Warband doesn't work the same way in SP and MP. In MP even if you walk or run you can freely turn around as fast as you want (resulting in idiotic GLA whirlwind attacks until a quite old Native patch made it impossible by setting a very soft limit).
More dancing corrupts the combat into a random succession of spam attempts on top of a ping competition, rather than rewarding those that are better at the game aka getting their hits in with feints, holds and chamberblocks.
Turning to the right then moving forward shouldn't be faster than strafing to the right for quick reactions. If you don't agree on that, you are ugly and stupid. There's a reason nobody ever turned their back at their opponent in a real fight and that's exactly this.
Turning should reduce your movement speed and acceleration, as well as moving at high speed or accelerating should reduce your turning abilities. The latter being the most important problem with the current situation. Only a weightless Osain Bolt should be able to sprint forward in one direction and instantly make a 90 degree turn without losing speed. In this game we all are weightless Osain Bolts.
Btw the maximum speed of everybody should be increased, with the same acceleration formula.