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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #435 on: April 08, 2014, 02:31:13 pm »
I'm happy there is no open pvp as many people simply enjoy roleplaying (not rp with other players but with the open world, quests and stuff). I don't think real open pvp would fit this game.

But the pvp area is really nice. I joined it once, and you all, if you played Oblivion will know the area: Cyrodiil. ;)
You know there are three factions and you can join one main campaign and one guest campaign (campaign aka battle fields). Seems like taking over towers and areas.
And you know more can be coming, as its only just the start of the game.
However I would never want open pvp. Of course they could do pvp servers but currently it is only 1 EU and 1 NA Megaserver. Guess they could do pvp-channels tho that are kinda like sub servers.
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #436 on: April 08, 2014, 02:35:33 pm »
Is there some kind of open-world pvp?

Can I attack anyone if I want to? If not, it sucks :(

TESOs "WvWvW" seemed pretty open to me tbh...

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #437 on: April 08, 2014, 02:43:45 pm »
There are 3 factions indeed but is it real open world? Real open world means you can fight anywhere, in WoW starting areas were only possible for open world if the defender (those who "own" that area because they belong to that faction) tagged themselves into pvp mode. Dunno if there is a similar way in eso. Thats also because I for now didn't get higher than lvl 12-15 and Im still in the starting areas. ;)
Anyway, I love this game since the beginning.
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #438 on: April 08, 2014, 08:20:58 pm »
The game is pretty fun. I don't know how long the life is on it, but my opinion is it is worth the 60$. You'll at least get a month or two out of it.

I ended up upgrading to the collector's edition because I've really been enjoying it.

I made a pretty big post on accident because I saw a lot of people asking questions and I wanted to try and answer them. Enjoy if you care I guess.

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Does it bring something new into the genre ? Is it something one could enjoy in any way, maybe epic PvP ?
hey gnjus. It brings a lot of aspects from different MMOs together into one game. However their class system is something sort of new. In that the classes aren't what you would regularly expect. Each class can wear any armor and use any weapon. Spells are tied to staves. Though there are 3 trees of class skills for each class. You level up either the weapon trees, armor trees, or class skill trees depending on what weapon you use and what armors you wear and what skill trees you have on your bar.

Also each class is capable of filling all roles although the playstyles can be a bit different. For instance the nightblade(close to your typical rogue) can tank because they have a lifesteal tree. Tied with the sword and shield and heavy armor they are pretty viable.

I am currently playing a 2h melee/bow sorcerer dps who wears a combo of light and medium armor. I do high amounts of burst damage because my class skills take magicka and my weapon skills take stamina. I can drop all my heavy hitting magicka spells from my sorcerer class tree which will wipe out my magicka pool really fast and then still fight with my stamina pool so I am not sitting around if they live.

PvP is kinda epic in that there are like 100 people (estimate, a lot of people idk) in each of 3 factions battling over territory on a persistent map. It can also be called chaotic. I prefer to stay away from the mobs and try and get into 1v1s and 1v2s and stuff like that. Idk look up ESO PvP on youtube and see how it looks to you. Not everyone likes the same things.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 08:31:12 pm by Voso »
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #439 on: April 08, 2014, 08:39:08 pm »
hey gnjus. It brings a lot of aspects from different MMOs together into one game. However their class system is something sort of new. In that the classes aren't what you would regularly expect. Each class can wear any armor and use any weapon. Spells are tied to staves. Though there are 3 trees of class skills for each class. You level up either the weapon trees, armor trees, or class skill trees depending on what weapon you use and what armors you wear and what skill trees you have on your bar.

Also each class is capable of filling all roles although the playstyles can be a bit different. For instance the nightblade(close to your typical rogue) can tank because they have a lifesteal tree. Tied with the sword and shield and heavy armor they are pretty viable.

I am currently playing a 2h melee/bow sorcerer dps who wears a combo of light and medium armor. I do high amounts of burst damage because my class skills take magicka and my weapon skills take stamina. I can drop all my heavy hitting magicka spells from my sorcerer class tree which will wipe out my magicka pool really fast and then still fight with my stamina pool so I am not sitting around if they live.

PvP is kinda epic in that there are like 100 people (estimate, a lot of people idk) in each of 3 factions battling over territory on a persistent map. It can also be called chaotic. I prefer to stay away from the mobs and try and get into 1v1s and 1v2s and stuff like that. Idk look up ESO PvP on youtube and see how it looks to you. Not everyone likes the same things.

Hey there, Skeletor. Thx for the info. Just what I was wondering: is it a clusterfuck of magic spamming like in GW2 ? How much can you distinguish in mass battles ? I mean if they focus one guy he's probably dead before he can even react ?  8-)
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #440 on: April 08, 2014, 10:01:02 pm »

Hey there, Skeletor. Thx for the info. Just what I was wondering: is it a clusterfuck of magic spamming like in GW2 ? How much can you distinguish in mass battles ? I mean if they focus one guy he's probably dead before he can even react ?  8-)

Well of course if a large group of people all focus one guy hes probably dead before he can react. This isn't usually the case but if you are heavily outnumbered you can drop rather quickly.

Everyone does have stealth though, you can sneak like in Skyrim by pressing CTRL, so if I see a large mass of players coming towards me I just stealth and hide until they pass and then pick off the stragglers. It just takes a little while to become hidden so you have to make sure you see them coming.

As far as the chaos goes, its definitely chaotic but its also distinguishable at least to the point where you can recognize the skills being used.

Thing is, because of the class system I explained, all the weapon skills are the same for every class and over the 4 classes each have their own 3 skill trees. This means it isn't like GW2 where you don't know what you are being hit with because every class has different skills for every weapon. You tend to get familiar with each of the classes' unique skill trees pretty quick and the weapon skills are even easier because you can see them for yourself.

Also, healing in ESO is pretty aoe based. There are some heals that auto-target the lowest health person but there are also AoE's on the ground and stuff like that. So its not as quick as GW2 where there was really only self-heals. In GW2 if you got knocked down you were dead because you couldn't heal yourself and no one was going to heal you, in ESO if you get knocked down and aren't by yourself you can still be healed.

Plus, I'd like to add that resurrecting players is a better system than GW2. In GW2 everyone would just get rezzed and it costs you nothing to rez someone. In ESO it consumes a soul gem that you have to buy/find and refill by killing monsters and trapping their souls. So you have to be prepared if you want to rez your allies or yourself and even then it is limited.

While I don't really like this guy (sorry to fans) he outlines the PvP in ESO pretty well since a lot of you are curious what its like.
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #441 on: April 09, 2014, 07:28:36 am »
The game is pretty fun. I don't know how long the life is on it, but my opinion is it is worth the 60$. You'll at least get a month or two out of it.

I ended up upgrading to the collector's edition because I've really been enjoying it.

I made a pretty big post on accident because I saw a lot of people asking questions and I wanted to try and answer them. Enjoy if you care I guess.

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hey gnjus. It brings a lot of aspects from different MMOs together into one game. However their class system is something sort of new. In that the classes aren't what you would regularly expect. Each class can wear any armor and use any weapon. Spells are tied to staves. Though there are 3 trees of class skills for each class. You level up either the weapon trees, armor trees, or class skill trees depending on what weapon you use and what armors you wear and what skill trees you have on your bar.

Also each class is capable of filling all roles although the playstyles can be a bit different. For instance the nightblade(close to your typical rogue) can tank because they have a lifesteal tree. Tied with the sword and shield and heavy armor they are pretty viable.

I am currently playing a 2h melee/bow sorcerer dps who wears a combo of light and medium armor. I do high amounts of burst damage because my class skills take magicka and my weapon skills take stamina. I can drop all my heavy hitting magicka spells from my sorcerer class tree which will wipe out my magicka pool really fast and then still fight with my stamina pool so I am not sitting around if they live.

PvP is kinda epic in that there are like 100 people (estimate, a lot of people idk) in each of 3 factions battling over territory on a persistent map. It can also be called chaotic. I prefer to stay away from the mobs and try and get into 1v1s and 1v2s and stuff like that. Idk look up ESO PvP on youtube and see how it looks to you. Not everyone likes the same things.

woh woh there buddy, I WAS MAKING A COMPARISON TO WOW, AND IN TERMS OF LVL THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO Exaggeration,  HELL THE FACT THAT ANYTHING ONE SHOTS YOU AT LVL 23+ IN DUNGEONS (NOT NECESSARILY INSTANCES) IS A BIG DEAL CONSIDERING YOU DON'T SEE THAT ANYMORE UNTIL ENDGAME IN WOW AND EVEN THAT IS VERY RARE.  I also gotta say its a lotta fun trying to figure out why you got one shotted on some boss in a dungeon, and then once you do you and your party go back and rape that boss and it's super epic!

...oh there is my caps button

And yea buddy, I see no reason why this mmo aint going to be the next big thing, I mean they already announced the patch about the raid for endgame and all the other shit. 

I just don't see any competition to this atm. Plus the devs seem to be on top of shit if you have been following them since beta so IM VERY OPTIMISTIC FOR THIS GAME.

As far as pvp i find it more straight forward then pve simply because of the fact it's all about zerging (or rather large numbers of players rather then the actions of the few or one, and as such I think pve is far more interesting, though your comments about how pvp works is the same for pve. (GAME NEEDS ARENA). (But on that note I haven't spent enough time doing pvp to really make a call on it.)

yea, and about your class system comment,  CLASSES DONT MEAN SHIT IN ESO, CUZ EVERY WEAPON HAS ITS OWN ABILITIES THAT ARE JUST AS GOOD AS ANY OF THE CLASSES, FOR INSTANce ANY CLASS CAN BE A HEALS DPS OR TANK NOT CUZ OF THEIR CLASS BUT BECAUSE THEY MASTER 1h, HEALINGSTAFF OR ANY OF THE DPS WEAPONS.  HENCE THE 2(6) i was talking about earlier which i am now trying to master as a tank. (using 1h and 2h).  It goes further then that in terms of armor and race and pretty much everything else.  Its very es where if you can think of it you can do it. (THOUGH MORE LIMITED) but relative to other mmos CHARACTER CUSTOMIZATION IS A SANDBOX!

« Last Edit: April 09, 2014, 07:54:15 am by JasonPastman »
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #442 on: April 09, 2014, 09:19:41 am »

Hey there, Skeletor. Thx for the info. Just what I was wondering: is it a clusterfuck of magic spamming like in GW2 ? How much can you distinguish in mass battles ? I mean if they focus one guy he's probably dead before he can even react ?  8-)

Well i have a class and build which can pull them off walls with chains, so thats fun. When the siege starts its a spam of siege weapons and chaos, I usualy go to the back of the fort to pick off their reinforcements. You can always find more managable pvp if you just work to cut off their supply lines. Once the siege weapon/oil/ram chaos is over its time to storm the fort. Pretty epic but zergy at the beginning, if you manage to smash trough tho then you will have to clear the multitude of towers/walls and it becomes more organized again.

So i would say its a mixture of zerging and more organized fighting, depending on what role/stage of the siege to you want to participate in. As for focusing, there is a roll mechanic that you can use a few times before you use up the stamina. You have to react very quickly after you are pulled or cut off, so there is a chance you survive the focus
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #443 on: April 09, 2014, 10:08:19 am »
yea, and about your class system comment,  CLASSES DONT MEAN SHIT IN ESO, CUZ EVERY WEAPON HAS ITS OWN ABILITIES THAT ARE JUST AS GOOD AS ANY OF THE CLASSES, FOR INSTANce ANY CLASS CAN BE A HEALS DPS OR TANK NOT CUZ OF THEIR CLASS BUT BECAUSE THEY MASTER 1h, HEALINGSTAFF OR ANY OF THE DPS WEAPONS.  HENCE THE 2(6) i was talking about earlier which i am now trying to master as a tank. (using 1h and 2h).  It goes further then that in terms of armor and race and pretty much everything else.  Its very es where if you can think of it you can do it. (THOUGH MORE LIMITED) but relative to other mmos CHARACTER CUSTOMIZATION IS A SANDBOX!

You're using too much caps. :D
Anyway, regarding classes, you should also never forget the armor you use.
Light Armor is a must for someone who uses spells as you get to use less magicka and stuff (of course you can choose any and not depend on the bonus ;) ). I have also chosen a High Elf for Sorcerer due to nice race bonus, but High Elves has always been my choice for a "mage" in Elder Scrolls anyway. My second Sorcerer is an Argonian though, he looks so nice in that gear.
But I agree, for example I'm using dual wield and bow together with Medium Armor with my Nightblade. I only use 1 skill line by now though so I can keep my weapons and armor up2date skill-wise. :)
If you want to heal, I think Templar is the best choice though as he got a healing tree? I only checked it out once but in addition to a healing staff and its skill, wouldn't be another skill tree be nice as well? Otherwise if the healing staff tree is good enough, any class can really go forward and play a healer.

I'm currently wondering how I should skill my Sorcerer regarding attribute points. I mean, for melee or ranged guys its clear imo. Strength if you need HP, Stamina if you need dmg. I.e. a tank takes a lot of Strength as well, someone who goes for damage needs a lot of Stamina though (fun fact: Sneak takes Stamina as well).
But does Intelligence give Magicka only? I am currently not totally sure about it. What attribute stats do I need for my destruction staff to deal more damage?
« Last Edit: April 09, 2014, 10:12:34 am by Miwiw »
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #444 on: April 09, 2014, 10:22:42 am »
I'm currently wondering

...and I'm wondering if ESO is worth to splash the cash on it. I don't mind buying the game but this subscription stuff is killing me, not that I can't afford it but it's a matter of principles. Also - what about the character creation, is it much like Skyrim ? Is this the closest thing to gnjusanity one can get:

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #445 on: April 09, 2014, 10:27:44 am »
Then you simply don't play it. Im happy it has a monthly fee. A monthly free MMO would always make me pay more monthly than those 11-13€.

Anyway, I'm not sure if you can do such a nose, as graphics are less detailed compared to Skyrim, the possibilities to create your face are a bit less as well. However of course there are far more things to do than in 99% of all other MMOs.
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #446 on: April 09, 2014, 10:33:38 am »
I only checked it out once but in addition to a healing staff and its skill, wouldn't be another skill tree be nice as well? Otherwise if the healing staff tree is good enough, any class can really go forward and play a healer.

I'm currently wondering how I should skill my Sorcerer regarding attribute points. I mean, for melee or ranged guys its clear imo. Strength if you need HP, Stamina if you need dmg. I.e. a tank takes a lot of Strength as well, someone who goes for damage needs a lot of Stamina though (fun fact: Sneak takes Stamina as well).
But does Intelligence give Magicka only? I am currently not totally sure about it. What attribute stats do I need for my destruction staff to deal more damage?

Templar makes a good healer but hes not exactly better than the other classes, though I don't know much about dragonknight. The restoration staff spells are more than sufficient to heal and each class brings something different to supplement their healing ability.

Sorcerer for instance makes a great healer because they have various magicka replenishing skills including a lot of magicka regen passives but most notably the skill "Dark Exchange" which is a channeled ability that drains their stamina while giving them health and magicka. There is nothing scarier than when your healer runs out of magicka.

Nightblades have that whole siphoning tree based off life steal which can supplement the resto staff spells nicely including a life steal ult which is pretty great. I think some of their life steal spells can also be morphed to include magicka steal which makes them even better.

So yeah, everyone can do everything pretty equally. I am sure there will be some build that rises to the top, but I don't think it'd be the ones you'd expect. (I've heard sorcerer tank is one of the strongest tanks due to things like their bound armor spell, for example)

For your sorcerer you are going to want to focus on Magicka primarily and some Stamina,(way later levels after you notice yourself hitting the soft-caps, I think it shows the number in yellow instead of white, when you have buffed one attribute so high you aren't actually getting the full benefit of it.) or maybe health if you aren't using any stamina based weapons and find yourself to be too squishy.

The thing to remember is that the higher your magicka the more damage you actually do with all magicka costing abilities, same with stamina and stamina costing abilities. I believe the staff basic attacks cost magicka so it increases their damage as well.

Unless of course you are tanking.

(There is no strength or intelligence and it makes it kinda complicated when you think of it like that, its just health, magicka, and stamina.  :p)

...and I'm wondering if ESO is worth to splash the cash on it. I don't mind buying the game but this subscription stuff is killing me, not that I can't afford it but it's a matter of principles. Also - what about the character creation, is it much like Skyrim ? Is this the closest thing to gnjusanity one can get:

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Wait it out if you are unsure man, see if it goes f2p.. its possible but I don't think it will. At least not for another year.

Also the Gnjus nose is definitely impossible. I couldn't even make my nose big enough to match my snout in real life.

It has an extensive list of sliders but the sliders don't work off the biggest ranges in order to keep people from making their characters too ugly. There is amazing character customization for a MMO, but not for the Elder Scrolls.
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #447 on: April 09, 2014, 10:56:32 am »
That's one of the many things why GW2 was so boring:
No fixed dedicated classes. I hate it when everyone can basically do anything. Kills party play imho.
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #448 on: April 09, 2014, 11:28:52 am »
That's one of the many things why GW2 was so boring:
No fixed dedicated classes. I hate it when everyone can basically do anything. Kills party play imho.

Party play is still prevalent because you are capable of doing everything but can only do one thing at a time. It isn't quite like GW2.

Like if you build your character right he can be a tank, or he can be a healer, or he can be a dps, but you can't do all 3. There are still class roles unlike GW2.

And you can't swap on a whim unless you go purchase a respec.

To try and compare it to something else would be maybbbee liiikee, paladins in WoW. They had a skill tree for tanking, dps, and healing. They could fill all roles. But based off your gear and what tree you went down you could only fill one role at a time. I guess its like that. Its more like that than GW2 at least.

But yeah, I really hated that about GW2 too.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2014, 11:32:16 am by Voso »
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #449 on: April 09, 2014, 12:55:43 pm »
Ahh, you'd need to respec which involves costs. Well, that sounds more reasonable.
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