Okay...I´ve tried it right now, and what can I say...I somewhat wish I hadnt bought the game right away now.
I mean, it could be cool, I guess, but Night time fucking sucks to play in, Zombies run faster than Usain Bolt(Seriously, you cant even hit those fucks while they run?They are zig-zagging with 70kmh towards you until they start to hit you...), and the World is fucking HUGE, I mean HUGE!
Normally that would be fine with me, but seriously, running through total Darkness for 5 Minutes straight until you find a road, to then get raped by Zombies on speed isnt cool.
I will try it again tomorrow(When it´s hopefully daylight), but until then...I damn my impatience, I bet the game will go on sale in a few weeks/a month or two, and the mod would probably be farther by then, too.
I imagine that it will be a lot better for me when it´s day,though, so Ill give it a shot or two in the coming days.