I like the Long Arming Sword. This forgotten sword (don't see it mentioned anywhere...) is within a couple points of the best swords (in terms of damage and speed) but is slightly longer than the side sword and 3k or 4k cheaper! This lets you have 3k worth of more armor, etc. It works well for me, and is a good choice for horseback as well.
Long Arming Sword
cost: 5k
spd rtng 98
weapon length 102
swing damage 30, cut
thrust damage 24 pierce
Long Espada Nordic Champ Sword
cost: 8k cost: 8k
spd rtng 98 spd rtng 97
weapon length 103 weapon length 102
swing damage 29, cut swing damage 32, cut
thrust damage 28 pierce thrust damage 21 pierce
cost: 9k
spd rtng 101
weapon length 95
swing damage 32, cut
thrust damage 26 pierce