Well, I kinda disagree, in that, any pro game I've ever heard of/played woulda rolled this back to save face. and, if the Devs are trying to get picked up by a Paying institution, this doesnt help.
But no biggie.
You are right though, about me sounding over the top, AND I was wrong (Specifically about the mods bieng overwritten, and bieng a bit off an ass - Ask the other Snowhawks, its my MO, and amazing that theyve put up w/ me for as long as theyve had, and even promoted me as well lol). but be assured I wasnt here to talk shit, it just came out sounding that way.
I'd be happy to 'adjust' my original post, if that's better for the community. Your right, I don't know who is who here, nor do I care to really research it. Thats why I'm a player not a dev or such.
I find it kinda weird though, how its a free for all of dick jokes, racism and stupidity, then I say something about implimentation, andI get jumped on.
Also, notice, that I didnt get personal, until I felt you got personal, i dont usually approach things that way, until my opponent takes things there, and then it just turns on like a faucet.
But I do apologize to ya. No need for me to be as abrasive as I was with ya. And dont think for aminute that I dont fricken love this mod, its the only game I've played for the last year. your right, I probably shouldve remembered that before I got as abrasive as i did.
Shall I adjust my original post for posterity? Or should i leave it there, as a reminder that I can play the fool as well as anyone?
your choice, i just want whats best for the mod.