I read all the messages and try to answer them in my way..
This bow is an elite bow..It is the slowest but you will have a very good punch to anybody..also you can use this on horse.. if you are an infantry than you can choose a warbow-long bow or rec. comp. bow to your choice..if you are a cavalry you will go for fast but mid punching khergit bow or slow but good punching rec. comp. bow..
After all you need some serious prequisites to use this weapon..
-High level
-Experience of horse archery or infantry archery
-Lots of gold..( Horse + Armor + rec. comp. bow + melee w + arrows) the upkeep will surely suck your blood..which means you wont be able to use rec. comp. bow for a very long time period - if you are not so rich .
1h Melee combatants have their SIDE SWORD..
Cavs have their HEAVY HORSES and LANCES
2h Melee combatants have their GREAT GERMAN SWORD
Polearm guys have their... fuck they have everything..!
Arhcers have their strong bow but not enough..
Mounted archers will have their time now.. RECURVED COMPOSITE BOW!!
pls try to synergy and dont be an ethnocentric bastard for eastern staff..
thank you guys