Author Topic: CraZy Loooshus, CrPg Loom giveaway and essay contest. (17 loom points)  (Read 29351 times)

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Offline Jano10

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This is about chadz assassination not cRPG Lol

Offline IR_Kuoin

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So late at night, must ... finish ... essay ...  :cry:
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152 words, meh I'll finish it tomorrow
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Offline Jano10

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The unfortunate assassination of chadz.   

Before we started the section on chadz assassination in our class I would have said that Nasturtium assassinated him without a question in my mind. After reviewing videos on this subject in class I am now not so sure. Was there really a conspiracy to kill chadz?

After reviewing the information in class I do not think Nasturtium was the lone assassin. I do not even think that Nasturtium was the assassin. The most convincing evidence that I received was the video showed in class where there was a man who was a specialist in stripping away layers in photographs down to tiny particles. He had a picture of the shooting of chadz and stripped the layers away. The picture showed tiny particles coming off the back of chadz head. Seeing this made me come to the conclusion that chadz was not shot from behind but from the front therefore Nasturtium could not of shot chadz because the book depository was positioned behind the Admin's vehicle. I think that the death of chadz was pinned on Nasturtium because the Admin's were pressured to find the assassin of chadz. Nasturtium was an easy target. I believe that Meow truly shot Nasturtium so that Mrs. chadz would not have to relive that day when Nasturtium went to trial. People do strange things when caught up in the moment and the whole community was turned upside down over the assassination of Supreme Overlord chadz. People thought it was suspicious that Meow was able to get so close to Nasturtium. He was able to do this because he was known by many of the Admin's, frequented the forum's and therefore was not perceived as a threat. I think the attitude changed towards the Admin's after the assassination because the Admin's did not run the investigation efficiently.

I do not think that we need to change the way we teach cRPG so that we can deal with issues like that of the chadz assassination and its impact. It would be nice if we could go in depth about all the important topics that happened in our history but in order to do that we would have to extend the cRPG History course to two more years. The course as it is now just fits into the one-year time frame.

The End

Offline Jano10

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Hope you like it  8-)

Offline Apsod

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Offline Rainbow

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I will title this "How a non racist remark can be marked racist"  By Rainbow.

How a non-racist remark can in fact be labeled racist by a higher authority and therefore be marked as evil racism on the internet.  Whether this is called the evils of internet racism or the evils of admin corruptness we will never fully understand but here below lies an adventure that one like yourself can take to explore the very foundations of the racism that plagues our internet today.  Come, take my hand and together like us explore down this hole of untold mystery and by the end of this long journey, you're persona, nay, your very soul will be touched in such an untold manner that you will feel yourself uplifted to such heights that one believes an angel has made them divine.

Internet racism is nothing new.   At one time, many internet users subscribed to the notion that faceless interaction would lead to a decline in racism.  It was said that on the internet everybody is equal.  Since we can’t see each other’s faces, the only way we can judge others is by the content of their character.  It was just another version of colorblindness.  The colorblind ideology is linked to racism.  My first experience with colorblind racism was on a gardening forum, of all places.  And what I tended to notice was that white people didn’t assume other folks at the keyboard were a multi-hued group, all of whom were equal.  They tended instead to assume everybody on the other end was white.  And they posted accordingly.  Now you wouldn’t think that a gardening forum would be a hotbed of racism, would you?  But what I found was that there were so many subtle and not-so-subtle racist remarks towards people of color.   (Not to mention all those other  -isms.)  What happened if you (I) mentioned anything?  What’s the matter, you can’t take a joke? You’re the real racist, injecting racism where it doesn’t exist!  It’s not racist, you just don’t understand …  And then you know who the bad guy is.  It’s the person who points out the racism.  No matter how kindly or sensitively it’s done.  No matter how thoughtfully difficult issues are explained.  Because everybody else was just having fun.  Except for you.  Yeah, it was the beginning of We heard it before.  For the most part, I previously thought about internet racism as being fueled by anonymity.  Take a look at the comments sections of news sites.  Even when there is a little blip that reads something like Blah blah blah we value freedom of speech and reasoned discourse blah blah blah no racist or sexist or any other kind of ist will be tolerated. And then directly following that is usually a bunch of -ist comments.  Sometimes it’s because free speech is privileged above preventing racist harm. But sometimes it’s because the racism isn’t even recognized.  But then came the popularity of social media sites like myspace and Facebook and twitter.  Which blows my “anonymity” theory right out of the water.  There’s been a lot of racist tweeting going on, from politicians to has-been celebrities to sportswriters.  Facebook is a known site for college racists.  But if the racist perpetrator attached his or her name to racism, what does that mean? Does it mean that they didn’t care about it? Or that they didn’t think about it? Or that they knew that within their circle everybody else would agree?  Or maybe even that they were proud of it?  Sometimes I wonder about the constant reinforcement of racist ideology through the internet.  It can permeate your brain through the constant white framing of the media.  It can attack you when you’re least aware, like when you are happily reading something interesting only to be slapped by a sudden burst of surprise racism.  It can be vicarious racism.  It can trigger.  Honestly, I think sometimes I should put a trigger warning on the whole damn thing.  Maybe the open racism on the internet is a wake-up call to all of us.  We thought it was about those trolls who hid in dark places.  But instead we find out it’s everybody.
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so many rhetorical questions
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c h e l s e a  b o y s

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I see what you did there   :lol:

Offline Blueberry Muffin

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The unfortunate assasination of chadz.... It is a great story, one of tragedy and regret, love and hate, joy and sorrow... Friends become enemies, enemies become friends, as hundreds, thousands... millions... strive towards one goal. The following story may shock some of you, but I urge you to read, it affects each and every one of us, and will affect the course of history for eternity...

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I hope you enjoyed my story, I shed many a tear in writing it... I thought I could get away from this unscathed, but writing this sort of thing scars and debases you in a way that cannot be undone... Even now I struggle to regain the life I had. The goal of normality is far distant, but Im getting there day by day... Pray for me people. Pray for us all.

Muffin out.
Lizard_Man: Fuck all that! Rather buy me 4 cans of Stella..
Cymro: Wife beater stella
Lizard_Man: It'll get ya drunk! You'll be fucking fat girls in no time! You might even fight a nigga or two! Mmmm-mmm, bitch!

Offline Miley

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But you're going to give Mirey rooms of course, because I rack the wirr of warrior, remember?

Offline Huey Newton

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Howling wind drove the bespectacled donkey back one, then two steps. He blinked, dumbfounded by the ferocity of the gale which had so suddenly set itself upon him. Gritting his prodigious teeth, he pressed on, his head low to the ground. He blinked away tears, his eyes irritated by the dust whipping at his face. The road, made dry and angry by the rain's neglect, avenged itself upon the the helpless donkey.

The donkey's driver, too, vented his rage on the poor creature. His brought a long riding crop down again and again upon the ass's ass. "Get movin' mother fucker!" He cried, "I got mother fuckin' eelskin, on this mother fuckin' wagon to deliver". The imposing black man urged his donkey forward, and having no other option, the animal obeyed. Further down the road, the low, squat form of a tavern beckoned. The donkey raised his head for a moment, peering through dirty glasses at the distant building, and with renewed vigor surged towards the promise of shelter. "God damned about time," Samuel L. Jackson declared, sitting back more comfortably in his seat, "thought you were just gonna leave us out in this shit... Hurry the fuck up chadz."

Hay floated down from the loft above like elongated, dry, itchy, uncomfortably snowflakes--not doubt sent drifting by the storm which so easily penetrated the poorly constructed stables. Joe was, however, blind to his discomfort. He had eyes only for the beautiful form that lay beside him. The moon shone through cracks in the ceiling, causing his beloved to glow with an other worldly beauty. She rolled over then, causing the moonlight to play across her dazzling white coat. Large, intelligent eyes gazed into his, mischief written all over her long face. "What say you to a romp" she asked, turning to look through the wall in the direction of the tavern.

"MY LOVE!" Joe cried. He exploded to his feet and began gesticulating wildly, his genitalia and hands flopping about in a flurry of expertly coordinated movement. Still waving his hands about, he lept upon Champion Courser's now standing back. "WE WILL MAKE THEM RUE THE DAY THEY SO FUCKING STUIPDLY EXILED US TO THIS BARN!" he screamed.

The sudden commotion prompted a series of small explosions of hay from the adjactent stalls. Suave men and their horses stood, blinking away a paltry few hours of sleep. One of them, accompanied by a brilliant white courser, approached Joe "what the fuck are you screaming about?"

Joe poked him in the chest, causing the man's glittering scale armor to clink softly "Huey! Glorious leader! We cannot allow these foreigners, these peace loving cowards to disgrace us and our land like this". The man crossed his arms and seemed to be deep on contemplation. The other Cavalieres gathered around, in various states of undress. One, Edmond, suddenly screamed "DON'T PLAY WITH OUR LIVES!". The others stared, and Huey raised an eyebrow. "Sorry, I don't know why that just happened..."

"Ok guys," Huey finally spoke, "I know I'm new at this but fuck it dudes..." He absent mindedly stroked the penis of the courser beside him, "lets go bow-"

The tavern was packed with people of many ethnicities and loyalties. Beer flowed, and the wenches were many, though most idled about awkwardly, ignored by the men. One man suddenly leapt upon a table. He was covered head to toe in the thickest of armors, and clutched a polearm of masterful quality to his chest, as if afraid it might suddenly jump away. The man began gibbering away in some foreign language, eventually yelling at his audience. One serving wench whispered to her co-worker, "He is Russian." Her friend nodded, but did not seem to understand. "You do not seem to understand.... He is trying to convince them to all band together and attack somebody smaller and weaker than them". The other wench nodded, suddenly understanding, and resumed clearing the table next to her.

Samuel L. Jackson and chadz sat themselves next to the front door, both of them glad to be out of the tempest outside. Samuel L. Jackson peered at chadz face, which had taken on a sickly, pale complexion. "What?" His donkey seemed unable to reply, and stuttered something incomprehensible. Samuel L. Jackson lost his temper, "ENGLISH MOTHER FUCKER, DO YOU SPEAK IT?"

chadz's ears suddenly twitched, pointing directly at the door behind Samuel L. Jackson. He whispered, "They're coming".

A voice shouted something through the door, though it was hard to understand what was said. A serving wench approached, pressing her ear against it. The tavern went quiet. A muffled, "Open the gate!" was heard by all, before the doors abruptly exploded, knocking the wench into a large Polish man. A horde of naked men on horseback burst into the room, screaming about "carebears" and swinging sexual implements of all shapes and sizes.

There was chaos.

Samuel L. Jackson had time only to turn around in his seat before having his skull caved in by a twelve foot long iron dildo. chadz scrambled out of his seat, only to be jostled aside by a massive destrier as it rushed two men who gibbered something in Polish. chadz fell, his hooves unable to find a purchase on the wood floor now slippery with blood. A shadow fell upon him, and he looked up. Standing over him was a horribly ugly man upon and a large, white stallion. They were covered in blood, and in the man's right hand was a blood soaked lance. More terrifying was the way he stared at the poor donkey before him--his face was contorted by rage so that he seemed barely human. The donkey begged: "please, please just let me go. I am not one of these people! I'm like you!"

"I have told you time and time again that we were OP" the man said with forced calm. He raised his lance, "but you never fucking listened". Behind him, a man in scale armor kept saying "good fight" over and over again, emphasizing each utterance by banging a mail clad knight's face against the bar.

"What are you talk--"

"STFU!" the naked man barked. It came out as "s teh fu". His horse reared, and the man thrust his lance into chadz's face, shattering his spectacles. "NERF CAV!" He shouted triumphantly, holding his lance high over head.

Horse and man alike replied in kind: "NERF CAV!"

You better fucking believe I wrote this. Give me my fucking looms.

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My submission incoming shortly.

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"I don't think I'd want to meet anyone from cRPG. Sorry no offense lol" -TG

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The Taste

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late edit because quotation marks got lost in forum transfer
« Last Edit: March 25, 2013, 06:59:42 am by oohillac »