Pretty much all of what Joe said was true. All the things he said were good were the same things I said were good, the class system, the combat, the crafting, and the PvP.
That being said, I am still enjoying the game.
Also take what he says with a grain of salt, he exaggerates a lot.
The imperial race being something you have to buy is really not that big of an issue, I would have rather had the imperials not available at all as they are daedra worshippers in the game and the imperial you play as is a rogue imperial who left his daedra worshipping brethren. But shit, just play as one of the other races appearance wise they don't stand out or look all that special. Anyone can get access to the imperial's racial crafting style and their unique racial abilities are good but not any better than the other races.
Plus, money isn't THAT hard to get. Only a stupid person would farm mobs for 1 gold a piece. If you wanted to farm mobs you can farm wolves easily for their leather and sell it in zone chat for 600g a stack much easier. Not to mention the fact that if you just quest you will get the gold along the way. I just felt they made them cost 42k instead of putting a level requirement on them like all other games. Basically if you are leveling an alt or something you can buy that 42k mount from the very start which is awesome, but otherwise you will have to wait til you are a higher level to get the best mount.
And running isn't that bad. I have been running on foot pretty much the whole game. There are wayshrines all over the place that you can teleport to much like guild wars 2 where there were no mounts at all.
The effects aren't epic or anything and the boss fights can be disappointing, though this is in line with every other MMO I have played, so its nothing new.
I have also been playing this game exclusively with my brother and haven't had any issues leveling together. A lot of stuff is counted for the group like kills and most of the time pickups but every group member does have to complete puzzles. However I have noticed you do run into some issues if you don't play exclusively with eachother because of the fact you sometimes can't help them with quests you have already completed.
The most infuriating thing about this game is the bots in public dungeons, as he said, there are usually ten or so bots sitting there camping the boss spamming auto attack in every dungeon. I wish the public dungeons were instanced per group, this might be something they change in the future.
And the nodes and chests should be instanced as well.
Additionally, the UI sucks. Though, as he said, it is easily fixed through addons thanks to their nice addon system. It is lame you have to use addons to fix the shitty UI, but its so easy to fix I don't really care.
But yeah, it is still possible to enjoy the game. Definitely try it when it goes f2p if you have your reservations. As I mentioned in my previous posts I believe it will go f2p in a year or so, maybe requiring an initial purchase of the game, and if you would like to save the money your best bet would be to wait. I personally wanted a MMO to play right now and don't care about spending 15$ a month so I have been enjoying this.
I really think the biggest problem for ESO is the fact that it is an Elder Scrolls MMO, as this creates expectations that will not be met. It is just a MMO with a taste of Elder Scrolls lore.and afaik the horses you can buy with real money are equal to the 17k horse and the 42k gold horse is still better.