I totally loath kiting archers.
But if you nerf archer's athletics, you'll actually make them an even easier target for cav, wich is something definitely not needed.
Enable infantrya warcry. If an ennemy archer/xbowman is close enough, he "inadvertably" drops his bow/xbow, cause of the fear. He then has the choice to pick it up, and sheath it to run away, out of warcry range, or start engaging in melee.
Of course, not everyone has this awesome warcry, you'd need 5 PS and 120 wpf in 1h OR 2h or Polearm. For example.
Having a main as an archer, i totally understand the issue with some running away cowards with not even a single melee weapon (except that 0 slot hammer, to downblock cav, but that's not a weapon, that's a piece of wood). I myself offer sympathy to any melee following me for more than 1min, and dodging my arrows (i allow one or two mistakes, no more), and accept the melee duel my follower wanted.
Or just sheath the bow and go find the rest of your teammates. Persistant kiting is definitely as frustrating as a mounted xbow.
This should definitely be in the "how to behave, archers", in the same tone as the "how to behave, cav" from Torben.