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Rage about Looms/Str
« on: June 12, 2012, 11:44:37 pm »
Since crpg seems to be trying to be more balanced, with removing polestagger, reducing turnspeed etc, I was wondering why looms exist? They are the really the only problem with balance in my opinion.

Fighting fully loomed, strength 2-hers with a only 6 ps or 1h is highly stacked against you. I'm tired of hitting someone 6 times with a 1h (7 PS) and they 1 hit you with whatever they have. Though I suppose agility is supposed to be a niche thing, at least 1hers need a buff. Medium armour looms with loomed heavy gloves is extremely deadly.

The problem of course with looms is not on the average player but on the great players. The better the player, the more looms start to  matter.

Though the new trading between alts seems fair, it also allows people to reach higher levels than before, feeding their new level 32/33 mains with more looms.

What are your thoughts on high strength and looms combined?

TLDR: nerf loomz

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Re: Rage about Looms/Str
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2012, 12:17:31 am »
If someone is really fully loomed, probably yes. But they spent time doing so. for 4 items which are each loomed three times, you get 5 Head Armor, 10 Body Armor and 10 Leg Armor in addition to the normal item (less for light gear). After all that is not much, seeing that even someone who grinds some hours a day needs about 2 weeks for a generation. Most people need longer.
Having myself +3 light body armor and gauntlets, I loomed them as I have the same body armor with lower weight now compared to a heavier set-up.

Surely you notice some difference if all your items are loomed and another guy's things aren't. However I think the looms aren't really a problem regarding balance. You never know your enemies level, unless he tells you. And then there are different points making you need more hits, glances, being unlucky and much more.

And actually I would enjoy if people wouldnt die after 2 hits, 5-7 sounds reasonable for medium equip (with a str build).

The better the player, the better the loom? In that case skill is the more important thing then...
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Re: Rage about Looms/Str
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2012, 12:22:11 am »
Looms don't make such a huge difference as some think. Weapons only get 3 additional damage, armor gives up to 10 additional armor points (with gauntlets). That's not as much as it sounds. You still die in 2-3 hits.
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Re: Rage about Looms/Str
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2012, 12:26:05 am »
But still everyone wants them.  :rolleyes:
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Re: Rage about Looms/Str
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2012, 12:30:58 am »
Looms don't make such a huge difference as some think. Weapons only get 3 additional damage, armor gives up to 10 additional armor points (with gauntlets). That's not as much as it sounds. You still die in 2-3 hits.

I think the armor looms are quite noticeable [then again I wear 7body armor most of the time so...], but as you say, weapons not so much.

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Re: Rage about Looms/Str
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2012, 12:34:50 am »
then again I wear 7body armor most of the time so...

Then you got no right complaining about being onehit.
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Re: Rage about Looms/Str
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2012, 01:19:02 am »
Surviving 5-7 hits is pretty absurd. Mistakes should be punished. If somebody misses 2-3 blocks, then they should be dead. Being unable to consistently block shouldn't be an option, unless you have a shield (even then, some sort of manual blocking system for reduced shield damage would make things more interesting).

I feel that combat would be a lot more exciting and skill based if you were always potentially 1-3 mistakes away from death. A single moment of inattention or panic would kill you, with no chance to recover.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2012, 01:34:33 am by Vodner »

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Re: Rage about Looms/Str
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2012, 01:24:58 am »
There is a massive semantic difference between grind balance and class balance. The latest patch, or at least the changes you mentioned only affected class balance.

Anyway, there will always be players with more experience and better reflexes so the game will always be unbalanced no matter what. It's not like playing flip a coin is interesting, even though it's balanced.

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Re: Rage about Looms/Str
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2012, 01:38:48 am »
Surviving 5-7 hits is pretty absurd. Mistakes should be punished. If somebody misses 2-3 blocks, then they should be dead. Being unable to consistently block shouldn't be an option, unless you have a shield (even then, some sort of manual blocking system for reduced shield damage would make things more interesting).

I feel that combat would be a lot more exciting and skill based if you were always potentially 1-3 mistakes away from death. A single moment of inattention or panic would kill you, with no chance to recover.

Agree as usual.
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Re: Rage about Looms/Str
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2012, 01:50:18 am »
It's not duel server, horses trample, arrows hit, teammates hit, things happen.
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I checked, the only Vagabond I found was Wolves_Vagabond_TheCruel, that guy is now unbanned. Ban reason was: "calling Zotte a cockswoggler".

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Re: Rage about Looms/Str
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2012, 01:53:16 am »
Miwiw, as I said earlier, many mains are probably at least level 30 as alts can give looms to their main.

Do you guys think that looms like masterwork horses and masterwork bow&arrows make little difference?
Many people don't think loomed weapons aren't that great. It doesn't seem that noticeable, but every hit you land adds up. A weapon with 30 damage, with an heirloom of 3 points, gets a 10% damage increase. This does not seem much at all, but can quickly add up for every hit you land in a round or the long term. It's an increase in damage by more than 1 powerstrike (8% damage increase), though I am guessing that there are more factors behind PS than that.

I hate how much armour that loomed heavy gloves can give, for the weight. (Who cares about gold anymore?) An increase in medium armour can quickly take toll on your weight if you're not strength oriented- however, heirlooms negate that extra weight. And footwork's always important.
I can guess only that my suggestion is unfavorable since many people use heirlooms.

Skill is obviously a large factor in this game, but looms can easily increase your survivability by much more. Surviving even 1 or 2 more hits with loomed armour makes it extremely useful, which is what I mean that the better the player, the more effective the looms will become. e.g.If you normally die in 1 hit, you get a 100% increase in survivability by dying in 2 hits rather. These things count at a high skill levels, such as in Vodner's case.

Most of these things only become problems if you're a 1her or only have 5-6 PS. Oftentimes, landing a 1hander hit is hard since there are no fancy tricks to them, and they do less damage. If nothing else is taken from this thread, in the end I think that 1her can use a buff.

/end wall of text

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Re: Rage about Looms/Str
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2012, 01:54:24 am »
Since crpg seems to be trying to be more balanced, with removing polestagger, reducing turnspeed etc, I was wondering why looms exist? They are the really the only problem with balance in my opinion.

Fighting fully loomed, strength 2-hers with a only 6 ps or 1h is highly stacked against you. I'm tired of hitting someone 6 times with a 1h (7 PS) and they 1 hit you with whatever they have. Though I suppose agility is supposed to be a niche thing, at least 1hers need a buff. Medium armour looms with loomed heavy gloves is extremely deadly.

The problem of course with looms is not on the average player but on the great players. The better the player, the more looms start to  matter.

Though the new trading between alts seems fair, it also allows people to reach higher levels than before, feeding their new level 32/33 mains with more looms.

What are your thoughts on high strength and looms combined?

TLDR: nerf loomz

Sure nerf looms why not?

Masterwork items should only get one more dmg and armor only 2 armorpoints on Lordly yes?


Looms already have been nerfed enough in crpg history and any other stat nerf would make looming your stuff pointless.

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Re: Rage about Looms/Str
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2012, 02:07:05 am »
Well why do looms even have to exist in the first place? Just to grind? I just play this game for fun, and I have over 1000 hours (o god..) logged into it. I normally just respec after I hit level 30. I do have 1 masterwork I've just begun to use and a 1+ item but still enjoy this game everyday. Until someone ruins my fun with stacked looms! At least I make the game fun for everyone else. I'll just die in 1 hit after hitting you 5 times so everyone wins!
Looms should just get a new model, like from that heirloom pack.

Anyways if you guys don't think that heirlooms don't make a huge difference, why don't you give them to me? 

I know that petitioning this is a hopeless endeavor but someone has to do it~~

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Re: Rage about Looms/Str
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2012, 02:10:15 am »
Miwiw, as I said earlier, many mains are probably at least level 30 as alts can give looms to their main.

Do you guys think that looms like masterwork horses and masterwork bow&arrows make little difference?
Many people don't think loomed weapons aren't that great. It doesn't seem that noticeable, but every hit you land adds up. A weapon with 30 damage, with an heirloom of 3 points, gets a 10% damage increase. This does not seem much at all, but can quickly add up for every hit you land in a round or the long term. It's an increase in damage by more than 1 powerstrike (8% damage increase), though I am guessing that there are more factors behind PS than that.

I hate how much armour that loomed heavy gloves can give, for the weight. (Who cares about gold anymore?) An increase in medium armour can quickly take toll on your weight if you're not strength oriented- however, heirlooms negate that extra weight. And footwork's always important.
I can guess only that my suggestion is unfavorable since many people use heirlooms.

Skill is obviously a large factor in this game, but looms can easily increase your survivability by much more. Surviving even 1 or 2 more hits with loomed armour makes it extremely useful, which is what I mean that the better the player, the more effective the looms will become. e.g.If you normally die in 1 hit, you get a 100% increase in survivability by dying in 2 hits rather. These things count at a high skill levels, such as in Vodner's case.

Most of these things only become problems if you're a 1her or only have 5-6 PS. Oftentimes, landing a 1hander hit is hard since there are no fancy tricks to them, and they do less damage. If nothing else is taken from this thread, in the end I think that 1her can use a buff.

/end wall of text

Looms for life.
Also, what the previous poster said. Lordly used to give +6 armor, then was buffed (lol) to +7 armor. Then that was nerfed to only give +5 armor. Same thing with weapons; it used to be crazy how much damage a MW weapon would give (+5 for 1H swords, I don't even want to know how much 2H and polearms got. The +1 modifier, balanced, gave +3 Damage and +3 speed, lol). Now the maximum for most MWs is +3 Damage, +1 Speed. Mighty gives a bit of weight, and on the Great Maul gives +4 Damage but no speed.
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Re: Rage about Looms/Str
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2012, 03:14:13 am »
Everyone minusing you except Saul... Interesting.

From the point of view of someone with no armor looms, I'm not sure how much more they can nerf them before they're just not worth it. It is enticing to get looms, but you don't really need that many. I think 1h needs to be loomed though so they don't do crap damage.

I'm more prone to blaming the level 33-34 monsters than the loom, since it gives so many benefits.