Author Topic: Why americans hate Obama?  (Read 3653 times)

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Re: Why americans hate Obama?
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2012, 08:00:23 pm »
Have you ever seen some of those Tea Partiers? Embarassing.


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Re: Why americans hate Obama?
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2012, 09:21:17 pm »
Because he is probably one of the worst presidents in the US history, even worse than Bush somehow, and follows the long-discredited keynensian model.
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Re: Why americans hate Obama?
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2012, 09:28:12 pm »
There is general discontent with politicians in America due to the fact that many remain unemployed, underpaid, whatever.

While Obama still has basically 50/50 approval rating, however, across party lines.. Congress's approval rating is at something like 9 percent.  Most educated voters know the real reason America has become so backwards, and ineffectual at creating any forward movement, bold changes, or anything.  Because of the fact that Congress is absolute trash, and the Republicans are pretty much completely responsible for delaying or blocking any sort of legislation that could help the country whenever they are able to, to hurt Obama politically.

Republican leadership admit they would rather the economy suffers so Obama loses reelectoin, then to actually work together to get Americans working again.  So, low information voters see the effects of these games and put the blame on Obama, when he's actually been pretty good at most aspects of leadership, except his ability to outmanoeuvre Republicans in Congress.  Hopefully not only does Obama get another term, but Republicans are kicked the fuck out of the house.  I'd rather see the Department of Education not get completely removed in order to lower taxes on billionares, for example (this is what Republicans want, to remove all public education in order to give tax breaks to billionares, not even propaganda here, its their entire agenda)
« Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 09:29:23 pm by Smoothrich »
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Re: Why americans hate Obama?
« Reply #19 on: May 09, 2012, 11:17:00 pm »
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Tea Party 2012!
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Re: Why americans hate Obama?
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2012, 02:32:47 am »
I'm curious as to why you think americans are a homogenous group with one opinion. I'm also curious as to why you don't understand that a certain section of the public is going to hate any sitting president. "Americans" don't hate Obama, some Americans do. Given that Romney is going to get the republican bid, Obama is in for another 4 year stint however.

Quote for truth. Romney had to be divisive to win the primaries and now he has to regroup again.

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Re: Why americans hate Obama?
« Reply #21 on: May 10, 2012, 02:49:34 am »
I've been quite curious about it, hearing more and more americans complainin about him. As a european I dont get it, cause out here we either just stay neutral or be positive about him. Can someone explain? Cause from what ive heard he started fighting economic crysis quite fast, after he became president.

He's a zionist crony, a liar, an American Tony Blair, alot of hype, little substance, alot of spending, and... He's tearing the constitution one piece at a time, without concern for any of the public's open discontent for such conduct.

He's now trying to hitch hike on the Osama bullshit to get himself re-elected, he stands for the same bankers and elite corrupt establishment that every president before him since Reagan has stood for.

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Re: Why americans hate Obama?
« Reply #22 on: May 10, 2012, 02:54:45 am »
The global banking conspiracy and zionism is ruining western civilization, you heard it on the cRPG forums (and mein kampf) first folks!
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Re: Why americans hate Obama?
« Reply #23 on: May 10, 2012, 03:04:29 am »
He's a zionist crony, a liar, an American Tony Blair, alot of hype, little substance, alot of spending, and... He's tearing the constitution one piece at a time, without concern for any of the public's open discontent for such conduct.

He's now trying to hitch hike on the Osama bullshit to get himself re-elected, he stands for the same bankers and elite corrupt establishment that every president before him since Reagan has stood for.

Eighty percent of people in America don't even know what a Zionist is. Him tearing the constitution apart is a bit of an exaggeration really.For example, gun regulation has actually been more hands off under the current administration than the previous one. As far as the Osama thing goes, he's using that as a main staple of his re-election campaign since the majority of Americans are too stupid to fully comprehend the impact hes had in other areas like the automotive industry(Certain states like Detroit are doing much better now) Why talk about  how much better the job market is in certain states when you could say you killed the gat dum man behind 9/11? Im not going to fault politicians for using dumbed down ridiculous appeals to emotion as their main election strategy, id much rather blame my fellow voters for buying into it. They only play that game because the vast majority of us here in the states let them get away with it.
This community hurts my brains, a lot.

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Re: Why americans hate Obama?
« Reply #24 on: May 10, 2012, 03:27:32 am »
Lol i just past by a billboard that says "Mr.President, Don't Turn your Back! RECOGNIZE THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE", he promised to recognize this genocide, yet didn't full-fill it.
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Re: Why americans hate Obama?
« Reply #25 on: May 10, 2012, 11:34:07 am »
Because he is probably one of the worst presidents in the US history, even worse than Bush somehow, and follows the long-discredited keynensian model.

I wouldn't say he's the worst, especially considering what Bush did in foreign affairs, but I can't agree more on the Keynes bullshit. This guy is a bit like Aristote ruining astronomy and many sciences for centuries after him because he has become the "great master" of his field, despite all the work of his successors that contradicts his theories.

Btw tea partiers are worse than people writing youtube comments.

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Re: Why americans hate Obama?
« Reply #26 on: May 10, 2012, 01:00:08 pm »

Btw tea partiers are worse than people writing youtube comments.

Thumbs up if you vote for Tea Partiers!!
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Re: Why americans hate Obama?
« Reply #27 on: May 10, 2012, 04:23:51 pm »
Pretty simple: Jobs & growth.

Not good enough, and the only ideas from the Democrats are more keynsian stimulus/government control. The Republicans had a huge victory in 2010 campaigning against these ideas, and 2012 polling is very close right now although it's still pretty early.

If GDP growth was 3-4% and unemployment at 6-8% he'd be a fucking hero and cruising to re-election no matter what his leftist leanings...but the people want results, and aren't pleased with the lackof for current policies.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2012, 04:25:23 pm by Turboflex »

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Re: Why americans hate Obama?
« Reply #28 on: May 10, 2012, 09:45:48 pm »
Did American's (sorry for the umbrella) expect him to be a miracle worker or something? The world's economy was a piece of shit when Obama became President. Given the task he had upon being sworn in, he was never going to be as amazing as everyone thought. There was WAAAAAY to much expectation and 'ZOMG OBAMA IS OUR SAVIOUR' coming through from the US. Anyone with their head on their shoulders could see that he was always going to be average at best. The results people wanted to see were far to unrealistic for what anyone could achieve in such a short space of time. 4 years is not enough time to turn around the general fucked upness of America's economy at the moment. And generally I think Obama has done an alright job with what he was given. Certainly not in anyway a bad job. There's always going to be people who will be rubbed up the wrong way by any decision.

It's the same reason everyone hates the lib dems and conservatives at the moment in Britain. Labour fucked everything up (as usual), and it's on the shoulders of the next party to fix it. Problem is, one term is not long enough to see significant results and now everyones pissed off because things weren't magically fixed with a change in leadership.

It's kind of bizarre to watch.

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Re: Why americans hate Obama?
« Reply #29 on: May 10, 2012, 11:02:04 pm »
American politic is rather simple

Jobs and Economy

if you don't put up those two things, you may be the best, but America will hate you.

back in the day I would have critic how American tend to see only one aspect of the politic to chose, but now we got Stephen Harper has Prime minister...
I can't really critic any other country now...

You really need to live in America to understand, it's a really amazing country with LOT of strange thing,  old retard conservative mentality, but it's also the country with the biggest university population, the only country where you can start at zero and became one of the world biggest man. Strange country.
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