Requesting logs from today, from roughly 320-340 am CST.
Vanidar was banned for I'm not sure what, a conversation between Native_ATS and he had been heated for quite a few maps with shit talk going back and forth. Goretooth
banned Vanidar yet didn't so much as verbally warn Native. Native and Gore are in the same clan, this seems to me like preferrential treatment and a conflict of interest, Goretooth obviously shows he will enforce shit talking with a ban but Native remains not so much as warned.
Both players were told to stop by Goretooth and I, yet Vanidar is the only one that gets banned? I would have an easier time living with a mute on both players, but it's clearly preferential treatment to read the logs, especially the witty one liner and the a ban on Vanidar and he alone.
The logs will back up every word of what I say, and any avoidance to post them will only further prove the merit of what I'm saying, and the fact there there is clearly preferrential treatment going on, and a conflict of interest impeding Goretooth's ability to correctly and fairly moderate when both players shit talked and both players ignored admin's warnings to stop -- Native a few maps previously disregarded Goretooth's purple message of "chill" and continued talking shit, Vanidar ignored the message a few maps later and was banned for the same offense.
I liked Goretooth before this, but it's clear he's using his admin abilities to settle a dispute between his clanmate and mine; I'm all for enforcement of the rules, but you need to enforce them evenly and fairly, and it is simply unacceptable to punish someone for a "crime" your clanmate is also engaged in. He even had a catchy one-liner before he banned Vanidar, showing he wasn't doing so to moderate the server, but as a way to "1-up" for his friend, Native. This made me lose a lot of respect for him, I figured he was mature enough to either not ban either of them, or ban both of them like a good objective, arbitrary moderater should, yet he showed his immaturity in using his admin powers only where he needed to to, sparing his own clanmate and banning another for similiar transgressions.
Both players "started" it at different points, both players shit talked. Saying "he started it" is not only childish, but it's logic is flawed in that revenge TK's are bannable, yet revenge shit talk is fine? It doesn't matter who started it, it matters simply that both players committed similar "crimes" (if you can call idle banter a bannable crime) yet only one is acted against.
The logs will show all of these things, the logs from the point Vanidar was banned back a few maps previously will display both players exchanging words and ignoring people asking them to stop.
Both players, yet only one is banned. This is an abuse of power.
I have included the last bit of logs I could retrieve (the previous offenses had gone past what "L" allowed me to see) that shows the sequence of events leading to Vanidar's ban, showing Native's shit talking and Vanidar's request for Goretooth's intervention in the matter. Note that Vanidar was not shit talking, he was
asking for an admin to intervene as another player was insulting him yet Goretooth "bans him permanently."
This alone is enough to show his poor ability to admin, the rest of the logs will only compound it:
Short log contained inside. Click here.