Grey, I don't want to be on the same team as you on siege. You would be one of those archers sitting on the walls pewpewing while the flag is going down with your no armor self, while the real archers pull out their melee weapons with their decent armor charge to the rescue and stand on the flag until the heavy infantry arrive. Seriously Grey with how slow the bow reloads, unless you camp as an archer or run away every time someone even gets near you, you are going to have to pull out a melee weapon and having decent armor is very useful fighting multiple opponents swinging from multiple directions, while the close range throwers are tossing javelins into the mix.
Nah man I have shot u plenty, and stabbed u more. My KDR on my main archer is above 2:1, yet most of my kills are from melee......
1v1 having 1wpf really hinders me, but I thrive in combat like Lee Sin mate, nothing is more fun than fighting 3+ guys with my nuwedao, chop fucking chop chop block block jumping headchop just me left alive is how I roll, those guys shooting from the wall are not archers either.
An archer is anyone who carries a bow. Period.
A crappy worthless archer is still an archer, and an archer launching laser guided ballistic pre-patch missiles is still an archer. Period.
A Dedicated archer, however, is someone who has archery as the main focus of his or her class.
A Ninja is a style of play, an Archer is a class like One Hander or Shielder or Polearm or Cav. Ninja = 2Her or Thrower, Thrower or 2Her =/= Ninja.
Dedicated Archer, a bow/2Her Hybrid Archer, or a Sword and Board carrying just one quiver and a bow for skirmishing are all Archers.
In the heat of battle, I will be damned if I say on teamspeak "Hey there is a heavily armored fake archer who is actually a pole arm user on the roof to our right!" or "There is a guy with a bow on the roof to our right!" Instead I shall be sane and say quickly "There is an archer on the roof to our right!" and everyone knows what I am talking about.
EDIT: Archer: One that shoots with a bow and arrow.
No. sry. Having a horse does make you a Knight. It just makes you cavalry. Owning a bow makes you a ranged unit. An archer is king of the battlefield, we carry the bow and use it primarily because it takes more skill than the sword.
I love the sword, I play MB, crpg, all mods that I find, singleplayer, oldschool M n B, because I FUCKING LOVE THE SWORD.
But the bow it takes more skill, more dedication, a cooler head, more awareness.
I dont wear armour, thats my choice, I dont recommend it. I do it because I have to do it. To be able to stand in the way of a charging knight, and know, this man, hes mine, he doesnt know it, he thinks this is a fight.....and just as he knows that hes GOT ME, shhhhwap, killed him. Thats taking a risk and relying on skill. Anyone can stack armour.
I aim to kill with style, armour and shield have a dmg output of 0, and I know life is more complicated than that but, since they do not dmg I dont need them... why I stand there in no armour. It is a risk that I take because it makes me feel good. To me you are all the bull, the harder you come at me the less I must do to hurt you.
And since this is my view, all my opinions on armour should be viewed as just that, my opinions, and IMHO, true archers are the ones that can kill you with the sword np, without too much effort, but shoot you because it is the stylish and skillfull way of doing it. Guys in full chainmail with a huscarl shield on their backs, they are not shooting for stylish skillkills, they are the same as crossbowmen, desperate for any scrap off the killtable, and are just dogs to me.
Leather for archers is stylish. Studded Leather Coat is the best low armour item in the game by stats, but the morale debuff you get from wearing a leather bodycondom is massive...