Author Topic: Facts and myths about Lancer cav  (Read 13067 times)

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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #45 on: July 02, 2012, 11:44:33 am »
Tommyyy, Riddaren, Chagan, Kerrigan, Garrus, Oberyn, Dede, Kafein, even part time cav like Muffin will kill players like Hearst, Cicero, GTX, Chase, Atze, Phyrex most of the time. Lancer cav vs greatsword.

I'm the only twohander on EU servers who can, reliably, win in lancer vs 2h situations even if lancers do not make mistakes. I only lose to them if I make mistake, which means that in my case outcome depends on me.

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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #46 on: July 02, 2012, 11:47:35 am »
But that's the only thing I'm good at :(

Whatever, no need to believe me.

Most EU cav know that already, others twohanders keep qqing how cav is easy mode because you can't counter them. Keep hiltslashing boys, that's all you'll ever learn.

Btw. Vibette you suck at cav and I don't know which 20 idiots you've killed to have 20-0 score at level 25 but surely none of them were decent players.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 11:53:20 am by Leshma »

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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #47 on: July 02, 2012, 12:09:24 pm »
But that's the only thing I'm good at :(

Whatever, no need to believe me.

Most EU cav know that already, others twohanders keep qqing how cav is easy mode because you can't counter them. Keep hiltslashing boys, that's all you'll ever learn.

Btw. Vibette you suck at cav and I don't know which 20 idiots you've killed to have 20-0 score at level 25 but surely none of them were decent players.


I know I'm not very good at cav and the guys I killed were mostly unaware or engaged in combat. Also 20-0? Doubt I ever got that as a cav. How is that relevant even, I know how to counter cav on my 2h.

Cav is still eez mode though.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 12:22:28 pm by Vibe »

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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #48 on: July 02, 2012, 12:35:56 pm »
After having reading your post, i feel like being a lancer is very difficult, you risk your life against every class but peasants, you can be one shot by mw arbalest + mw bolts if you don't wear heavy armor, your horse can die after having being shot only 4-5 times into body by bows +3 and arrows +3, and 2-3 times by arbalest (full loomed aswell), and so on ...
That's how you sum up a "lancer life", only "downsides" (that you exaggerate a lot imo).

Your resume is just biaised since you didn't speak about advantages lancers have towards infantry.

- You can 1 shot almost everything with couching. And no couching is not as risky as you describe it, why? As a 1 hander, my only option against lancers is to sidewalk on the right and do a left swing. How to counter that as a couchwhore lancer? Go a bit on your left before the impact. Many cav do that everytime, so it's impossible to kill them for a 1h. And please don't say me that i just have to sidewalk on the other side, even if i do it while the lancer is going on the left, his lance would hit my right arm.

- You 1 or 2 shot everything at high speed (i've 6 if, +3 katafraktoi armor, 57 head armor, and i often get one shot by lancers).

- Even after having losing your horse, you can fight in melee with decent weapons and no lack of wpf (unlike archers and crossbowmen who can only fight with shit weap but mace and have rarely more than 80 wpf in 2h)

- Again about fighting a shielder, you can bump/lance them easily, something you forgot to mention.

- You compared inf (who backstab and gang alot in your opinion) with cav who are actually doing the same. Fallacious argument again, how dare you putting cav and infantry on the same line when you know that cav can come from every sides and that you can hardly see them coming  when you're fighting due to their speed.

- You are complaining because your horse can "only" handle 4 or 5 shot into body by full loomed archer's gears? Why didn't you give us stats with non loomed archer/crossbowmen gears instead? It would be much more relevant since the majority of ranged do not have full loomed weapons ;) bad faith again, at least try to be more objective next time you write such a long text.

- You take a lot of risks each time you try to kill someone who's not a peasant? Isn't that the case for every class? If you wanted to do a comparison between inf and cav, it would have been more relevant to do it here. Is it more difficult to kill a 1h (for exemple) as a lancer or as a poleaxe-user? Here is a good comparison ;)

There is certainly more to say, but i think it's already enough.
Oh, and i don't think moving this topic into the Beginners Help and Guides is a good idea. He's explaining how to get kills as a lancer, not how to be usefull as a lancer, if newbies followed such advices, they would just attack peasants and avoid everything else. In other words, they would be merely useless.
Nothing to add really, except that after 4-5 loomed arrows to the body and I've been already dead for 2 arrows and the archer is just having a nice time with my corpse. Yes, not my horse is dead but I am dead.
Ridiculous complaining and crying.
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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #49 on: July 02, 2012, 01:32:24 pm »
Cav is not like melee. They rely on speed bonus. Cav shouldn't have same dmg output as melee foot inf does.
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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #50 on: July 02, 2012, 01:38:32 pm »
The punishment unarmored horses can take is ridiculous. As a first gen archer I ignore anything better than a rouncey or arabian warhorse because it takes anywhere from 8 to 12 arrows AND the ones I missed with. Another thing is that they're way too fucking quiet - an armored juggernaut charging about on a horse should make more sound than my girlfriend when I'm working my magic on her.

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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #51 on: July 02, 2012, 02:02:07 pm »
cavs fine, just have a bit of awareness and dont tunnel vision and you'll do fine.So much whine for nerfs recently, if people just tried to improve on what there bad at and it seems for most of you that is cav, then you wouldnt need to call for nerfs. I rarely die from cav and not because of super duper fighting skills, but just becasue i take those extra 3 seconds to scan my screen for cav and keep track of where they are and where there going. Thats all it takes and your deaths from cav will drop by like 80%. So please every 1 stop lobbying for nerfs, this game is simplified and slow enough as it is.
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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #52 on: July 02, 2012, 03:06:14 pm »
cavs fine, just have a bit of awareness and dont tunnel vision and you'll do fine.So much whine for nerfs recently, if people just tried to improve on what there bad at and it seems for most of you that is cav, then you wouldnt need to call for nerfs. I rarely die from cav and not because of super duper fighting skills, but just becasue i take those extra 3 seconds to scan my screen for cav and keep track of where they are and where there going. Thats all it takes and your deaths from cav will drop by like 80%. So please every 1 stop lobbying for nerfs, this game is simplified and slow enough as it is.
Perhaps cav being completely scared to death of you also helps? And the fact that you have a dozen fanboys following you around at all times helps too? Maybe that Long spear/Glaive/Danish makes you less of an attractive kill?

Yet I agree with you. I am one of the most shit classes against cav, especially now chambering lances has no use cause they pass you by faster than you can turn after a chamber, but still I don't have much of a problem with them. It is just painful to see all the random nubs get raped by cav because they have complete tunnelvision. That is never going to change though, so cav will always have an enormous influence on the outcome of a battle.

I think they should be given their lance angle back, so they don't have to rely on backstabs only, the horses should be made much more tough in the front. So charging aware people is an option. Maneuvering should be nerfed. This way they can attack aware people from the front much better, but they also have to anticipate more. They would be less unpredictable and easier to predict where they are going. Maybe we would get a little more brave cav that don't have to do laps around the map until they spot a noob which doesn't understand the outfit view key.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 03:14:55 pm by SgtTeeh »

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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #53 on: July 02, 2012, 03:09:08 pm »
Perhaps cav being completely scared to death of you also helps? And the fact that you have a dozen fanboys following you around at all times helps too? Maybe that Long spear/Glaive/Danish makes you less of an attractive kill?

Its the war mask, every 1 is afraid of the war mask.
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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #54 on: July 02, 2012, 03:45:30 pm »
I pretty much murder cav players except the really good ones with 2hand thrusts, and always scan around me (rebinded look to E), and focus on baiting cav by faking unawareness or manning up and 1 vs 1ing them, sure it's not very hard.

Doesn't mean that mounted heavy lance damage isn't at an astronomical percentage whenever they post the stats, and that in my testing with people like BADPLAYER a non loomed heavy lance will nearly black bar medium/heavy infantry with 2 powerstrike with a small arabian warhorse speed bonus.

I'm not the greatest cavalry player either and suicide my horse into shit all the time attacking aware polearmers and the like when I'm cav, but with half the effort I require as a melee class I can pretty much roll a 5x for hours at a time with little to zero support from anyone else, just by how damaging the lance is and how versatile in support a well ridden horse can be for your team.

Also, cav spam on the servers is awful, only thing worse is thrower spam, and the two feed off each other.  So nerf both, please.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 03:52:02 pm by Smoothrich »
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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #55 on: July 02, 2012, 03:50:04 pm »
Buff ranged instead  :)

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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #56 on: July 04, 2012, 09:22:28 am »
nice job Ange.
Chasey u r complitly right
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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #57 on: July 04, 2012, 09:30:21 am »
lol sure you pretentious shit poster

So much irony, while simultaneously being accurate.
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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #58 on: July 04, 2012, 10:22:09 am »
So far I've only enjoyed cav simply because melee felt more like this :mrgreen:

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Re: Facts and myths about Lancer cav
« Reply #59 on: July 04, 2012, 09:02:54 pm »
I don't know about the rest of the community, but I engage cavalry first. If I survive, I engage infantry next. Also, I don't like couching my lance because it takes away a lot of maneuverability. Cavalry is easy to play, yes, if you know how to play in general. It is a very user-friendly, balanced class.
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