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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #75 on: November 11, 2012, 03:15:22 pm »
Inb4 the game, apart from the lore, is actually nothing like Elder Scrolls games and that it's just as shit as the majority of MMO's that are touted as the next big thing.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #76 on: November 15, 2012, 02:19:51 pm »
Inb4 the game, apart from the lore, is actually nothing like Elder Scrolls games and that it's just as shit as the majority of MMO's that are touted as the next big thing.

This, and many other posts in this topic are spot on. This game will blow.

1. Shitty hotbar combat (please dont give me that horse shit "server limitations crap") Please make an mmo that's decent and doesn't use a hotbar, gimp whatever you have to to make it play smoothly and people will buy it. Not to mention that this % based "watch the casting bar" crap is everything the ES games have never been, even in the more rng days of arena and daggerfall.

2. Split the factions/races. You can no longer play the race you want to without being tied to its shitty faction, want to play a redguard while your friend plays a high elf? Bad luck! Oh and you wont be able to explore the other factions lands as they're the enemy! Only endless hours of grind playing as the other factions will open up the remainder of the world to you!

3. Set classes. Isn't the joy of ES making any character your mind can conjure? I know this would be a bastard to balance but I don't want to be an unimaginative devs idea of a mage or a warrior. Let us chose a max of 4-5 skills to level and spec into so we can make the heavy armor, dual wielding, sneak illusionist that we always dreamed of.

4. Not made by Bethesda. Why oh why did you lease your top selling and best known franchise out to an mmo company? Wow was a freak, no hotbar mmo has or ever will come close to those figures so will you greedy, moronic developers/publishers stop trying to jump on poor old bessy the cash cow, she's been milked dry.

5. This will delay Fallout 4. Bethesda will not want to run 2 games (even if it is only publishing ES online) that could compete with each other. This puts my predictions that fallout 4, a game i'm sure the majority of the fans are looking forward to infinitely more than this shitbox, back to 2014+

I am angry about this game, more angry than I thought i would be. It looks like yet another GW2/wow rip off that restricts you from doing everything you would want to do if ES was an mmo. I want this game to be good, but so far NOTHING i have seen gives me any hope, in fact the more info I receive the more angry I get. I only hope it sinks like a brick and Bethesda rapidly pave over it and never discuss or bring up the idea of another of there beloved franchise being turned into a pile of turd by a third party developer.

Tl:dr Will I buy/pre-order this game?

...I'd rather belt sand my penis.
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #77 on: November 15, 2012, 03:52:48 pm »
IMO the skyrim online mod looks more promising.

TES an mmo? yet another epic game who's company just becoming cheap and selling everything it can while making its games even more shit. Nice

I think Ill pust the TES mmo on the dead list along with CoD, and SWtoR.

Its so sad to see good game developers kill such awesome games.  :cry:
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #78 on: November 15, 2012, 05:35:36 pm »
IMO the skyrim online mod looks more promising.

TES an mmo? yet another epic game who's company just becoming cheap and selling everything it can while making its games even more shit. Nice

I think Ill pust the TES mmo on the dead list along with CoD, and SWtoR.

Its so sad to see good game developers kill such awesome games.  :cry:

1. Skyrim was an awful game

2. You're not even allowed to make profit out of your creations anymore?

3. COMMUNISM FTW111!!111
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #79 on: November 15, 2012, 07:06:40 pm »

1. Skyrim was an awful game

2. You're not even allowed to make profit out of your creations anymore?

3. COMMUNISM FTW111!!111

I found Skyrim ok, I preferred Oblivion. And making profit on a game is fine, I just find it sad when devs just try and squeeze every penny out of something, not because they might make a good game, purely because they can and are hungry for money
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #80 on: November 22, 2012, 11:56:02 pm »
I found Skyrim ok, I preferred Oblivion. And making profit on a game is fine, I just find it sad when devs just try and squeeze every penny out of something, not because they might make a good game, purely because they can and are hungry for money
Or you're trying to sell something that includes their property... No harm in Bethesda taking action there. They don't want that kind of monetized community and I don't blame them. I wouldn't want to buy a game where you had to pay for all of the good mods. Fuck that.

I laugh at people who say Skyrim is now more mainstream and all that other bullshit. I did like Oblivion more, but thats only music it was less barbaric and had more lush forests and had nicer music.  The game hasn't changed. Skyrim is actually a blend of Morrowind and Oblivion, and it was really well done. I don't see the problem with it catching alot of peoples attention (aka mainstream) but it does bug me when people hate it for the wrong reasons.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #81 on: November 23, 2012, 01:23:26 am »
Bethesda isn't EA. Bethesda is a very small company.

TES online is the doing of Zenimax Online, not Bethesda Softworks.

Skyrim was made as good as Fallout 3 and Oblivion were, but it got more hype than it should have. The result of this is people who aren't familiar with this genre of game hated it when they tried it and thus "Skyrim" is thrown around like Call of Duty.

Nothing changed with Skyrim, the game just became more popular.  No one is telling Bethesda to do anything different. When COD 4 was a success Activision told them to fuck with the series more in an attempt to have it appeal to a larger audience so they could profit more, and they ruined the game and dissolved what was original or fun about it. Same thing EA did with Battlefield 3.

I was bummed when I Skyrim started to become mainstream, it didn't feel special anymore. But the game is no different from the others and I respect Bethesda for that. I also have the goal of wanting to work for them.

But you also have to think: Its 2012, wifi and consoles are everywhere now, everyone has them. Pretty much every console game that paid at least $10 towards advertising is going to be discussed and spread like wildfire.
Theres no evidence it will be a WoW clone, and from the gameplay and commentary ive seen at E3, it isn't going to be.

I've listened to Todd Howard talk quite alot, he is definitely not someone who would let the series fall into greedy corporation shit.  Ive watched all of his DICE Summit speeches, the making of F3, Ob, and Skyrim, hes brilliant. And the fact the company takes time to produced behind the scenes videos like that is a surefire way to show they aren't just another EA.  When was the last time Battlefield or Call of duty did a making of/ behind the scenes?

The reason people hate Skyrim has nothing to do with it's popularity. It's the fact that it's a dumbed down easy piece of garbage. Oblivion was way more in-depth, and Morrowind even more so. Every game just gets simplified and dumbed down more and more, and Skyrim just so happened to be the end result of that. A dumbed down, simplified, mediocre rpg. It had some cool mechanics, but it was way too simple and had very little depth. And that's why people hate it, not because it's "mainstream" or "popular" as people tend to think. Real fans were just disappointed with what they got.
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #82 on: November 23, 2012, 01:42:37 am »
I agree there is some dumbing down, and some bad changes and bad porting. but I disagree with most fans. Overall:

Skyrim >>>>> oblivion >>>> morrowind.

morrowind may have some more depth but the % to hit combat and wall-of-text questing is fucking unplayable now compared to the later games.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #83 on: November 23, 2012, 08:02:55 am »
I agree there is some dumbing down, and some bad changes and bad porting. but I disagree with most fans. Overall:

Skyrim >>>>> oblivion >>>> morrowind.

morrowind may have some more depth but the % to hit combat and wall-of-text questing is fucking unplayable now compared to the later games.

There may be some features that haven't aged so well, but Skyrim honestly is nothing compared to Morrowind. Sure Skyrim is prettier and has some nice combat mechanics (although still pretty shit), but Morrowind is the far superior rpg and TES game.
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #84 on: November 23, 2012, 06:55:28 pm »
the game is sett 1000 years before SKYRIM and the giants, spiders, trolls looks the same ? :/ to lazy to make new models ?
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #85 on: November 27, 2012, 06:54:50 pm »
I'd like to try this game, but there's no way i'm paying a monthly subscription...
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #86 on: December 01, 2012, 03:38:32 am »
The reason people hate Skyrim has nothing to do with it's popularity. It's the fact that it's a dumbed down easy piece of garbage. Oblivion was way more in-depth, and Morrowind even more so. Every game just gets simplified and dumbed down more and more, and Skyrim just so happened to be the end result of that. A dumbed down, simplified, mediocre rpg. It had some cool mechanics, but it was way too simple and had very little depth. And that's why people hate it, not because it's "mainstream" or "popular" as people tend to think. Real fans were just disappointed with what they got.
Oh really? Then why is it Oblivion is considered the worst of the three by _real_ fans because of its npc and item scaling and overall difficulty?  Everyone I know who has played since morrowind and before says oblivion is the odd one out, not skyrim. Skyrim is right on track. The elder scrolls mechanics are just more familiar to players now so they don't see it as wonderful and mystifying anymore. Thats true for any game.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #87 on: December 01, 2012, 08:16:45 pm »
It's funny whenever I hear complains about Skyrim, Morrowind and Oblivion, because virtually any flaw these games had are fixed by the mods. In fact, Oblivion and Skyrim are among the most challenging solo games I've played with my mod setups.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #88 on: December 01, 2012, 09:11:32 pm »
I agree there is some dumbing down, and some bad changes and bad porting. but I disagree with most fans. Overall:

Skyrim >>>>> oblivion >>>> morrowind.

morrowind may have some more depth but the % to hit combat and wall-of-text questing is fucking unplayable now compared to the later games.

You son of a whore. Morrowind is superior to skyrim and oblivion by far.

brb actual challenging game
brb no goddamn pointer to everywhere in the game so you don't have to think about where to go
brb more magic spells
brb better enchanting
brb random shit happening all over thats actually awesome (like the guy who falls down and dies in the very beginning of the game in morrowind who has 2 or 3 scrollls on him that give you 500 acrobatics which mean you die unless you land in water - meaning its hilarious)
brb so much more

I'll admit the long load times for morrowind and the combat is annoying especially looking back now with very minimal load times and actual combat rather than % to hit. However the quality of the game itself is so much better.

It's funny whenever I hear complains about Skyrim, Morrowind and Oblivion, because virtually any flaw these games had are fixed by the mods. In fact, Oblivion and Skyrim are among the most challenging solo games I've played with my mod setups.

Yeah but it shouldn't have to be fixed with mods made by players. But perhaps they're used to that by now so they don't care to make the best game they can now.
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Re: The Elder Scrolls Online
« Reply #89 on: December 01, 2012, 09:21:47 pm »
Morrowind is challenging only if you don't know what to do at start.

1) Spawn in Seyda Neen
2) Go to Balmora, search guard tower for decent magical sword
3) Steal some high gems from magic trader
4) Sell them to rat in Caldera
5) Go to Ebonheart
6) Steal some shit there
7) Sell them to rat in Caldera

Use that gold to buy/enchant items of your liking and you're prepared for everything that awaits you.