what the title says, I expect allot of 2hers to post saying polearms are fine now but when I hit someone with a fully loomed poleaxe with 6ps and they barely flinch....makes no sense to me and the fact that a 1her has more stun confuses me even more.
What? There is no difference in stun duration after a hit with any weapon. Its just that 1h are faster.
Polearms were OP, they can have polestagger taken out without anything to compensate. They are perfectly fine.
but when I hit someone just as I finish my swing my opponent swings back instantly and I don't have a chance to block because my swing hasn't finished -.-
Not really sure what you are saying, but it seems to me this only applies to unbalanced weapons, cause you can always interrupt your swing and block with your aforementioned poleaxe. When you hit someone he cannot swing back immediately. If he can it is due to having a very fast weapon and your positioning being wrong. In any case this is not a polearm specific problem and all the other classes would have to deal with this aswell.
Imagine taking away the stun from 2hers, suddenly 2hers become allot harder to play no?
What stun? Only polearms had a specific sort of stun, polestagger to be more precise. Thats why it had to go, it was an unecessary class specific advantage. 2h do not have stun, so you are on a level playing field with 2h now. Life is difficult eh, getting your class balanced with the other ones after being OP.
The ideal longterm situation (in my opinion) would be to give polearms side-swing animations that aren't worthless. Both side-swing directions can easily hit teammates that are nearly behind you, and will readily catch on any nearby obstructions. Also, there is currently much no reason to use the left swing over the right swing - the left swing has lower reach, and is far more likely to glance if you hit early in the animation.
The right swing is an awesome attack, which has very little range reduction compared to other polearm attacks. You pretty much grab it like a 2h when rightswinging. Great about the right swing is also that you can cancel it very far into the animation. These late feints got me many a good hit in. The left swing is shit though.
The overhead is a fucking great attack. The animation exactly follows the center of your screen. It is much easier to aim than the 2h overhead. First thing I noticed when I went polearm after 2h was the ease with which I could split heads with the overhead. You can barely miss it. With the 40+ cut weapons it is mostly 1 to 2 shots to the head. With 130-140 length weapons you can use it in close quarters no problem.
The 'dueling' spears - warspear, spear, etc - also need a buff to side-swing damage. Previously the swings were a way to line up a stun, so that you could get a thrust in.
Agreed, these side swings are quite useless now, rendering the entire group of weapons useless.