Utilizing my own four foot long katana in real life, I attempted to perform the "lolstab." While it is a curved blade, it is lighter and shorter than these ridiculously dramatized great-swords I see breaking the sound barrier in Crpg, It did not perform well. The stance in itself is awkward, and I found a lack of actual thrusting power. It also left me in a position unfit for parrying, and if I were to have been using the meter and a half long two handed weapons I continuously get raped by in the mod, than I would have probably fallen over due to sheer body physics, regardless of tensile strength. I could possibly kill someone with it if they had an open flesh wound, and if I were jumping from a pool deck. With a shorter straight sword, like one of the bastards, it could be slightly feasible. Otherwise, your guard is open, and you have no control over the weapon, nor power behind the thrust itself. I advise any of you who own two handed swords that are half as ridiculous as the ones found in crpg, to attempt this animation. And to any who would like to argue that this is Crpg and that realism has no place because you don't want to see your injustice rectified, than I invite you to personally come to my house so that I can end your life in the most grotesque of manners and devolve you back down into the primordial scum you personify.