Author Topic: plz give 24hr bans to spookplanet and PK_incrediblyskillful for abusing polls  (Read 3785 times)

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Offline Neux

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It's really an issue of disrespecting the other players in the server.... Majority of players that are some type of HA or HX will stop and get off horse when they are last... Because they respect that other people's time is important, and that other people want to play.. not sit around waiting for some jerkoff to finish padding KDR.

Rohypnol has always shown nothing but disrespect for other players and yet admins continue coddling him like this.

It is pathetic, really.

Offline Spook Island

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Honestly it seems at this point like its more about trying to bait people into submitting a poll to kick him after he tries to piss everyone off by griefing for as long as he can get away with it.  Then he rushes onto the forum so he can try to get someone banned for it.  At least that's what it seems like based on how his behavior was in game, the pictures he posted, how soon he wanted to take this to the forum, and how he's acted in this thread.

The dude deserved to be poll kicked.  The large majority of people who were actually there and saw what he was doing realize this. 
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Offline Spook Island

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yet again as i said before for abusing polls i will post every single one of you.. there is no such thing as delaying as the flags came up both times.. there people are just mad and will never learn.. i recommend 24hr bans as this as already happened serveral times.. and will admin plz get on and turn them off.. thanks

I think this quote is pretty much damning evidence to the point I just made.

The guy is going out, essentially fishing for bans, actively seeking to cause as much of a disruption to the game as possible (for as long as he can) till everyone gets fed up with it and eventually someone launches a poll to get rid of his griefing B.S. (which is what the polls are there to do).  As soon as the first poll flies, he starts saying "I'll get voted off..." because that is exactly what he is trying to do.  That is exactly what he wants.  Because 1. He knows what he is doing is wrong and 2. Because he's personally stated, more or less, that it is now his mission to get everyone banned who disagrees with the idea that he is free to grief as much as he wants as long as he hides it under the guise of "playing his class." 

I was on his team.  We weren't winning.  He didn't have any bonuses from wins.  He had nothing to lose from getting kicked.  I had a bonus from valour at one point and even still opted to get rid of him because he was ruining the game intentionally for everyone to plainly see. He had no bonus to lose.  I'm sure he'll probably end up lying and say "yeah, but I had valour, too!" to cover his tracks a little better, but I feel it's pretty clear at this point what the guy has been exposed for what he is; a professional griefer who is trying to skirt and exploit the system for personal gain to cause as much mischief and headaches as he can get away with.

When you break it all down from a logical perspective.  The polls are there for a reason.  To kick leechers, people who are afk, and griefers.  Guess which is the most important out of those 3? 

The vast majority of people who were there opted toward kicking him out of the game.   There were 2 polls against him that I remember.  The first one got 50%.  It was a no brainer that he was going to get another the next time he did the same routine.  If myself or PK didn't poll him, someone else would have after the next round when he pulled the same stunt, or the one after that.  The polls are there to protect the community from people like Rohy when the Admins aren't there to help us.  They are our last line of defense against griefers.  If we're going to start banning people for doing the right thing and getting rid of obvious griefers, you' might as well just remove polls altogether and hand the key to the city back over to game griefers who would prefer to turn the server into their own little twisted circus.

At the end of the day, that poll was perfectly justified and ROHY is quite simply  manufacturing drama so he can try to get people banned for fun and amusement.
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As Aderyn pointed out garbage pollbans have resulted in admin bans, but the precedent for pollkicks is to let them slide. Generally, if >50% of the server wants you gone then it's really a community issue, unless say a certain player abuses it repeatedly.


At one point i'd agree with rohyp about admin action on pollkicks but at the end of the day, no damage is really done. And finding out exactly what went down, whether you were engaging or delaying, is exhausting for a little pollkick.

It's fun to go against the odds and try to steal a win, but if you're doing it over and over then the community's gonna get pissed. People say that "if rohyp gets to try why can't I?", and it's actually kind of comforting to know that it actually happens to you too.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 08:53:00 pm by Idlewild »
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Turn off pollkick/ban NOW. Abused pretty much every day. :[
Can't spell manslaughter without laughter.

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spook im laughing at how you keep taking things that i say and trying to misinterpret it in some other way.. like saying i knew it was going to happen.. like as if i want it to happen.. no i say it becuase everyone always tries to vote kick me when everyone knows its against the rules.. plz stop taking my words and twisting them up and saying "see he knew it" .. no  just becuase i know im going to get kicked does not mean that its right.. i know people hate me.. what do you want me to do about it? stop playing how im supposed to.. it is not my fault when i got on this morning LITERALLY no one on the opposite team had any kind of range.. what do you expect me to do.. let you kill me... go ahead plz take more words of mine and say more things like SEE CLEARLY HE KNOWS.. when clearly you are full of crap and trying to hide the fact that what you did IS against the rules.. i play my build like this day in and day out with admins on and everything and only people like you seem to have a problem with it.. and when i post on forums about abuse you have nothing to back yourself up with.. there is NO PROOF you have about anything.. just heresay bs lies.. admins have been on serveral times monitoring me and it has been know over 100 times that what i do is NOT against the rules.. nothing has changed

and what makes you think i get on everyday just trying to get people banned? stop stearing away from the arugment itself, trying to throw the entire reasoning behind this forum post off by saying other stuff about greifing and delaying... when those i guess in your eyes are your personal opinion.. the forum post again is about you abusing polls.. so when you know that you are wrong go ahead and find something that is completly off the subject and not true to throw the entire debate over the post off.. lets start from fresh.. WHY were you abusing polls on someone that was on top of his team and continually killing people and motf was popped everything time? what is this called... abuse.. go ahead now and divert from the arguement which you are CLEARLY doing..
« Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 09:01:14 pm by ROHYPNOL »
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He delayed five rounds in a row.  There were 30 people in that game.  They got fed up with it.  I polled once.  Another Player Polled. 

The Poll passed because people got fed up with some guy making us wait an extra 3 minutes every round for the same outcome we all knew was going to happen.

He knew he had no chance of winning and just kept delaying. 

Frankly, he deserved to be kicked and the community thought so too.  Hence, why the poll passed.

It was one thing if he did it only once or twice.  But he did it five times in a row.
U Mad Bro?
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You know what, fuck it just turn off polls because people can't handle the most minor forms of responsibility without going all Napoleon with them. Every time i turn around someone is ragepolling for one reason or another and it's just getting completely ridiculous. Take the toy away because the kiddies can't play nice.

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Turn off pollkick/ban NOW. Abused pretty much every day. :[

I strongly disagree.  I find that the poll kick/ban is used responsibly 80% of the time. When the issue is voted on the results are just 99% of the time.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 09:34:57 pm by JasonPastman »
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Too busy not giving a fuck...
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Offline OpenPalm

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Leave pollkicks ON.  If you piss off >=51% of the server, you deserve to lose your multi.  It's not the end of the world, it's a kick.  Drama queens are everywhere on this server, it's really silly.  Rohy, you got kicked twice, stop whining.  You're not the shit, your class is cowardly, and requires little skill.  Why do you act surprised when the majority of the server doesn't like waiting on your failure-scented ass?  KDR isn't everything.  It just means you manage to run away from unfavorable fights, and pick on those that are weak.  Clearly it doesn't always contribute to your team.  I think if you were winning most of the games with your "delaying" (in quotes because I suppose it's not truly delaying) then NO ONE from your team would have voted to kick you to end the round.  Stop acting like you're picked on and a victim through no fault of your own.

Spook is an idiot who doesn't know when to stop talking.  I suspect he's inebriated for the majority of the time he posts/is on the server. 

Conclusion:  Server is filled with borderline aspies who don't know when to quit.   8-)
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It's not the end of the world, it's a kick.  Drama queens are everywhere on this server, it's really silly.  Rohy, you got kicked twice, stop whining.  You're not the shit, your class is cowardly, and requires little skill. 

...and this is the problem with polling. People are voting based on e-honour and perceived slights rather than server rules. It's become a form of mob rule and is abused pretty much daily.

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2. I got banned yesterday for 20 hours because I offended a few 12 year olds with harsh language that made them feel bad (yeah, everybody knew that one was legit bullshit).  But I still took it and got over it.

20, and I took no offense, but I figured the admin would think that'd be enough to ban you, it worked.  :wink:
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PEOPLE SHUT THE FUCK UP RAGEPOLLS WONT GET PASSED INLESS THE ASSHOLE RAGED %51 OF THE GODDAMN SERVER. God forbid you have to press 1 or 2... Big fucking deal. I understand your little heads see those flashy mother fuckering messages pop up and pop a lil wood. When it comes down to it just tape your 1 key down and shut the fuck up... Fuckign Comie assholes....
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Offline Smoothrich

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Polling people who are still engaging the enemy is abuse.  12 hour bans for all.

When will people learn?  No one gives a shit what you think about other people's playstyles, just uninstall the game if you really can't stand to have a horse xbowman cause a round to go 20 seconds longer then your ADD raddled brain wishes it would.  Kick and ban polls are supposed to be there for people teamkilling or auto walking into walls or hiding somewhere in the corner of the map where enemies can't find them, all against the rules.  Playing a high agility, unconventional class that ends up being alive longer then most others.. Deal With It.
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Offline Gomer

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Polling people who are still engaging the enemy is abuse.  12 hour bans for all.

When will people learn?  No one gives a shit what you think about other people's playstyles, just uninstall the game if you really can't stand to have a horse xbowman cause a round to go 20 seconds longer then your ADD raddled brain wishes it would.  Kick and ban polls are supposed to be there for people teamkilling or auto walking into walls or hiding somewhere in the corner of the map where enemies can't find them, all against the rules.  Playing a high agility, unconventional class that ends up being alive longer then most others.. Deal With It.
What he said...
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