I was about to commit the mistake of answer some pieces of crap ive read in this topic one by one and kindly offering to prove them wrong one by one on a duel server to show that they are crap,but then i realized it would be just a big lose of time. So i just -1 everypost that contains bullshit afirmations imo.
Just to give an example of one to make u people know what im talking about: "2h outreach cav". Would be ok if u talk about 1h cav,but probably u talking about lancer cav,which mostly uses heavy lance:
If the horse or horseman dies in that case, its lancer fault 100% of the time. Every good cav knows this,every good 2h knows this and everyone that knows this game at least a bit well knows this even if they didnt play any of this classes for too long. In the worst case the lancer misses and passes untouched,and so his horse. If 2h commits and the lancer its doing it right,2h dies or loses a big amount of hp 100% time. The cases in which lancer or horse dies,are frontal charges or back or side charges on an "unaware" target that its in fact,aware. Which is amistake of the lancer commiting too much,making himself not to use the maxium reach of his weapon.
So outreaching a longer weapon,doesnt even happen,EVER ,unless u using the range of the longer weapon badly(making it shorter or equal to the shorter weapon range),which its ur own mistake instead of a bug in the game or an OPNess omgawd omg !!!111 Derp.
I could just go like this on like 15 crap afirmations in this thread,but this is the only one u will get. If u get a -1 from now on,ull know u spreading bullshit.