Author Topic: plz give 24hr bans to spookplanet and PK_incrediblyskillful for abusing polls  (Read 3798 times)

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yet again as i said before for abusing polls i will post every single one of you.. there is no such thing as delaying as the flags came up both times.. there people are just mad and will never learn.. i recommend 24hr bans as this as already happened serveral times.. and will admin plz get on and turn them off.. thanks

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Quote from: Jeade
you're rough around the edges.
This is the reason people don't like you if anyone ever did.

Offline Ylca

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I was around for this incident, The pollers were warned that rage polling could get them banned and the second poller blatantly admitted he didn't care.

Until there is a rule that HA/HX have to dismount then player should not take it upon themselves to legislate new rules, it's beyond ridiculous.

As usual Rohy was still engaging, dehorsing cav and getting kills, and MOTF was working properly so there isn't even the excuse that there's no alternate victory condition.

Just rohy getting shit for playing his class by players who think they can make new server rules whenever they please, normal day in CRPG.

Offline Spook Island

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He delayed five rounds in a row.  There were 30 people in that game.  They got fed up with it.  I polled once.  Another Player Polled. 

The Poll passed because people got fed up with some guy making us wait an extra 3 minutes every round for the same outcome we all knew was going to happen.

He knew he had no chance of winning and just kept delaying. 

Frankly, he deserved to be kicked and the community thought so too.  Hence, why the poll passed.

It was one thing if he did it only once or twice.  But he did it five times in a row.
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Offline Spook Island

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"ill get voted off and post about poll abuse spook"

From that text you can also see that he knew he was going to get kicked from the poll because he knew what he was doing deserved it.

if 15+ people vote you out because you're delaying, chances are you're delaying.  If an admin was there, they would have asked him to stop doing what he was doing.  I was on the guy's team and still initiated the poll with a x2 going.  That should pretty much tell you everything you need to know.
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  • Earl
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btw i knew i woudl get voted off because im like the most hated person in crpg.. anything i do everyone votes me.. so you do not know what you are talking about.. 2nd i wasnt even on for 5 rounds, i was on for 3.. oh and there wasnt 30 people on there was 24.. and the most ive killed to win a round is 15 and there was 8 left.. and i was on top of my team so i was obvsiouly doing something.. just admit your poll abusing and take your ban and dont do it again.. thanks
Quote from: Jeade
you're rough around the edges.
This is the reason people don't like you if anyone ever did.

Offline Malke

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Oh hey, I was there aswell! I can honestly say that I do not like Rohypnol, and I do not endorse the way he plays. He was actively engaging the enemy, though some consider it delaying because there is just no way he will kill a full team when we are only down one. It is pretty fucking annoying, not to mention Rohypnol is just a douchebag but that's another problem. I don't think anyone should be banned for this or anything but there should be a rule against this sort of stuff. Rohypnol thinks very highly of himself and he let's everyone know, that might also contribute to most of the people on the server wanting him kicked.
So, I was not really for the kick. I understand why they did it though, and I hope that the admins think hard about the potential player loss if players like this are set on the loose. Make some sort of rule against this sort of crap!

Offline Ylca

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In this image PK_IncrediblySkillful flat out admits Rohypnol wasn't delay, but rather simply using a playstyle that the server didn't agree with. He wasn't breaking any rules other than the rules that people made up for their own lack of ability to remain alive/ kill rohypnol. Again, there is no rule stating that an HA must dismount, only that the player must actively be engaging which Rohypnol always does because he's actually pretty good at being an HA. I'm not a big fan of sitting around chasing the guy but i realize that i'm not a dev so i can't just make up my own rules on the fly as i go.

These were both ragepolls.

Offline JasonPastman

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I agree with Spook,  ROH consistently logs on Trolls and Delays.  Its one thing when there are around 5 people still left but today there were between 9-12.  Roh does not actively participate in the battle untill the end, generally hiding in a cornor picking off stragglers.  The effect of this is that it unbalances his team which is why he is in a position to delay so often.  During the course of a battle players work together getting kill together and saving each others lives.  when roh plays most the players who have good kdr's and do this end up on the other team.  Thus the players on his team get slaughtered and he ends up delaying the round againt impossible numbers.

Furthermore for the 20mins a day he logs on as roh he does nothing but troll other players.  The following is an example of this

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and if his possie is on they tend to get in on it

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I've seen Roh delay like this against numbers 30+, how is this not delaying?

Roh's actions and behavior are detrimental to the C-RPG community, at the moment he presents an aragent attitude giving the impression to everyone else that he can do what ever he wants and be a jerk about it.

There is a reason that these poll's pass.  Please listen to the majority!

Oh, and I love ROH.  We go way back, so this isn't personal. 
« Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 03:42:35 pm by JasonPastman »
If a majority be united by a common interest, the rights of the minority will be insecure - James Madison
It is not wisdom but Authority that makes a law - Thomas Hobbes.
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In this image PK_IncrediblySkillful flat out admits Rohypnol wasn't delay, but rather simply using a playstyle that the server didn't agree with. He wasn't breaking any rules other than the rules that people made up for their own lack of ability to remain alive/ kill rohypnol. Again, there is no rule stating that an HA must dismount, only that the player must actively be engaging which Rohypnol always does because he's actually pretty good at being an HA. I'm not a big fan of sitting around chasing the guy but i realize that i'm not a dev so i can't just make up my own rules on the fly as i go.

These were both ragepolls.

Well c-RPG is a community game no? Many people play this in countries across the world. Asia, NA, EU, AUS etc etc.

This wasn't delaying as he was engaging, but it was a hopeless battle against more than 50% of the opposing team (sometimes more than 75%). This was a waste of everyones time, as there was seemingly no range on that other team.

As it's a community game, and the majority of that community was getting fed up with the horse crossbower making an attempt to preserve his 6:1 KDR for boasting rights. I think it's justified, don't you? In my opinion, (and evidently the opinion of >51% of the NA community), would happen to agree with me.

It's not hard to see why people get frustrated at him. Every minute in a vain attempt to preserve his KDR, of which, nobody else sees (he screenshots and puts it on the forum to expand his e-peen), wastes one minute of every other player in the servers life, that they can't get back. How selfish.


I wasn't angry at ROH, and I understand that what I did was wrong, but I thought it was in the best interest of the community, as did the majority (my poll passed).
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Here in PK, we're better than you! And we know it.

Offline Spook Island

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btw i knew i woudl get voted off because im like the most hated person in crpg.. anything i do everyone votes me.. so you do not know what you are talking about.. 2nd i wasnt even on for 5 rounds, i was on for 3.. oh and there wasnt 30 people on there was 24.. and the most ive killed to win a round is 15 and there was 8 left.. and i was on top of my team so i was obvsiouly doing something.. just admit your poll abusing and take your ban and dont do it again.. thanks

Yeah there were definitely more than 24 people there, and even if it was only 12+ people like you're implying, that's still 12+ people who thought you deserved to be kicked for what you were doing.  You were also there longer than 3 rounds so don't even try lying.  I get legitimately poll abuse kicked all the time and you don't see me throwing a fit and asking people to be banned over it.Also, I have no record of ever being accused or convicted of poll abuse. EVER.  That should pretty much tell you what you need to know.  God knows people would try to get me on that charge if they could.   We all asked you to stop doing what you were doing and you kept going right on after it.  Nobody wants to have to keep doing master of the flag every round because some guy would rather ride around on a horse wasting everyone's time with no hope whatsoever of actually winning.

It'd be one thing if you had a chance of winning.

It'd be another thing if you only did it a couple times.

But you kept doing it over and over and over, long after people started asking you to stop.

The fact of the matter is you wouldnt have been polled and directly kicked if you didn't actually deserve it.

30thLevelWizard tried to poll kick me after for mentioning I get legit poll abused all the time and it only got 22% so that defense of ".. but im the most hated person in CRPG" definitely isnt go fly.

You deserved to get poll kicked, and I'll stick up for every person that made the poll along with me because it was the right thing to do.  That is all there is to it

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  • Earl
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whoa wait... what does this have anything to do with the poll abuse.. and this was like a week ago.. when people start complaining and throwing remarks my way you best im going to say it back.. if they are mad and just tryin to get at me which is 100 percent of the time the case.. im going to make them even more mad.. oh yeah you are totally right.. i kill nothing but peasents and people that are no good at all.. i guess its probably why i have killed  you over 1million times.. don't say you have nothing against me if you are saving up screenshots form over a week ago.. trying to pick the right time to post them, when buddy its still the wrong its.. this is a poll abuse thread

simply i got to back myself up sometimes.. and its nice to have people like ycla around to help and realize you guys are full of bs and rage just because you are on the other side of it.. come on guys stop crying and playing against the rules.. spook was this a legitimate poll or not.. i mean really.. no.. yet again this is not about how i play this game.. its about you abusing the rules.. which is what you did and you should be punished for it.. should i become admin so all this nonsense can stop?
« Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 03:55:22 pm by ROHYPNOL »
Quote from: Jeade
you're rough around the edges.
This is the reason people don't like you if anyone ever did.

Offline Ylca

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The majority of the community doesn't make the rules or all ranged, horse or ground, would be banned, polearms would have no stagger, shields would probably not exist, and in fact this game would probably simply be 2hers online.

As most people have mentioned in their own words Rohypnol was actively engaging which is to say he was fighting which, under the current definition is not delaying. As for the claims that he hides till the end of the round that might be true on occasion but as for today as a cav i watched rohy zoom right past me shooting at my horse within 30 seconds of the start of most rounds. He's not hiding anywhere he simply pimps his arabian and rockets across the field dodging most anything that comes his way.

Annoyance with his playstyle still does not give the general community the right or the power to change the rules of the game and kick a player for playing within the bounds of the rules. If that's the case then when i can convince a majority of players that a plate + crushthrough weapon is "damaging our fun" can we votekick him too? How about ground archers? Maybe a pikeman, definitely that because they're my worst nightmare as cav (a good one at least).

Devs make the rules, admins enforce them. Nowhere along the line did i read that this had become a democracy where players have the go ahead to make and enforce their own policies at whim, nor should it be that way. Hate that horse archers don't have to dismount? Well make a thread about it and ask for a rule change- don't just enforce your own rules that aren't even close to being policy. This is getting ridiculous and the end result isn't going to be an action against rohypnol it's probably going to be them turning off bans so that they don't have to read this shit every single day. You think Rohy is a "troll" wait till you see what servers are like when there are no admins and polls aren't on. It ain't pretty.

Offline Spook Island

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I'm pretty sure griefing is against the rules.

but lets get technical for you so there isn't any wiggle worm to try pulling.
Griefing is the act of chronically causing grief to other members of an online community, or more specifically, intentionally disrupting the immersion of another player in their gameplay.

And yes that was clearly a legit poll considering how many people voted against you.

This wasn't a game of 10 people. 

It wasn't even a game of only 20 people.

You deserved to be poll kicked.  You admitted you knew it was going to happen in the very screenshots you posted.  Now you're trying to act like it was unwarranted and out of the blue?

Give me a break...
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dude you give me a break.. now you are trying to say im doing griefing.. when thats clearly not true then you come up with some other bogus excuse to try and justify yourself.. you are diverting from the abuse of polls.. you could be a really good politician.. good game dude.. im done talking to you.. let the admins do what they think is right.. maybe you will stop being so delusional
« Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 04:11:07 pm by ROHYPNOL »
Quote from: Jeade
you're rough around the edges.
This is the reason people don't like you if anyone ever did.

Offline JasonPastman

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The point is that he delay's 2-3 minutes on average most rounds that he plays.  It's one thing during the battle to have have an op player doing his thing.  But when that guy is the only one left and he's riding around in circles not winning just waiting for the flags to save his kdr. THAT IS DELAYING! 

The point is that 99% of the time he doesn't try to win battles (by preventing the other team from reaching the flag and killing those at it) he focuses on the stragglers while the folks at the flag take it.  He may be engaging but he is not actively trying to win the battle, and all the while 50-75% of the other players have to sit around and wait. 
If a majority be united by a common interest, the rights of the minority will be insecure - James Madison
It is not wisdom but Authority that makes a law - Thomas Hobbes.
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