This is how I think the perceived and actual problems with engineering can be solved.
1. Limit deployable weapons racks to 3.
2. Limit deployable unbuilt construction sites to 3. That will make the engineers choose between shit blocking doors and actually building things.
3. Have everyone be deselected from the forward bases at the end of the round.
4. Reduce health of spawn point by at least 25%
5. Double the health of the healing tent. That way they can be put in more useful locations and wont just implode due to a slight breeze.
6. Reduce the cost of the catapult to 20 mats. I mean you have to use mats to build it and load it, in strat it cost a shit ton of money and dose very little.
7. Lower the costs of the siege towers, the amount will need to be tested.
8. Triple the health of the large siege tower, you should need to blast that bastard with a catapult.
9. Allow catapults to be built on walls can buildings so defenders can use them to fire at siege towers and counter battery-fire other catapult teams :O prease, oh PREASE!
Also allow healing tents to survive the end of the round and leave everyone in limbo for 30 seconds at the end of the round so they can zoom about like ghosts and see what's been built where to counter attack it during the next round.
On a side note, break able front gates could be used on town maps in strat if they had HUGE! amounts of health, at least then the catapults would have a target.
Can a dev please comment on what is going to be done about engineering? I'm very, very interested to hear about what is planned and any idea about how long it might take to do.
Sry for the ranting