cav, it would have been more relevant to do it here. Is it more difficult to kill a 1h (for exemple) as a lancer or as a poleaxe-user? Here is a good comparison ;)
I know as infantry I couldn’t be 1-hit-killed by shielder, as lancer it happens very often. Every class has its advantages and disadvantages. If you are talking about risk involved, I think it’s much less risky to attack shielder as poleaxe user, you can make 2-3 mistakes and still be alive. As for being easy, you probably want to hear that lancer can 1-hit-kill shielder. Yeah, it’s true, but it works both ways around, rider can be 1-hit-killed as well.
I have to say, I don’t see any sense in this kind of comparison – what about is it easier to kill archer by 2h user or shielder? And what this comparison really proves? That we have different classes with different advantages and disadvantages?

Oh, and i don't think moving this topic into the Beginners Help and Guides is a good idea. He's explaining how to get kills as a lancer, not how to be usefull as a lancer, if newbies followed such advices, they would just attack peasants and avoid everything else. In other words, they would be merely useless.
And you finally got the point how it is to be lancer. Without backstabbing you are useless. Attacking only aware targets will end up lancer’s life in first 30 seconds of the battle. At the moment playing lancer is almost purely tactical game, you need to analyze your success chance for every attack, if the risk is too high, just skip the target and try to find better one. If you choose wrong target, make mistake or attack faked “unaware” player, you will quickly end up dead. I find this tactical game very funny, and I don’t understand why this should be changed in your mind, especially cav don’t dominate battlefield as you are trying to prove, it’s pretty well balanced in my opinion. It’s just different class, which bases on people awareness. Until most people don’t pay attention what happens at their back, cav is fine as it is.

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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #74 on: July 05, 2012, 07:43:06 pm »
bump lancing is easy to do every time, couching is OP and overly abused by good cav players to pad their KD with 1 shot kills in the first minute of the round (also impossible to lose 1 vs 1 against 2hander with couched heavy lance), horses are very durable except from throwing axes or loomed rus bows (good counters to low armor horses, should do less damage to melee)

regular heavy lance and 3 PS can one shot or blackbar medium infantry at trotting pace, confirmed in testing, high speed MW heavy lance will nearly 1 shot strength builds in heavy armor, cav has too much leeway for making awful mistakes and escaping (fast turning, acceleration, shield bubble, tanking most melee hits)

cav should not be able to get out of a stop and turn situation as fast as they can, also you can jump and clear entire mobs of infantry or 8 foot tall walls to escape, so silly
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